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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. It's not free, this event and all it's contents are paid...
  2. Solved: -lmysqlclient -lboost_system -devil related Unsolved: -llua -lminilzo (not popped up yet) How I solved? For mysql I just used the includes and the libs installed on FreeBSD 10.4 x64 (/usr/local/include/mysql and /usr/local/lib/mysql) For boost, same thing, installed boost_all and linked to the respective folders For devil, this was the trick one, besides installing devil, I also had to link to -ljasper and build -lnvtt from here: [Hidden Content] , for this to work I also had to remove -static from CFLAGS, otherwise I couldn't build using -lnvtt I just can't solve lua (and minilzo hasn't popped up yet, I don't know if it is going to be a headache)
  3. Hello I'm trying to use the source by Ira, but I can't compile it. I'm using FreeBSD 10.4 amd64 with clang38. According to the creator this source is supposed to be able to build under x64 environment: ++ You can compile source under amd64 system. The errors only appear when is linking: /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ../../../extern/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a when searching for -lmysqlclient /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient This also happens with llua, lboost_system, lminilzo and all devil related. Anyone can help me please? Thanks
  4. Hello guys, I have the Asus ROG GL552VW laptop with a GeForce GTX 960M 2GB GDDR5. My question is, can I use the BenQ ZOWIE XL2720 Monitor at 1080p@120Hz? I contacted the BenQ support to obtain information about the HDMI version for this monitor, and they told me it is HDMI 1.4. I also searched about the HDMI version for this graphics card and I found out it has HDMI 1.4b. Can anyone clear this out of my head please? Thank you all
  5. [Hidden Content] SoYouStart uses OVH DDoS protection, and it's a shit (sorry the language), think about other host with better DDoS Protection... Check this one out: [Hidden Content] I used it and I recommend it (I used KVM-4), I had some DDoS attacks but my server was never "off" for a second.
  6. I updated just now with the last icons from metin2 on steam
  7. I canceled the host of that domain (I couldn't pay for it), I'll look for some free host just to host that database... EDIT: Here it is: [Hidden Content]
  8. The map shows when the login screen appears?
  9. Offtopic: @StormHunter don't you get tired of complaining about everyone? CG and metin2dev, don't you have a life besides criticizing everyone? I never saw you post anything, soo.. yeah, you just like to criticize...
  10. Already thought about all of those, maybe know I'll see them The Flash, Arrow and every other Marvel's series I already saw Riverdale already seen, liked it, The Strain I stopped watching because was becoming like walking dead, just killing the creatures, stopped after the 1 episode of season 2... Sherlock never seen but good references Daredevil only seen the first season, but I'll definitely seen the second
  11. No xD I don't like it...
  12. Arrow Supergirl The Flash DC's Legends of Tomorrow Time After Time Smallville Marvel's Luke Cage Marvel's Daredevil Marvel's Jessica Jones Marvel's Iron Fist Marvel's The Defenders Sense8 MacGyver Lethal Weapon Scorpion Lucifer Chuck This are just a few...
  13. Hello guys I would like to have some opinions about new series that I can watch... Thanks
  14. I didn't tell the contrary, I just said that the topic is a complete copy past, because of the text background (is gray) I think we aren't supposed to do so much spam, maybe some mod can clean the topic...
  15. I'm talking about the post not the script, I didn't even downloaded it, the post is 100% copy past from another forum...
  16. Hello I'm trying to install LG Bridge, but when I open it it says: I already tried to use LG PC Suite, but it says that my model isn't supported and that I should use LG Bridge (I have LG G5 H850) Anyone knows how can I solve this? I already tried with some tutorials that I find online but none worked. I have Windows 10 Pro x64 Thanks
  17. If you can do jumping and bunny hop like cs go, you're the best ahahahah
  18. Hello My server is crashing only in the CH99, this is the result of gdb of game.core: Anyone knows what can be causing this? Thank you all P.S.: This bug started yesterday afternoon, I didn't do anything for about 2 days ago...
  19. Add que correct msm on each file, add que querys or on the txt with type 28 (ITEM_COSTUME) and subtype 0 (COSTUME_BODY) or 1 (COSTUME_HAIR)
  20. Hello, I'm having a trouble when I'm trying to create a function to block/unblock pet pick up. This are my functions: int pet_pick_up(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); CPetSystem* petSystem = ch->GetPetSystem(); CPetActor* petActor; if (0 == petSystem) return 0; petActor->CanPickUp(lua_toboolean(L, 1)); return 1; } int pet_cant_pick_up(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); CPetSystem* petSystem = ch->GetPetSystem(); CPetActor* petActor; if (0 == petSystem) return 0; petActor->CanPickUp(lua_toboolean(L, 0)); return 1; } This is my other functions on PetSystem public: bool PickUpAuto() const { return pickup; }; void CanPickUp(bool pick) { pickup = pick; }; private: bool pickup; On CPetActor::Update I'm using this: if (this->IsSummoned()) { if(!PickUpAuto()) return true; this->BringItem(); this->PickUpItems(900); // 900 = RANGE } On the quest: if pc.getqf("pickup_pet") == 0 then pet.pick_up() pc.setqf("pickup_pet", 1) syschat("Pickup da pet ativado.") return elseif pc.getqf("pickup_pet") == 1 then pet.cant_pick_up() pc.setqf("pickup_pet", 0) syschat("Pickup da pet desativado.") return end Sometimes it blocks, sometimes it doesn't, I can't specify more because I can't find a pattern... Thanks P.S.: I'm using this Pet Pick Up System: [Hidden Content] (it was posted on another community)
  21. I managed to use a function on GFquestlib.lua: local settings = oxevents.set_settings() local reward = get_random_vnum_from_table(settings.premio) oxevent.give_item(reward,1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I've another question, how can I start the event at a specified hour? Like, cronjob, everyday at the same hour. I have the boot event (got it from vanilla source, I don't know if it useful for this situation) Thanks
  22. v140_xp is for VS 2017, if I'm not wrong...
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