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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. 33 minutes ago, snapkode said:

    @ TMP4 If I want to put that on a Dedicated server, 16gbram , FreeBSD 12.2 64bit , that work ? And how I can must do that ? Upload compiled game/dB and start the server ?

      While it is dedicated for the Metin2 Project 2014.1 | Kraizy Updated Edition, it's a good thread to start with.

    Basicly you need to install mysql5.6, python(2.7), gdb(optional), DevIL.
    When you start the server and it's says xy lib missing, try to google what package contains them and install that package instead of downloading the lib itself from the internet. (You can do that too, to your own risk..)

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Hik said:

    After compiling, if I try to start the launcher, I get this error:


    LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.OverflowError'>:Python int too large to convert to C long



    Can you tell me if it depends on my client?

    You have max gold (or anything that you changed from int to long) in your root python files.

    Either add max gold to your launcher or remove it from your python like "money = long(text)" --> money = int(text) (There are several occurances of long(x)...)

  3. local affected_rows, goldd = mysql_direct_query("SELECT gold FROM player.player WHERE name = '"..pc.get_name().."';"
    local current_gold = goldd[affected_rows]["gold"]
    if current_gold < 5 then
    	say_reward("You have less then 5 gold.")
    	say_reward("You have 5 or more gold.")

    I changed the query's WHERE from account_id to name because you could have up to 4 affected rows with account_id and
    "goldd[affected_rows]["gold"]" would only return the last one that may not the current character.

    For example if you have 4 character in your acc and uses account_id then the second character's gold is goldd[2]["gold"]).
    Affected_rows returns the max value so it's always the lasts if you use that. If it's 1 like in my example, it is good to use, but you can replace it with 1 if you wish.

    Edit: Anyone who just read this and thinking pc.get_gold() exists, well yes but this is just a query practice example ?

    • Good 1
  4. 39 minutes ago, dastro said:

    Bu ve TMP4 projesi arasındaki fark nedir? Hangisini kullanmalıyım?

    What is difference this and TMP4 project? What to use?

    Kraizy Updated Edition provides you some updates for 40k, like you can use it with MySQL8 instead of MySQL5.6 and the source is ported to x64 platform, so you can compile it in x64 FreeBSD instead of x32/i386. You may have to solve some bugs on your own until ASIKOO releases a new version.

    The "TMP4 Project" is a reference 40k serverfile with 15 languages to choose, but no x64 port, no MySQL8 compatibility by default, instead I provided bug fixes for the most bugs and exploits what a basic 40k serverfile have. 

    What to use? It's all on you.

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  5. Greek locale_string: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    (If you want to read then set your notepad++ character encoding to greek->windows-1253, but do not do any conversion)

    I Made it via Google Translate but I think the translations are not that bad, I translated some random rows back from greek to english and hungarian and they were pretty good.

    Edit: Changed the link to original translate.

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  6. 8 hours ago, Jimmermania said:


    First of all , nice work. Keep going. 

    Second, from your serverfiles, locale_string_GR is missing. Could you share it please ?

    Downoad link: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    (If you want to read then set your notepad++ character encoding to greek->windows-1253, but do not do any conversion)

    I'll include this in the next update, but anyone feel free to download it until then.


    2021.09.07: - 6-7 bonus add/switch blocked on equipped items. (char_item.cpp case 71051 & 71052)
                - Fixed gameland's (gm_guild_build) server_attr.
                - Added the missing locale_string_GR.txt.
                - Removed unused dll files from the client.
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  7. 3 minutes ago, blaxis said:

    Thank you it worked.

    SELECT gold FROM player.player WHERE account_id = 2

    But it always shows the result as 1.

     Use as I said: local affected_rows, gold = mysql_direct_query("SELECT gold FROM player.player where id = 2")

    If you use only local gold, you will get the affected_rows's value only, despite the variable name. (Variable name does not matter, the gold will be the second value, and the affected rows will be the first one even if you name it as gold.)

    • Good 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Jimmermania said:


    First of all , nice work. Keep going. 

    Second, from your serverfiles, locale_string_GR is missing. Could you share it please ?

    Yes locale_string_gr is missing as i wrote in language.txt (only that, other languages are full).
    As I stated in the first post, locale_strings, translate.luas are from m2dev threads, I did not made them, of course I can't speak 15 languages, I can't speek greek.

    Best I can do in the future is to write some python/c# tool what translates every 2. (the english) line to greek via google translate but currently I'm having peak days, can't say any estimate time. Edit: Actually the original translate files available, please wait.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Akihiro said:

    Hello @ TMP4,
    I've already done this, but still got this error.
    Also i've change the tables to the default ones, but still got this error.

    So are you saying both table have the same collation but the mysql server thinks otherwise?
    Bruh that's some black magic what is beyond my knowledge.
    Jokes aside please check again the collations, you may have not saved the tables.
    It is also possible after you fixed the collation you still got some nasty syserr but it was different what you did not notice.

    If you 100% sure that both table have the same collation and this is actually the current syserr then maybe you are changing collation for one table in runtime, like you set a collation query in your source when you initialize this (offline?) shop system.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Akihiro said:


    So you're using latin1_swedish_ci and latin2_general_ci, those are the collations of your 2 table. (player_shop_items, player_shop)

    The error says "Illegal mix of collations"...

    I'm not an expert of mysql but I have a common sense so what if you choose same collation for that 2 table? Then the mix is gone.


    If you use navicat, right click to the table, design table, Options, and there "Character set" and "Collation". Choose the same, the default is the "latin1 -- West European", "latin1_swedish_ci" in Metin2 but you can choose the other one if you know you need that.


  11. 31 minutes ago, Veltor88 said:


    Sorry but you don't set a good example 

    He owes nothing to no one. He gives his time for a free service, if you're not happy it's the same 

    Thanks ?

    I would rather call this a free release instead a free service, because that's why some people wants me to do stuffs for their server if they choose my serverfile to start with ?

    12 minutes ago, ScroBo said:

    hey guys one question for that server files

    if i would like to make it on dedicated maschine all i need is to install: mysql python gmake makedepend gdb llvm devel? or some programs also i need?

    I believe they're all, maybe you need devil (from graphics). But when you start db-game you'll see at console what lib you are missing and you can find with google what package contains it.

    (To compile the source you need more like cryptopp)

    But keep in mind I'm not provide x64 port for source, you can run the compiled game-db in x64 machine but you must compile it in x32 system like the vm I provided.


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  12. By the way paying for bitcoin via paypal is always a high risk because of refunds. Even if the payment sent as family & friends, refunds can still happen. There are 2 refund types there: Bank chargeback & via customer service. That's why pretty much none of the btc exchanger accepts paypal.

    (Yes I see it is an old thread, I just wanted to share my thoughts)

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Brayle said:

    Yes that's why I said clients. Leaving clients without assistance is bad and I can't change my mind about it.

    So first of all I'm not leaving my "clients" without assistance, I just don't have time to help my "clients" installing or developing new systems or so for free. That's not my responsibility. BUT! I already released 6 updates and I pretty much resolved every bugs what my "clients" reported me. That's still not my responsibility but I did them because I wanted to keep this thread maintaned.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, kupa300 said:

    I can not download

    You have 2 option, mega.nz and metin2.download center. That should be fine enough.
    And answering to your dm: No.


    Please everybody, do not dm me here and discord if you need help with your private metin2 server even if you choose my reference serverfile.
    If you need help you can find here: https://metin2.dev/board/forum/35-questions-answers/
    If you need a service (a developer for your metin2 server) try here: https://metin2.dev/board/forum/46-searching/

    Don't get me wrong, anybody can keep reporting bugs even in dm (but better here), I'm talking about the situation where people thinks that because they downloaded my free release, I should be their free developer to do stuffs ? No I will not, I'll leave all these DMs unanswered from now, sorry.

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  15. 9 hours ago, Alucard said:

    Someone ?


    On 11/3/2020 at 11:34 PM, ASIKOO said:

     Dead Download Link 

     Moved Topic 


    If someone has the archive of this topic, can you send it to us? Thank you!


    Puss In Boots Please GIF by swerk

    This is the hidden content, please

    I think that it is, from 66dragon99. He published it to metin2hungary too and I usually save things from there to my ext hdd.

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