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Everything posted by Syreldar

  1. 1031 22:43:34983 :: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation Check the indentation in your root files.
  2. Perfect, everything working, i suppose i'm missing the c++ loading of the scale txt now, since they are not attached to the bone.
  3. Hey thanks for the answer! That line is for the rendering of the object, it works when i toss it to the ground i see the sash lying on the ground, but i can't see it when i equip it. I'll try using that index as value3, again, thanks!
  4. Usually, the model to use on a player is given by a vnum linked to its msm: The value3. But how does it work for the sashes? And is it linked to the item_scale.txt?
  5. If you bought this system, contact @VegaS, he will surely be able to help you, since he's the owner.
  6. [Hidden Content] if i use ["vnum"][1] or .vnum[1] it doesn't recognize the key vnum and instead says that it doesn't exist, so i suppose the returned table is {[number] = value} and not {[column] = value}
  7. Yes, but specifying the key when you already check for the column to be a determined one in the query is rather useless, LIMIT 1 also does the job (and i prefer it over the [1] after the mysql.query). Three ways of doing the same thing are: .["duration"][1] (I dislike it.) [1] after the mysql.function (since you already select a column, in this case duration, and you just want one result) LIMIT 1 at the end of the query.
  8. Then why just not [1]? He said he wants a single vnum: the one which fullfills his condition. Specifying the column name when you already check for the column to be a determined one is rather useless, LIMIT 1 also does the job (and i prefer it over the [1] after the mysql.query).
  9. there is a difference between inserting that var in the quest and inserting it inside the function. XD by inserting it inside the function and naming it the same as the function arg you make a mistake since you override it, by inserting it inside the quest you save the item id inside a local variable which you can use for the quest, and you can do it. no you don't have to put item_id inside the function since the function already takes an argument named item_id. This is basic programing, i shouldn't be there teaching you what does that mean cause understanding how variables work is simple, almost like doing 1+1. local LOL = item.get_id() -> GetDuration(LOL) -> mysql.query(string.format("SELECT duration FROM %s.new_petsystem WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1;", player, LOL)) get it?
  10. Hi. First of all, what the hell is that ".duration[1]" at the end of the mysql.query function? 2. By calling a function named item_id, you are overriding the function arg which is also a var named item_id. Which means that regardless of what you insert inside the function arg, it will return a static value, item.get_id() which is what you put inside "local item_id". Check the function i've just written: [Hidden Content] This is for you; [Hidden Content]
  11. Yes that's correct, but the item_desc already supports it by using the | command! No need to modify the py's.
  12. by putting a space between | and the letters.
  13. Programing is like math, if it doesn't work you are the one doing something wrong, not the client or the server, and i just gave you the solution for the problem, if it doesn't work, again you are doing something wrong.
  14. I am confident on the fact you do not know how to add new bonuses in your client, cause yeah, you are not the only one who had to get through this problem to add sash system, yet everyone knows this problem is a basic level problem. If you know how bonuses work you should be aware about the fact you can't simply randomly add the bonus in the affect array in uitooltip.py, but you also have to define it on a specific line, in your case, the line number 97 of the affect array, the bonuses are indexed automatically.
  15. No you didn't, The client can't read a bonus which has Type number 97. Add it in uitooltip.py and locale_game.py.
  16. Why would you change combo indexes to make a weapon costume work?
  17. uiCharacter.py(line:405) __LoadWindow This is the error, whoever says it's in ui.py is not able to read the syserr properly.
  18. That has nothing to do with the item_proto. Your skill_table.txt in locale / your playersettingmodule.py in root are missing the skill number 49.
  19. QUEST_REWARD_LOG -> design_table -> 5 -> length -> increase till the error disappears.
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