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Everything posted by Frozen

  1. Didn't understand, can you show a video or a gif?
  2. The syssr seems fine... You have to put PyCallClassMember..... in the end of the function (out of the if statements)
  3. It seems correct, i tested and it works. Give me your skype i will try to see whats wrong.
  4. show me a print of your overInitem function
  5. #EDIT Bug in second inventory solution: Search for: def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): add under: slotPos = overSlotPos replace with this in the end of the function: if overSlotPos in constInfo.NEWITEMS: self.wndItem.EnableCoverButton(slotPos) constInfo.NEWITEMS.remove(overSlotPos)
  6. Thats incorrect, every time you open client, it gets the constInfo varables and they are set in the client you are in. So you can open as many clients as you want it will have the default constInfo variables and not the ones in the other client open. Every time you set a variable in constInfo is like you are defining in your code, so the storage work like a variable not has a file. I dont know if you understand, sorry for my bad english,
  7. Oh i didnt notice that! Thanks for detecting that bug i will see what i can do. Kind Regards What?? Why you say that?
  8. Check if you have import shop in the file. If you do have, there are files or code missing in client source.
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, im here today releasing my version of slot effect system. Is not the same as the official looks like but in the future i will update this to look the same. Screenshot to see how it looks like. Everything in this system was made by me. Tutorial: Go to UserInterface > PythonPlayer.cpp Search for : void CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(TItemPos Cell, const TItemData & c_rkItemInst) Add in the end of the funcion: PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_ppyGameWindow, "OnNewItem", Py_BuildValue("(i)", Cell.cell)); Compile It. Go to root > constInfo.py Add this somewhere: NEWITEMS = [] Save it. Go to root > game.py Add this function: def OnNewItem(self, cell): if not cell in constInfo.NEWITEMS: constInfo.NEWITEMS.append(cell) Save It. Go to root > uiinventory.py Search for : def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): Add this before this: (if 0 == itemCount:) : if itemCount == 0 and slotNumber in constInfo.NEWITEMS: constInfo.NEWITEMS.remove(slotNumber) Add this under this: (setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount)) : self.wndItem.EnableCoverButton(i) if slotNumber in constInfo.NEWITEMS: self.wndItem.SetCoverButton(i, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_00.sub",\ "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_00.sub",\ "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_00.sub",\ "d:/ymir work/ui/new_icon.tga", FALSE, FALSE) self.wndItem.DisableCoverButton(i) Search for: def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): Add under: slotPos = overSlotPos Add in the end: if overSlotPos in constInfo.NEWITEMS: self.wndItem.EnableCoverButton(slotPos) constInfo.NEWITEMS.remove(overSlotPos) Save It. Finally go to ymirwork/ui and add this file: [Hidden Content] Pack root and etc. Have fun This may not be the most optimized way to do this system, but at least you have a way. In the future i will post more updates such as a more optimized versions and with official effects. If you find any bugs please post it. #UPDATE Kind Regards, Frozen
  10. You did not defined petLevel, add this after local petName = ...: local petLevel = 1 and erase bFromFar.
  11. You just need to replace your pet.summon function in dennis quest with this one pet.summon(mobnum, petname, level)
  12. I tested everything and worked, you sure you compiled?
  13. You just need to put the mob item vnum(item) and the mount vnum (vnum). quest mount_bug begin state start begin when item.use begin local mountNum = { [item] = vnum } if pc.is_mount() then pc.setqf("mount", 0) else pc.setqf("mount", mountNum[item.get_vnum()]) end end when login with pc.getqf("mount") > 0 begin pc.mount(pc.getqf("mount"), 60*60*24*60) --time set for 60 days end end end
  14. For the second problem try using one of this quests: quest mount_bug begin state start begin when login with pc.is_mount() begin pc.unmount() pc.mount(vnum) end end end quest mount_bug begin state start begin when item.use begin if pc.is_mount() then pc.setqf("is_mount", 0) else pc.setqf("is_mount", 1) end end when login with pc.getqf("is_mount") == 1 begin pc.unmount() pc.mount(vnum) end end end Im not sure if the first quest will work , because i dont know if when the player teleports he still has the is_mount() information so try both quests. Dont forget to change the item and the vnum in the quest.
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