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Everything posted by metin2team

  1. if you're using the source You'll find it fixed in Novaline, DB/Monarch.cpp snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT a.empire, a.pid, b.name, a.money, a.windate FROM monarch a, player%s b WHERE a.pid=b.id", GetTablePostfix());
  2. use a regen tool !! no one will do your work :|
  3. inside your project locale -> locale_inc.h add this. #define USE_AHNLAB_HACKSHIELD
  4. UPDATE item_proto SET shop_buy_price = gold / 2 WHERE shop_buy_price > gold; with that you'll make sure that you don't have any item that has a higher selling price than the buying one.
  5. It's not a good idea to apply such a Dif because there will be so many complaints about losing items because of a "false drop"
  6. make sure you upload the pc2 folder into your data folder "server-side"
  7. 1. use WorldEditor and make sure that the image doesn't have a white space at the bottom. (photoshop or its equivalent)
  8. that means that a core has gone down ... it's not a "bug" to be fixed.
  9. you need a lib or you need a self-compiled game anyway Vanilla's core is a "fail"
  10. those are generated when the (file) crashes so you can ignore them
  11. 'AGGR' = 1 'NOMOVE' = 2 'COWARD' = 4 'NOATTSHINSU' = 8 'NOATTCHUNJO' = 16 'NOATTJINNO' = 32 'ATTMOB' = 64 'BERSERK' = 128 'STONESKIN' = 256 'GODSPEED' = 512 'DEATHBLOW' = 1024 'REVIVE' = 2048
  12. what is the point of this topic? are you a kid Rumor? you insulted the guy in the conversation, that tells us who you are!
  13. def __BonusPage(self): import PaginaBonusuri if PaginaBonusuri.BonusBoardDialog().Board.IsShow(): PaginaBonusuri.BonusBoardDialog().Board.Hide() else: PaginaBonusuri.BonusBoardDialog().LoadUI()
  14. This is how to fix it... it took me 5 minutes to figure it out .. it's not the best but it's working. UiInventory.py have fun
  15. a sql-injection From that I can tell that who wrote that message isn't Shogun
  16. check the db conf.txt and make sure that the level is under or equal what's thereand the deletion code is correct, too.
  17. server timer needs an argument like map_index you can use time
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