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Everything posted by Karbust

  1. Hello, Today a friend of mine told me about a bug that exists since forever on metin2, it isn't a big of a deal, but I would like to have it right... This only happens with 4 armors: 11000 Armadura de Lobo (Wolf) 11010 Armadura Javali Selvagem (Wild Boar) 11020 Armadura de Urso (Bear) 11030 Armadura de Tigre (Tiger) A little video explaining the bug: How to reproduce this bug: -First, be a ninja -Use a dagger or a bow -Use one of the armors above -Use a sword (while the armor is still being used) -Remove the armor Anyone knows how can I solve this? Thank you
  2. That's not item_proto, thats the item table, that's the item after absorbing a armor or a weapon... It's 100%...
  3. The command state (/state <name>) I haven't tested the damage, but it's absorbing 100%, it saves like that on the database... This is my uitooltip.py of the sashs
  4. Hello, I have this bug on sash system: It is absorbing the 100% of the bonus (just the 1/5 and on 6/7, the normal bonus from armor/weapon it is applying the correct ones)... On the tooltip it shows the correct bonus, but the 1/5 and the 6/7 isn't corresponding the the write absorption... Anyone can help me out? Thanks
  5. Hello, I've tried to implement the arrows quiver system on my server, but it doesn't do any damage (either on hit or skill) and the effect doesn't show. A little video: [Hidden Content] I already check the tutorial 3 times, but I can't seem to find anything wrong... If anyone knew the solution, I would appreciate. Thanks
  6. But, how can I edit that to show 2 bonus? I only pretend on some stones, not all...
  7. Hello, How can I put 2 bonus on the spirit stones? I put 2 bonus, but only the first one shows on the ToolTip, but both bonus are applied (checked using the state command) Thanks
  8. ACMD(do_stat_plus_amount) { char szPoint[256]; one_argument(argument, szPoint, sizeof(szPoint)); if (*szPoint == '\0') return; if (ch->IsPolymorphed()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("둔갑 중에는 능력을 올릴 수 없습니다.")); return; } int nRemainPoint = ch->GetPoint(POINT_STAT); if (nRemainPoint <= 0) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("남은 스탯 포인트가 없습니다.")); return; } int nPoint = 0; str_to_number(nPoint, szPoint); if (nRemainPoint < nPoint) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("남은 스탯 포인트가 적습니다.")); return; } if (nPoint < 0) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("값을 잘못 입력하였습니다.")); return; } switch (subcmd) { case POINT_HT : // 체력 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_HT) > 90) { nPoint = 90 - ch->GetPoint(POINT_HT); } break; case POINT_IQ : // 지능 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_IQ) > 90) { nPoint = 90 - ch->GetPoint(POINT_IQ); } break; case POINT_ST : // 근력 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_ST) > 90) { nPoint = 90 - ch->GetPoint(POINT_ST); } break; case POINT_DX : // 민첩 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_DX) > 90) { nPoint = 90 - ch->GetPoint(POINT_DX); } break; default : ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("명령어의 서브 커맨드가 잘못 되었습니다.")); return; break; } if (nPoint != 0) { ch->SetRealPoint(subcmd, ch->GetRealPoint(subcmd) + nPoint); ch->SetPoint(subcmd, ch->GetPoint(subcmd) + nPoint); ch->ComputePoints(); ch->PointChange(subcmd, 0); ch->PointChange(POINT_STAT, -nPoint); ch->ComputePoints(); } } This is the original code from the source... From what I understand of this lines: case POINT_HT : // 체력 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_HT) > 90) { nPoint = 90 - ch->GetPoint(POINT_HT); } break; If you try with more than 90 points it only goes up to 90 no matter what... This is the original code, this is mine: ACMD(do_stat_plus_amount) { char szPoint[256]; one_argument(argument, szPoint, sizeof(szPoint)); if (*szPoint == '\0') return; if (ch->IsPolymorphed()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("둔갑 중에는 능력을 올릴 수 없습니다.")); return; } int nRemainPoint = ch->GetPoint(POINT_STAT); if (nRemainPoint <= 0) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("남은 스탯 포인트가 없습니다.")); return; } int nPoint = 0; str_to_number(nPoint, szPoint); if (nRemainPoint < nPoint) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("남은 스탯 포인트가 적습니다.")); return; } if (nPoint < 0) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("값을 잘못 입력하였습니다.")); return; } switch (subcmd) { case POINT_HT : // 체력 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_HT) > gPlayerMaxHT) { nPoint = gPlayerMaxHT - ch->GetPoint(POINT_HT); } break; case POINT_IQ : // 지능 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_IQ) > gPlayerMaxIQ) { nPoint = gPlayerMaxIQ - ch->GetPoint(POINT_IQ); } break; case POINT_ST : // 근력 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_ST) > gPlayerMaxST) { nPoint = gPlayerMaxST - ch->GetPoint(POINT_ST); } break; case POINT_DX : // 민첩 if (nPoint + ch->GetPoint(POINT_DX) > gPlayerMaxDX) { nPoint = gPlayerMaxDX - ch->GetPoint(POINT_DX); } break; default : ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("명령어의 서브 커맨드가 잘못 되었습니다.")); return; break; } if (nPoint != 0) { ch->SetRealPoint(subcmd, ch->GetRealPoint(subcmd) + nPoint); ch->SetPoint(subcmd, ch->GetPoint(subcmd) + nPoint); ch->ComputePoints(); ch->PointChange(subcmd, 0); ch->PointChange(POINT_STAT, -nPoint); ch->ComputePoints(); } } gPlayerMaxHT, gPlayerMaxIQ, gPlayerMaxST, gPlayerMaxDX This are global variables defined by config, soo, ignore them...
  9. What do you mean stats limits? I've used it on a lot of servers, including my own, and it respects the limits of stats... Example, if the server limits 100 it doesn't go up that, in fact it doesn't even used the points until you try a lower value that fits the limit...
  10. It's included in the source... I already used it on 2089M...
  11. Are you trying to create a command like: /con+ <arg1> /int <arg1> /str <arg1> /dex <arg1> This already gives the points you want to add, example: /con+ 50 This will "move" 50 of you available points into VIT Correct me if didn't understand your topic...
  12. Actually, I do xD I didn't noticed they weren't on that pack sorry https://mega.nz/#!NBJSAS6S!vXEOEVgE0yyCaWJF_arMF_MuxpsboX6Xg6qYKsx-Y_Q
  13. https://mega.nz/#!0RYgTYZR!2GeyZOKgQ6XMDH4-CISQz8cEt2ws07s88u2M5Cu-n5I
  14. I know it's not a music, but livestream of musics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ksvZx4BgD0
  15. No... 100% sure that's not possible... When you 'shout' it saves it automatically on the database and you can't change something that everyone can see on real time...
  16. I've watched up to season 8x05 but then my series restarted and I stopped watching xD
  17. This is a guide zone zone a Q&A section...
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