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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. Remove this from locale/xy/ui/inventorywindow.py

    ## Dragon Soul Button
    	"name" : "DSSButton",
    	"type" : "button",
    	"x" : 114,
    	"y" : 107,
    	"tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL,
    	"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/dss_inventory_button_01.tga",
    	"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/dss_inventory_button_02.tga",
    	"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/dss_inventory_button_03.tga",

    And remove every related part from root/uiinventory.py what contains "DSSButton" and it's gone.

  2. 28 minutes ago, funnylike211 said:

    hey guys, i search for the libs i have search many times for libs  can anyone upload the lib32  and lib ....  i uce free bsd12        

    the error code : ld-elf32.so.1: Shared object "libtiff.so.5" not found, required by "game"

    Never download a lib file from the internet. It can be unsafe and incompatible. Install the packages what contains them Instead.

    pkg install tiff

    By the way downloading lib files from the internet and uploading it to your FreeBSD system is just as dangerous as downloading .dll files to your Windows and copying it to C:\Windows\system32. Wouldn't you do the latter, would you? ? 

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  3. 3 hours ago, d3v3lop3rDE said:

    TMP4 would you mind sharing how you set up the vm and compiled the sources?

    You can check the installed packages and their exact version via pkg info command. But be aware this source is i386 (x32), I'm not offering x64 port therefore you can't compile it 'as is' in a x64 system. (But the compiled binaries can run on x64 system of course)

    If you need x64 port: https://metin2.dev/board/topic/26182-metin2-project-20141-kraizy-updated-edition/


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  4. On 11/2/2020 at 12:10 AM, ASIKOO said:

     Dead Download Link 

     Moved Topic 


    If someone has the archive of this topic, can you send it to us? Thank you!


    Puss In Boots Please GIF by swerk

    I found the season1 ones in my hdd: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    I actually very like how the guy finished the missing season1 ones what Ymir did not finish, most of them looks very good, useful for transmutation or some skin system.

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  5. 11 hours ago, kaynanas said:

    Quests such as soul stone do not work. I took the file backups. I haven't seen anyone with such a problem on the internet. There are quests but they are useless.

    What was done:

    1-) Warehouse is set to 3 inventory.
    2-) Mount rotation speed has been adjusted.
    3-) Added Inventory with 5 Slots.
    4-) K Inventory has been added.
    5-) The sale of items from the K Inventory has been arranged.
    6-) Skill Book/Soul Stone (x200) stacking has been adjusted.


    This is the hidden content, please


    This is the hidden content, please

    Edit: While many people add them with other src+files without any problems, such problems occur with the src+files you share. 

    Soul stone..  ok i misread it to dragon soul upper but gonna check the soul stone soon. 

    Edit: It only not work in the admin character. It is because there is a bugged/leftover quest state in navicat player.quest table so open it, look for training_grandmaster_skill  with character id 1 ([SA]Admin) and just delete it. @kaynanas

    Soon I'll update the sf with this little change and the dragor attack.

    Edit 2: Updated

    2021.08.06: - Dragor (Wild, Brave) can attack now. (pvp.cpp serverside, InstanceBase.cpp clientside)
                - The Admin character could not use soul stone because of a bugged/leftover quest state,
                  that is removed from player.quest table. (training_grandmaster_skill with char id 1)
                - Added missing locale_string value: "ą®Á¦ ŔÔ´Ď´Ů."; "OX-Question: "; for OX event.

    Currently uploading, please give me a couple minutes.

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  6. 3 hours ago, kaynanas said:

    Hello there. I built the DumpProto Project inside the files. There is only one problem as seen in the video. I am using TR files. Why is this caused? 

    Bkz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhF9lAqcX9o

    Edit: No changes were made to the files (item_names.txt, item_proto.txt, mob_names.txt, mob_proto.txt). 

    Since I made all the client locale files via dump_proto I was sure it is working, but here's a video (TR names):

    Please unpack the item_proto.txt, item_names.txt, and dump_proto again from the archive because as you see, it is working by default with the TR names.

    • Metin2 Dev 3
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  7. 2 hours ago, Yalabi said:

    Yo, I don't know if this has already been reassembled but it is impossible to attack on the mounts (ex: dragor 52105)

    Hey, thanks. Dragor was probably released after r40250 that's why it's missing from the attack list. You can add to the mounts list in pvp.cpp svside and InstanceBase.cpp clientside to be able to attack: https://metin2.dev/board/topic/2045-add-new-mounts-to-attack-and-damage/

    I'm gonna add them in the next release.



    • Love 1
  8. Serverfile Updated!

    Note: Starting 2021.08.01. I dropped version numbers, instead I'm using timestamps (date).


    • Fixed some translate.lua lines (cz, tr) and removed all unnecessary starting spaces from every translate.lua in which it had. (Example: " something" --> "something")
    • Fixed Channel4's port numbers in serverside CONFIG files.
    • Fixed some EXCHANGE_TITLE in some locale_game.txt what blocked the trade window opening.

    Uploading right now. Please give a couple minutes.

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  9. 7 hours ago, kaynanas said:

    It gives a connection error when the language is changed to Turkish. 

    I am getting the same error as the friend named "asanae123". 

    Edit: This is missing on line 1150 of the translate_TR.lua file but I still keep getting the error. 

    TR -> gameforge.flame_dungeon._640_notice = "%s grubundan [ENTER], Razador'u öldürdü! "

    ENG -> gameforge.flame_dungeon._640_notice = "The group from %s has killed the Razador [ENTER]! "

    When I fix this, I see that it gives an error on line 1.

    1st Line -> exportTestForCharset = "üöäÜÖÄß "

    Edit 2: The problem was simply solved.


    This is the hidden content, please

    This is the hidden content, please

    Good day. 

    Edit 3: There is a new problem. When 4 CH is activated, 3 CH is activated. 4. CH does not appear to be active. Example: 4CH "..." 

    Thanks for pointing out. Looks like there are small mistakes in some translate.lua files. I only tested with EN, HU so soon I'll test them all and fix thing like this.

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  10. 3 hours ago, asanae123 said:

    I renamed all of the files written in language.txt, even in Navicat in "locale" from "english" to czech, even in client, I did it with me video YouTube manual, but after doing these things, after I made quest reload, when I start the server, it write this error: 

    locale/czech/translate.lua:2060 unexpected symbol near ´not´


    Czech translate.lua line 2060 contains chars like this: \"

    My guess is that it not supports escaping. Remove it or change it to: '

    Tomorrow I'll have a look to it and fix czech translate.lua.







  11. 20 minutes ago, 4peppe said:

    hello, I found another problem (I use the Italian version): in the value of the weapon 3194 (lama solare +4) there is an extra space between lama and solare (both on the server side "item_names" and on the client side)

    The item_names should be 100% original (even with little mistakes like this) because I dumped it with reverse dump_proto. It is a reference serverfile so I leave it as is but feel free to remove the space. I believe there are some extra spaces in somewhere translate.lua (at least the hungarian one) too. If someone is bothered by the spaces, I hope everyone have the skills to remove it ?

    But please report bugs furthermore, the CLAW one was good catch, thank you again ?

    • Good 1
  12. 2 hours ago, 4peppe said:

    hello, I found an error: CLAW and SPLASH must be removed from the skilldesc of the various locale inside the eternexus folder

    Hello, thank you. I'm on it. Yes I left some claw on some skilldesc in locale (not all, like EN/HU/DE/FR doesn't have them because I made them in v1.0 ?)

    Splash why tho? That is just on "139    HORSE" and I believe that should be there.

    139	HORSE	Power Wave			Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55)	Riding Skill				ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL	splash	123	1							


    Gonna reupload the client with the CLAWs removed from skilldesc soon.

    Edit: Done, version stays V1.1, I mentioned the change in Changelog.txt.

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, ReFresh said:

    @TMP4 Can you share a solution please? I have the same problem.



    		elif item.ITEM_TYPE_UNIQUE == itemType:
    			if 0 != metinSlot:
    				bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
    				for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
    					(limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
    					if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
    						bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
    				if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag:
    					time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1]
    					if 1 == item.GetValue(2): ## ˝Ç˝Ă°Ł ŔĚżë Flag / ŔĺÂř ľČÇصµ ÁŘ´Ů
    						if time == 0: #fix
    							time = item.GetValue(0)+ app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() #fix
    						if time == 0:
    							time = item.GetValue(0)



    COSTUME_TYPE_MOUNT with TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR (you can edit/extend it to other items...)

    	def AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(self, metinSlot):
    		if 0 == metinSlot[0]:
    			if item.COSTUME_TYPE_MOUNT == item.GetItemSubType(): #costume mounts with TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR
    				defaultValue = 0
    				for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
    					(limitType, defaultValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
    					defaultValue += app.GetGlobalTimeStamp()
    					if item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType:
    				self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.CANNOT_USE, self.DISABLE_COLOR)
    			endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + metinSlot[0]




    				if itemSubType != item.WEAPON_QUIVER:
    					## <!!!> Enable this below if you have the realtimed weapons
    					#self.__AppendRealTimeToolTip(itemVnum, metinSlot[0])
    					## <!!!>
    				elif item.WEAPON_QUIVER == itemSubType:
    					bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
    					defaultValue = 0
    					for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
    						(limitType, defaultValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
    						defaultValue += app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() #fix
    						if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
    							bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
    					if bHasRealtimeFlag == 1:
    						self.AppendMallItemLastTime(defaultValue if self.isShopItem else metinSlot[0])


    Do not copy paste, use it for compare. Also the code maybe ugly because I did not intend to share.

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  14. Some basic steps to determine your problem:

    1. Does your MySQL server running? Check it via "service mysql-server status"
    2. Put your whole syserr of DB and at least first core of CH1
    3. At server start, the output doesn't say anything unusal?
    4. Does all cores running after you started the server? You can check it via the "ps" command.
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