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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. From what I see on this topic: DirectX 9 has some problems with textures and minimap, I don't know if it's the best option to upgrade it...
  2. I edited the post, maybe you didn't saw it...
  3. I don't use Fullscreen, but with 800x600 on window mode I have no bug... Btw, I tried to change DirectX 8 to 9, but I couldn't, there's a lot (really, a lot) things to change, and some functions are not compatible and some types are not declared on DirectX 9...
  4. I use 1920x1080 and I have this error until I restart my computer after playing cs go, on 800x600 I never have this problem...
  5. I believe it's 8, every file directx related have d3d8*.h
  6. How can I check that, and if I have DirectX 8, how can I upgrade to 9? Thank you
  7. I have DirectX 12 version on my computer, but I noticed that this bug just happens after I play CS GO and if I'm in windowed mode with max resolution, until I restart the computer...
  8. Nothing changed... I also think if it that the reason, the troubleshooter would have done something no?
  9. Hello I'm having this problem for quit some time, but it didn't matter until now... Before I only noticed this problem more on Steam, when I launched it always failed to connect, just at the second try I could open steam. But now, I moved my FreeBSD server (VirtualBox) to a VPS and when I try to connect (using PuTTy) the first attempt always fails, but the second is successful (if it is executed as soon as the 1st fails, otherwise it won't work), the same happens to the database (on the same server) when I connect using Navicat, first fails, second goes (same as SSH), but one of the most annoying parts is the game server, just after a few tries I can login... But, even when it's already connected if I don't touch that program for a while (PuTTy or Navicat, and even the game) I need to reestablish connection. I refresh the table or try to enter a database it fails, I try to write something in PuTTy it stays there a few seconds and just after that shows what I wrote, on the game is the same thing... As funny as it may sound, with FileZilla I don't have any problem to connect, it goes always at the first try... This happens with various programs, like Spotify too... I already tried to disable Windows Firewall, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (and recently I installed ESET Internet Security, so the problem is not there)... I had a program called Windows Firewall Control (I think the problem started when I installed this) but I already uninstalled this program (and it's definitions) but nothing changed... Is also not in the routers, since my other PC is connected to the same router and I don't have any kind of problem... I'm running on Windows 10 Pro x64 with all the updates. Network cards: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller and Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265 Someone knows something else that I could try? Thank you
  10. Hello, Today I discovered a bug that happens with storage and mall, itens once inside can't get out... I mean, I have itens on the storage, but I can't get them to the inventory, but I can put from the inventory to the storage, the same happens with mall... I have the GM Absolute Restriction System (except for my character), I tried with normal players too, once the item is inside, doesn't get out... Someone can help me? Thanks
  11. After a few restarts on the computer I got it to work, but I also changed the IME option... I'm always checking for updates for my graphics card (Intel on CPU + GTX 960M) so they are always updated for the other games... Thanks anyway
  12. I don't think so, when it happens with me, happens with my friends... But I'll ask them to check if it's happen, since I didn't opened the server yet...
  13. BUMP This bug is back... It was solved by himself, but now it's back and I don't know what is the problem...
  14. Sorry, but how can I do that? I don't like python very much... Thanks
  15. Hello, Someone knows how can I correct this? Thanks
  16. Hello Can someone give me: - Teleporter quest with all options from official server - npc.txt (updated) from metin2_map_capedragonhead, metin2_map_dawnmist_dungeon_01, metin2_map_dawnmistwood and metin2_map_mt_th_dungeon_01 - official quest (with the texts if possible) of blazing purgatory and nemere's watch tower - mob_drop_item.txt and special_item_drop.txt from official server - locale_string.txt in portuguese of portugal - cube.txt from official server - refine_proto like official servers Thanks
  17. BUMP Please guys, this bug is really annoying...
  18. Hello, My text on client is all messed up: This just started happening today, I already restarted my client dozens of times and keeps the same... What is wrong? Thanks
  19. Nothing changed... I already tried a couple different environments and none has worked...
  20. Hello, I'm having a problem with some cities I got from other server (a closed server), but I'm getting eye cancer with this thing... When I get login into a city 1 I can see the correct shining of the armor, but when I start moving it get's darker, anyone knows what can be causing this? On other maps like city 2 I don't have this problem... Thanks
  21. Hello, I'm using a function released by Optimus (created by VegaS) for the Market Metin2CMS, but when I start the game and enter in the map, I get disconnected and that core crashes... gdb: This is the code: /********* * file: input_login.cpp * description: Time update in real-time table last_play * date: Tuesday, Aug 01 st 2016, 02:44am * author: VegaS */ //1.) Search: void CInputLogin::Entergame(LPDESC d, const char * data) { LPCHARACTER ch; [........................................] } //2.) Add bellow: #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATE_LASTPLAY_REAL_TIME /********* * I put this verification level as not to over apply database updates elsewhere for characters that start at * first on the game that is at level 1, I believe that it is not necessary for a player of that level to have time adapted real-time. */ int pLevel = 0; // To begin initialize of level 5 ++ if (ch->GetLevel() > pLevel) { char pUpdateTime[1024]; snprintf(pUpdateTime, sizeof(pUpdateTime), "UPDATE player.player SET last_play = NOW() WHERE id = %u", ch->GetPlayerID()); std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> sUpdate(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery(pUpdateTime)); } #endif I already tried to remove the if condition, but then I get the error on snprintf, also tried to remove it and set the query directly on the DirectQuery function, but then I get the error here... Someone can help me? What is wrong with that function? Thanks EDIT: Solved! I put the function after ch->SendGreetMessage();
  22. Problem solved! Removed minilzo, added -llzo2 LIB to makefile and set to use lzo include headers from system instead the ones on the source...
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