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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 28 minutes ago, Jxxkub said:

    1) Testing the files and the exchange window did not work, a simply fix for polish locale files (dont know if it happens on any other locales.)

    EXCHANGE_TITLE	Handluj z %s (%d)

    Change to

    EXCHANGE_TITLE	Handluj z %s

    2) I dont know if my client is broken, but using the config.exe im able to change from 1920x1080 to 800x600
    but changing from 800x600 to 1920x1080 does not work. (changing from the metin2.cfg file works.)
    Its weird, because when i change the resolution to 1680x1050(for example) and then change it back to 1920x1080 the window looks like its back at 800x600.

    Hello, EXCHANGE_TITLE already fixed in 2021.08.01 update.

    2021.08.01: - Fixed some translate.lua lines (cz, tr) and removed all unnecessary starting spaces from 
                  every translate.lua in which it had. (Example: " something" --> "something")
                - Fixed Channel4's port numbers in serverside CONFIG files.
                - Fixed some EXCHANGE_TITLE in some locale_game.txt what blocked the trade window opening.

    You may using older version, please check Changelog.txt in my mega drive to find out more chages/fixes because there are some ?

    About the config.exe yes it sometimes works weird in windows10, common issue with Metin2's config.exe but we don't have source for that. You can take a newer version: 

    This is the hidden content, please
     but sometimes that works weird too so I included the original version. Btw when I run as administrator it always works fine for me.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, narcisxb said:

    Can someone who installed this paste theyr ClientManagerPlayer.cpp?

    How in seven hells are you supposed to add this part?

    /*Search in:
    void CClientManager::QUERY_PLAYER_LOAD(CPeer * peer, DWORD dwHandle, TPlayerLoadPacket * packet)
    												"horse_skill_point "
    Add after:
    												", cheque "

    It just does not make any sense. (for me maybe)

    Here is the way I did it and I get a bunch of compilation errors.

    snprintf(queryStr, sizeof(queryStr),
    				"SELECT "
    				"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_play),horse_skill_point FROM player%s WHERE id=%d",
    			", cheque "
    				GetTablePostfix(), packet->player_id);

    How did you guys do it?

    Try this:

    snprintf(queryStr, sizeof(queryStr),
    				"SELECT "
    			", cheque"
    				" FROM player%s WHERE id=%d",
    				GetTablePostfix(), packet->player_id);


    • Good 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, narcisxb said:

    Does this src have the TIME BOMB/TIME LIMIT/YMIR LICENSE removed?

    If so why does it have a certain 11 July 2022 in limit_time.h?

    It is disabled, not removed.

    // #define ENABLE_LIMIT_TIME

    It have the same end result (no check), but if anyone want to re-enable it, it is easier to just uncomment instead of reimplement the limit-time.

    • Metin2 Dev 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Brayan said:

    Just quick question bro on serverfiles i got OVH dedicated server and i put freeBSD 64 bit system, but when we put everything and starting the server, inside it shown some message like Libl.so.1, what exactly we forget to put or something else, am not sure, if need more details will give, thanks in advance Brayan.

    To run any Metin2 serverfile on an untouched FreeBSD you have to install several packages. Check Libs.txt in my mega drive for more info.
    (LibIL.so.1 is part of DevIL btw)

  5. 8 hours ago, narcisxb said:


    Hi! I ve found a problem with displaying item names when switching to romanian language. Everything works fine (all other strings like item descriptions or quests) but item names are displayed like some weird characters (like it s trying to display korean characters). I m pretty sure it s client related since picking up an item shows the correct name. Only when hovering over it it shows those weird characters. How to solve?

    EDIT: Same issues with monster names but NPCs name and bonuses seems to display just fine. What to do?


    Hi, thank you for the cooperation.

    When i dumped RO item_proto I probably forgot to rename item_names_ro.txt to item_names.txt (same with mob) so the locale_names column clientside is empty, so it displays the korean one.

    To fix it just dump your protos again or take this: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    Edit: Mega drive updated:

    2021.09.16: - Fixed locale_ro's item_proto & mob_proto names at clientside.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Cunoo said:

    My bad idk which version is installed.. Maybe you can try add some informations about source packages.. I think this can be usefull for many peoples.. Same for client ? you can make something like info.txt






    And more...

    Yep did it 4 days ago, Libs.txt in Mega ?
    There I tell people to install packages (all listed) what contains their missing libs.

    • Good 1
  7. 8 hours ago, RazadorError said:

    i cant extract A1

    You can, just not with Eternexus. Eternexus have some drawnbacks like it can extract only type0-1, and only latin characters in file name (= it can't extract property/season_x for example). A1 was packed with other, unsupported type by Ymir.

    For such files you can use the older Tim extractor. 

    This is the hidden content, please

    Here's the A1 unpacked: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    You can repack it with eternexus since it does not have any non-latin character.

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  8. 25 minutes ago, Zrye said:

    If you still have some weapons that never existed in Metin2 always here with it

    There is a third, in newer clients it is replaced by the lv80 sura sword but in the old clients it holds this never-released sword ?



    PS: Thank you for your release I really like it ?

  9. 1 hour ago, SaugNix said:

    THX for sharing these wonderfull clean Old-School files!


    I have 2 little problems and hope someone of you can help me ?

    1. When i hit some spiders in the 2 spiderdungeon i get errors in the syserr by the server:

    How can i fix this?

    2. I cannot find a properly functioning "rainbowstone.quest" because I ALWAYS get the following error when compiling:

    How can i fix this?


    THX SaugNix

    First one is actually skipia dungeon 2's syserr, Ymir missed 2410 from the group_group.txt, but it have lines in skipia2's regen.txt. Either remove lines with 2410 from the regen.txt or create a group_group for it in group_group.txt. It's on you.

    For the second problem you have to add pc.set_skill_level to quest_functions file in the quest folder in order to use it in quests.

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  10. You do 2 things wrong. First is the ">", you should use "==". Second you are checking the shop owner player id every time instead of the current character.

    	if (m_pkPC->GetPrivShopOwner() == ch->GetPlayerID())
    		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You can't buy from yourself.");

    Also GetPrivShopOwner is not exists by default (it is some offline shop?) but for simple shop you can use m_pkPC->GetPlayerID() too.
    +1 your GetPrivShopOwner does actually returns the player id? If it returns something else, it will not works.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, kbeni said:

    Hello, I found a little error with ox event. When I start it it wants me to select a level min max to participate but I need to allow all level players like it used to do with other serverfile normal. And oxquiz.lua in other languages missing, english and germany is not good for other language.

    Illetve kérlek válaszolj metin2hungary-n mert írtam üzit és fontos lenne mert egy ajánlatom van.

    Hi, it is not an error, at gameforge's oxevent.quest there is a level limit to choose. You can remove/edit it anytime in the quest...
    Yes there is no oxquiz.lua in different languages but even if it would, it wouldn’t make much sense because it is public --> players could cheat.

    I read your message but I'm not interested in to work for your server sorry.

  12. 2 hours ago, darkfun3 said:

    Hello and thanks for the help, now i get this error ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/lib32/libcryptopp.so.7: unsupported file layout i have even copied the one from the vm and placed it there.  i even created a symlink with the version it had at libcryptopp.so.8.5 to libcryptopp.so.7 and placed in lib32 and lib but still no luck. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advanced

    using freebsd 12.0 64bit 

    NOTE: i think there is a bug in the client or server as you cannot pickup items from the floor with pickup button sometimes 

    Try libcryptopp.so.7 (symlink of libcryptopp.so.7.0.0). The 8.5 is another so of course it is unsupported.


    Yes that is a common bug in Metin2, try this for the item pickup: 



    Another thing to mention is the level next your name is not updating in real-time:



    I decided to not include such fixes since they are not game-breaking or exploits, and it is a reference serverfile. I may do in the future tho.

    Edit: I just applied them because both works fine.

    2021.09.09: - Applied two fix: 1. for level update next to your name, 2. for picking up items
                - 1. https://metin2.dev/board/topic/6159-level-text-above-players-head-update-in-real-time/
                - 2. https://metin2.dev/board/topic/24691-fix-pickup-distances-bug/


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  13. uiinventory.py (It's a default code, you may have modified)

    	def RefreshCostumeSlot(self):
    		for i in xrange(item.COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT):
    			slotNumber = item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + i
    			self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), 0)

    As you see the default code only works if it's in order like 19..20..21..22..23.
    While your costum item stuffs ends on 23, you have pets on 27 so it's not working.

    Plus I'm not sure if your pet slot are calculated in COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT but you did not show it so idk. (GameType.h look for #ifdef ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM it should have only 1 search result)

    You may can do something like this:

    	def RefreshCostumeSlot(self):
    		for i in xrange(item.COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT):
    			slotNumber = item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + i
    			self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), 0)
    		self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(27, getItemVNum(27), 0)


    Not sure if it's works, it would be better to have them in order and have it calculated in COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT.

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  14. 5 hours ago, darkfun3 said:

    i have the same issue and i have devil installed 

    Please use this command: locate libIL.so.1.1.0

    If you do have that lib, make a symlink next to it or to /usr/local/lib with the name of libIL.so.1 because it was always just a symlink, you may have the actual lib and just missing the symlink for whatever reason. (You can create symlinks via winscp, it called as "create link" at right click)



    If you doesnt have the the lib and DevIL really installed then here it is: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    Still it's not the best way to deal with it, but it's just extracted from the vdi so should not be harmful, worst scenario that it is incompatible.

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  15. 16 minutes ago, snapkode said:

    download all the necessary lib ✅

    Probably that's why you have such strange error, but I'll be honest I haven't encountered this error yet.
    If you download a lib from the internet it can be incompatible and / or harmful. Instead you should install the package with pkg (or from ports) what contains the missing lib. If you can't tell the missing lib's origin try to use google or ask here.

    Do you know the exact libs what you downloaded? You have to remove them all and start the server and look for what libs it requires then install the package what contains them. If you did overwrite libs then reinstall required ?

    Edit: I'm about 99,99% sure it is about a CryptoPP lib. Try pkg install cryptopp maybe it installs a correct one.

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  16. 24 minutes ago, Cunoo said:

    I think all items can be blocked.. So 70024 too.. Same for add items and you can block equipped items move to safebox..

    Hi, thank you, 70024 blocked already and the other items like stone deattacher too.

    About the equipped items move to safebox, I already blocked belts because of the non-empty belt inventory. Blocking all items are not neceserry if they don't cause any bug. But if you know any other item type what should be blocked because of a potential bug, please let me know.

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