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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 4 minutes ago, Cunoo said:

    @TMP4 I can supply a reorganized client if anyone is interested...

    What I means?

    1. All granny files converted to 2.11.0 version, optimalized shaders and without compress. + bonus reorganized textures + optimalized textures, renamed such names and created new string for all things..

    2. Reorganized PC, PC2 to better format string and without files whats are not for character works..

    2.1 Reorganized all armours too new pack.. + same as things as 1. Point..

    And too much things so I can too late add more informations + images about it..

    I don't think many people here have a client like that.

    EDIT: Btw.. .msm is too reorganized, item proto too (official) and little changes in sourxe.. All can be make.. 

    Thank you but I want to keep this project's client and server 100% official since it is a reference serverfile.

    But feel free to release it, I'm sure there are people who loved that optimized client ?

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  2. On 2/13/2021 at 8:28 AM, Ezequiel G. said:

    Reupload direct link please! ?

    They're still working, just copy-paste the links to a new window instead of clicking them (Chrome).

    Btw how would the OP supposed to reupload on Gameforge's webserver? ?

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  3. Added CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR languages in V1.1! (Both clientside & serverside)
    (VDI still uploading, please wait some minutes) No more changes, if you don't need those languages you're fine.


    How was I able to add them? We have official client collection and those have 2013 and 2015 files. While 2013 locales missing some thing and 2015 locales are totally incompatible, I could manage to extend 2013 ones with the missing 2014 things from 2015 locales, to make them 2014-ish what i need. I had to do them one by one, damn it was more time consuming then I first thought ?

    I really appreciate that you pinned the topics @ASIKOO, thank you!

    • Metin2 Dev 8
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  4. Doing such things meant to be in quests as Cunoo said.

    Here is an example code:

    quest back_to_your_town begin
    	state start begin
    		when login begin
    			-- As i remember warp_to_village will teleport to your own home town but if not, just use pc.warp...
    			if pc.get_map_index() == 41 and pc.get_empire() != 3 then
    			elseif pc.get_map_index() == 21 and pc.get_empire() != 2 then
    			elseif pc.get_map_index() == 1 and pc.get_empire() != 1 then


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  5. The dump_proto missing belt item type by default. That's cause that your uitooltip.py is correct and it can't display the bonus.

    Take my reference serverfile's dump_proto's ItemCSVReader.cpp to compare:  https://pastebin.com/Ne7dbupG

    ITEM_BELT is the 35th type so you need to add 33, 34 too (ITEM_SECONDARY_COIN, ITEM_RING) too, otherwise ITEM_BELT would be the 33th and you problem would remain.

    So basicly do the changes in int get_Item_Type_Value

    Also at int get_Item_SubType_Value you can add "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET" to arSub3 if you need them.

    Btw my ItemCSVReader.cpp is completly default, only type 33,34,35 added for belt support, you can copy paste the whole thing if you want.

    • Love 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Ace said:


    this one is from invoice client 2013. 

    Thanks but as you see locale_de was already included. ? Also invoice one is more then a year older and missing essential things like DS and Belt.

    I'm looking for 2014 RO/PL/TR/CZ or ES or other what's I don't have. I have EN/DE/HU/FR at the moment.

    • Metin2 Dev 16
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  7. 6 minutes ago, Sonitex said:

    Not really familiar with GitHub as I mostly use GitLab and it works perfectly fine there. Add gitignore and exclude every unimportant file such as build files & log files and I am sure you will be able to upload there.

    I know that I can exclude the unnecceserry files I just said that I can't upload the whole project as is, so in that case it would be seperated. However I think about it.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Sonitex said:

    Well done.

    Just a small tip if you wish to make updates on the files, add them to a git repository for better clarity and easier update management. ? 

    My problem is the big files. I's not possible to upload the whole project to Github. However when new version will came out i'm gonna be very clear in Changelog.txt about what I did and where I did, also commenting the source files.

    Other thing, as I said in the topic I'm willing to add more languages. If somebody have any locale_xy.eix-epk file from 2014, please send me. It's enough, there are already translate.luas, locale_strings released and i can make item_names.txt & mob_names.txt from client via reverse dump_proto. Thanks in advance!

    • Metin2 Dev 6
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  9. This is the hidden content, please

    Updated at 2023.08.05.

    Alternative download links:

    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please
    This is the hidden content, please

    [40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]

    My goal was to make a reference r40250 serverfile as official as possible compared to what GF had back when their files got leaked in early 2014.
    No new systems added, only bug fixes. While I spent several hours testing, there may still be bugs. Please report bugs to me so I can fix them in the
    future, I want to make this project as bug free as possible.

    Available languages: EN/DE/HU/FR/CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR
    Please read Languages.txt to learn how to change the default EN language.

    SSH for VM: root/123456789
    MySQL: root/123456789
    Ingame: admin/123456789

    Aliases and it's commands:

    start			cd /usr/metin2/server && sh start.sh
    close			cd /usr/metin2/server && sh close.sh
    clean			cd /usr/metin2/server && sh clean.sh
    backup			cd /usr/metin2/server && sh backup.sh
    questcompile		cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python2.7 make.py
    dbclean			cd /usr/metin2/src/server/db/src && gmake clean
    dbdep			cd /usr/metin2/src/server/db/src && gmake dep
    dbcompile		cd /usr/metin2/src/server/db/src && gmake -j9
    gameclean		cd /usr/metin2/src/server/game/src && gmake clean
    gamedep			cd /usr/metin2/src/server/game/src && gmake dep
    gamecompile		cd /usr/metin2/src/server/game/src && gmake -j9

    Please read Changelog.txt to find more about the changes I made.

    Special thanks to:

    @Mali for the clean and updated client & server src files.
    @Sanchez for the 2014 base client.
    @Veltor88 for the translate.lua pack.
    @Fazer for the locale_string pack

    I made a little video about installing the serverfile (vm) and changing the language:


    Video reupload: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    PS: I know it's pretty late in 2021 but better than ever ?


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  10. 9 hours ago, SDlongju2 said:

    not working for me, maybe any solution 2021 ?

    It should work i'm sure, but you can modify it too in: item.h: StartDestroyEvent(int iSec=300); 

    Note that it is applied to everything, including monsters. That's why Tacticus said to edit in char_item, because that only applied to players.

    • Love 1
  11. 1 hour ago, LordZiege said:

    try add mapindex 103 and 105 to ch99 as well, they are also neccesary.

    Can you explain my why? I'm just checking the source rn to find out but can't really find anything. I know they have similar names but that's it? But again i may missing something, that's why i asked explain.


    @wubservice The map's coords are stored in  CWarMapManager::LoadWarMapInfo

    bool CWarMapManager::LoadWarMapInfo(const char * c_pszFileName)
        TWarMapInfo * k;
        k = M2_NEW TWarMapInfo;
        k->bType = WAR_MAP_TYPE_NORMAL;
        k->lMapIndex = 110;
        k->posStart[0].x = 48 * 100 + 32000;
        k->posStart[0].y = 52 * 100 + 0;
        k->posStart[1].x = 183 * 100 + 32000;
        k->posStart[1].y = 206 * 100 + 0;
        k->posStart[2].x = 141 * 100 + 32000;
        k->posStart[2].y = 117 * 100 + 0;
        m_map_kWarMapInfo.insert(std::make_pair(k->lMapIndex, k));
        k = M2_NEW TWarMapInfo;
        k->bType = WAR_MAP_TYPE_FLAG;
        k->lMapIndex = 111;
        k->posStart[0].x = 68 * 100 + 57600;
        k->posStart[0].y = 69 * 100 + 0;
        k->posStart[1].x = 171 * 100 + 57600;
        k->posStart[1].y = 182 * 100 + 0; 
        k->posStart[2].x = 122 * 100 + 57600;
        k->posStart[2].y = 131 * 100 + 0;
        m_map_kWarMapInfo.insert(std::make_pair(k->lMapIndex, k));
        return true;

    Can you actually warp to these coords? Like /warp 368 52 (not needing the ending 00 in /warp)

    The warp actually happens in guild_war.cpp ch->WarpSet(pos.x, pos.y, gw.map_index);

    Insert something like this above there to find out it is working:

    ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Test: %d, %d, %d", pos.x, pos.y, gw.map_index);

    If you can't see that test message, the function stops somewhere back.

  12. 9 hours ago, Crystal™ said:

    Αre there any countries that have weakness on law about copyrights?

    It depends what you are asking. Selling complete Metin2 files are copyright infringement all over the EU because common union laws.

    In the other hand, selling add-ons probably not. You just need to accounting them as custom software development or similar in tax return and in that case actually just the buyer commits copyright infringement since you are not required by any law to check your client's it-system about copyright. Ofc if you have a webshop showcasing your M2 systems that's not really "custom software development" at all but still you have much better chance to get away with it.

    16 hours ago, Cunoo said:

    My advice is, don't support this guys..

    They're doing at their own risk what they are doing. I can understand that some people pay their price to cut off their development time to start their server. It's demand and supply.

    What i can't understand is some seller's extra high price. Because the demand is high and the supply is low, they went sky rocket.


    +One more: you may know but having a metin2 server is copyright infringement too. Not as high as selling other's property because you just using it actually, but still.


    • Good 1
  13. The problem is that most seller can't sell complete metin2 serverfiles because of legal issues so they just selling add-ons for it like Vegas and many others do. In some looser country it is not even in grey area if they do it as self employed for example and paying taxes. They usually accounting them as "Custom software development" so they're "good".

    I believe only Marty and Owsap selling complete files who are active here.

    • Love 1
  14. Screenshot-1.png

    I tried to google your serverfile and i found that your ch1 port is 13001. Well at the moment it is not open. You may have other port or may your channel is not running at the momement but you can try this Test-NetConnection ip -port port command in powershell to check your real port while your server is running.  (I tested it with 13031 too because i saw that too, also 13000)

    If the correct port is off while your server is running that means your BSD have some firewall, you have to ask your hosting about it. Or other app using it as  I3ooI3oo said but i'm pretty sure 13001 is not really used by any BSD app.

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  15. "/usr/home/game/Datenbank/db.core: No such file or directory."

    So no db.core generated.

    You're really unlucky because you have zero errors while your server can not start. I have to pass it sorry?

    I hope someone will comment some useful thing to help resolve it.


    One more thing, did you tried the "ps" command after you started the server right?

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