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Everything posted by metin2team

  1. root -> uiSystemOption.py or the uiscript file related to it. You should check root -> uiTarget.py Quest-Client communication(for any version)
  2. That's with the GuildID not to create a whole new table the creator used the player.item table.
  3. the vector is already sorted sort(m_vec_itemTable.begin(), m_vec_itemTable.end(), FCompareVnum());
  4. you don't need the source for that .. data/monster/YOUR_MOUNT's_FOLDER
  5. add it to locale_game.txt REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET[TAB]There is no Gold socket to include %s . change [TAB] with a tab
  6. Well done I'll try it as soon as I get it.. also please provide another link other than the attachments. mega would be a great choice.
  7. this means that if you don't own the item the pet won't get it unless you have your char's name on it.
  8. Im if (!item->GetSectree() || !item->IsOwnership(player)) return;
  9. I released the source of this topic. do you have to worship me?! (non-sense) other than that is just a simple html form with one input text with one checkbox "true". if not checked then false. and a submit button.
  10. Table 'account.player_index' doesn't exist Table 'account.safebox' doesn't exist Table 'account.messenger_list' doesn't exist you have to change account table in game cores CONFIG file NOT AUTH to player. wtf?
  11. if you add the images then go all the way up. you save the file you'll get the .msenv file you want
  12. shopGetItemPrice in the return statement return Py_BuildValue("L", c_pItemData->price); make sure that the (price) is long long or something like it.
  13. define wrong? make sure that the flag has QUEST_USE_MULTIPLE(1024)
  14. from type ITEM_QUEST -> ITEM_UNIQUE in numbers (18 -> 16) check the type of this item 71124 and subtype and wearflag and you'll get what I mean.
  15. the type of the seal item is 18 (ITEM_QUEST) you should change it to unique. like the other seals listed above.
  16. is he? https://metin2dev.org/board/index.php?/staff/
  17. as I said before I've done it a long time ago so I'm not sure if the thing I'll tell you is going to fix it. (done at 2014) def SetMaxLength(self, length): length = min(MAX, length) change MAX with 12 or 15.
  18. you should check preprocessor's RenameElement command.
  19. so this GetStatus(type) returns LONGLONG? if yes then you need to check the SetStatus and make sure that it takes the same datatype (LONGLONG)
  20. since that I've done it a long time ago, I'm not sure what's the problem you're facing. anyway, can you tell me what PointChangeEx.amount 's datatype is? what is the type that this (GetStatus) function is returning?
  21. latest versions are better than old ones.
  22. check if the sessions are enabled. check if the sessions are storing the files in the right directory usually /tmp sometimes it's a permissions problem the folder doesn't have the right "ownership/permission privileges". those are the main reasons to cause such problem. that's not a "fix".
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