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Everything posted by Nuzzo

  1. I tried with a timer but only slowed down the loading..I should find a way to run this code only when it has actually loaded everything, but I have a hard time doing that
  2. Wouldn't that slow down the loading?
  3. This doesn't work if I have to check the effect as soon as I enter the game, how can I solve it?
  4. Hello everyone, can anyone help me with this problem? I only have it with the armor costume, the weapon costume works fine. Thanks!
  5. Thank you for this release but I don't understand one thing With ctr+b it sends the mount away but the seal remains in the costumes, to recall the mount I have to remove the seal and put it back on or use the horse's book. Is that right? Is it just my problem?
  6. Hello everyone, after several searches I have found other people with this problem but I have not found a solution yet. Does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you very much
  7. I upgraded visual studio to the latest version to test. Compilation works even without this: "- Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h." "- In Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h>" Is it no longer necessary?
  8. Is it also necessary to include it in EterBase.vcxproj? Also, if I haven't encountered any problems so far, is this an upgrade that needs to be done? I noticed that the compilation time has quadrupled
  9. # Boost INCDIR += -I../../../extern/include/boost Is this not needed in the makefile in the game folder? This : typedef boost::unordered_map<DWORD, TCubeResultList> TCubeMapByNPC; Gives me this error when I compile: no template named 'unordered_map' in namespace 'boost';
  10. comment: self.infoGuildMark.Show() Just out of curiosity may I ask why?
  11. Armor and weapons have been implemented, I see the icons but I don't see the textures
  12. Yes sorry, I saw your answer from my phone, I didn't have the code in sight. I didn't quite remember the whole function of that code
  13. Thank you very much for your answer. Is there a possibility of having immunities to slowdown or stun instead?
  14. Does anyone else have this problem? It seems that immunities assigned to mobs don't work
  15. The mob is poisoned but takes no damage. However, if I put slow instead of poison, the mob is still slowed down, at least the slowing effect is at
  16. enum EImmuneFlags { IMMUNE_STUN = (1 << 0), IMMUNE_SLOW = (1 << 1), IMMUNE_FALL = (1 << 2), IMMUNE_CURSE = (1 << 3), IMMUNE_POISON = (1 << 4), IMMUNE_TERROR = (1 << 5), IMMUNE_REFLECT = (1 << 6), }; int get_Mob_ImmuneFlag_Value(string inputString) { string arImmuneFlag[] = {"STUN","SLOW","FALL","CURSE","POISON","TERROR", "REFLECT"}; bool CHARACTER::IsImmune(DWORD dwImmuneFlag) { if (IS_SET(m_pointsInstant.dwImmuneFlag, dwImmuneFlag)) { int immune_pct = 100; int percent = number(1, 100); if (percent <= immune_pct) // 90% Immune { if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_SUCCESS> (%s)", GetName()); return true; } else { if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s)", GetName()); return false; } } if (test_server && IsPC()) ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "<IMMUNE_FAIL> (%s) NO_IMMUNE_FLAG", GetName()); return false; }
  17. Hi all, I have a problem with immuneflag in mob proto. When I insert for example POISON or SLOW, the mob still gets poisoned or slowed down. In itemdata.h, length.h, dump_proto everything seems ok to me. What else should I check? Thanks for the help
  18. Is it possible that there is a problem with EimmuneFlags? If I assign POISON to a mob, it still gets poisoned.
  19. For those who have problems between group leaders and other pgs beware of this: //Find in bool CHARACTER::BuildUpdatePartyPacket(TPacketGCPartyUpdate & out) out.affects[6] = GetPoint(POINT_PARTY_DEFENDER_BONUS); } ///Add #if defined(__BL_PARTY_POSITION__) out.x = GetX(); out.y = GetY(); #endif You are adding inside the bracket, you have to put it after, before return
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