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Posts posted by TMP4

  1. On 10/1/2021 at 1:48 PM, Aigo said:

    Sorry, im not really sure how to use it >.<

    You're not sure because this quest is very fcked up regarding that rewards array. Using arrays and tables are good but just when it is needed.

    Remove function rewards() and change this:

                    local z = number(1,table.getn(daily_quest.rewards()[1]))
                    say(daily_quest.rewards()[1][z]..' Yang!')

    To something like this:

    				local yangReward = 0
    				if pc.get_level() >= 90 then
    					yangReward = 1000
    				elseif pc.get_level() >= 50 then
    					yangReward = 500
    					yangReward = 100
    				say("You got "..yangReward.." yang!")
  2. Try this:

    void CHARACTER::SetNotAggressive()
    	REMOVE_BIT(m_pointsInstant.dwAIFlag, AIFLAG_AGGRESSIVE);
    void				SetNotAggressive();

    Then in char_manager: CHARACTER_MANAGER::SpawnMob look for ch->SetProto(pkMob); and add

    if (lMapIndex == 155) // or check for it's dungeon mapindex...

    Untested but should work..

  3. 8 hours ago, narcisxb said:
    Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
    Error (active)	E1574	static assertion failed with "set<T, Compare, Allocator> requires that Allocator's value_type match T (See N4659 26.2.1 [container.requirements.general]/16 allocator_type) Either fix the allocator value_type or define _ENFORCE_MATCHING_ALLOCATORS=0 to suppress this diagnostic."	UserInterface	C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\set	57	
    Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
    Error (active)	E0020	identifier "CFlyTarget" is undefined	UserInterface	C:\Users\Narcis\Documents\Desktop\Client & Serverfiles 40250 _ 2014\ClientVS19\source\GameLib\FlyTarget.h	17	
    Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
    Error (active)	E0020	identifier "CFlyTarget" is undefined	UserInterface	C:\Users\Narcis\Documents\Desktop\Client & Serverfiles 40250 _ 2014\ClientVS19\source\GameLib\FlyTarget.h	18	
    Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
    Error (active)	E0020	identifier "CFlyTarget" is undefined	UserInterface	C:\Users\Narcis\Documents\Desktop\Client & Serverfiles 40250 _ 2014\ClientVS19\source\GameLib\FlyTarget.h	23	

    Binary source active errors. Binary seems to compile fine with VS2019 but these errors are present. 

    Honestly idk, I don't have this error and I'm not a c++ expert nor the programmer of Metin2 ? It may be some VS bug, I suggest you to delete the the .vs folder (hidden, you have to enable hidden folders in windows) it will auto-recreate it after you open visual studio (I usually solve vs bugs this way..) plus you can set the solution's element's C++ Language standard to ISO C++17 from Preview (all of them). 

    1 hour ago, SmyleMDFK said:

    Hy .. where i find the comand list for that .. i want to change becouse if i put clear for freebsd the comand make clean server.. :

    start cd /usr/metin2/server && sh start.sh close cd /usr/metin2/server && sh close.sh clear cd /usr/metin2/server && sh clear.sh backup cd /usr/metin2/server && sh backup.sh questcompile cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python make.py dbclean cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean dbcompile cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake gameclean cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean gamecompile cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake

    /root/.cshrc (you have to enable hidden files-folders in your ftp client or use a FreeBSD text editor..)


    I push a little update because some map's stone.txt were not GF-like. Metins were increased and ores was not present.
    If anybody find similar issue please report it to me.

    2021.10.01: - Replaced a1-a3, b1-b3, c1-c3, desert_01, flame_01 and trent02's stone.txt with original.
                  They were modified for some reason, other maps are original.

    You can download

    This is the hidden content, please
     the right stone.txts if you don't want to redownload the serverfile just for this.

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  4. 1 minute ago, AdiMit said:

    Hi! Thank you so much for yet another great contribution ?  @ TMP4

    I have a problem though. I followed all the steps to the dot and I'm getting this error after teleporting to the map using the command "/warp 32704 12712" (I also tried "/warp 33194 13222" = the same coordinates as in the quest):

    "0930 23:23:13885 :: CMapBase::LoadProperty(FileName=metin2_map\MapProperty.txt) - LoadMultipleTextData ERROR 파일이 없을 가능성이 많습니다.
    0930 23:23:13886 :: CMapManager::LoadMap() Invalid Map Type
    0930 23:23:13886 :: CPythonBackground::SelectViewDistanceNum(int eNum=0) mc_pcurEnvironmentData is NULL"

    The map type is set to "Outdoor" so I don't get why it says it's invalid. The part in Korean says "Most likely the file doesn't exist." which is not true...?

    Any ideas as to what could have possibly gone wrong? 

    Thanks in advance ? 

    Maybe your outdoor pack is removed from your Index file so your client wont load it at all.

    • Love 2
  5. I added a

    This is the hidden content, please
     for the databases to the Mega drive.
    This is optional, now you can decide how to import the databases:

    • By uploading the metin2_mysql.tar.gz and extract via tar -xf
    • By installing the databases via this mysql dump (better)

    If you decide to use this mysql dump please read Readme.txt for instructions:

    1.: User for the DB:
    You have to create a metin2@localhost MySQL user with every Server Priviliges in order to make the serverfile work.
    For password use the word password or you can change the password in CONFIG files and use your own password. 
    You can create this user in navicat -> user -> new user (tick every Server Priviliges) or you can use this query too, just be sure to select the database named "mysql" before you execute it.
    INSERT INTO `user` VALUES ('localhost','metin2','*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','','','','',0,0,0,0,'',NULL);
    2.: How to import the databases:
    You can import them in the console:
    mysql -u root -p
    (It will ask for your root password, if it's empty then just press enter)
    CREATE DATABASE database_name;
    mysql -u root -p database_name < /path/to/sql/file.sql
    (It will ask again for your root password)
    Or use navicat: right click to the connection -> new database, once you created then right click to it -> execute sql file and select the .sql file.
    • Metin2 Dev 11
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  6. There are several possible solve case for that: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    (check especially for stackoverflow links)

    Check the .log files next to the .err maybe it have some useful info.

    Since I included tar.gz for mysql, did you extract that correctly with tar -xf command? Some people using winrar and so..

    (I will probably include mysql dump soon to my reference sf because that is a better way to import the database but most people don't know what it is and looking for tar.gz from old tutorials...)

    • Metin2 Dev 10
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  7. 7 minutes ago, Arturschick said:

    Hey guys,

    The server is currently running, thanks for the great description!
    But ... currently I have the "0 Yang / Not enough Yang" error, I can't buy itemshop things from Gemi. E.g .: Wind shoes and (+), valor cloaks, enchant an object & bless.
    Even through Googling I didn't get any helpful information, the Gold & Shop_Buy_price in the database had already changed to 1/10/100 ... No changes.

    That's why I urgently ask for help!

    Does anyone also know on which Dif base / version the files run? I haven't been able to find out any information about this at the moment.






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  8. 21 minutes ago, Karbust said:

    After all, it's getting detected. I haven't used this patcher in almost 2 years. I made a fresh compilation just in case.

    This is the hidden content, please

    I'm currently using the patcher I made in Electron, it isn't being detected.

    This is the hidden content, please

    I will have a look on your patcher thanks because looks like it's not possible to solve this detection here,
    it's 100% on Visual Studio and Antivirus vendors side unfortunately.

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Karbust said:

    I've also used this patcher as a base for years and never had any problem with antiviruses...

    Microsoft Defender currently not detecting it, that's why. Can you scan your patcher exe at virsutotal or upload it for me? I'm just curious about your false positive rate.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Mali said:

    the code does not cause this, I had the same problem before at visual studio.

    It is not patcher's fault.


    "It is not patcher's fault." I know, I'm used this for years, even the same exe what had 2 alerts goes to 15+ as of today.

    I read that microsoft answers page but looks like there's no solution for this problem?

    23 minutes ago, Cunoo said:

    Using this patcher 5 years and I never had problem same as my players.. Never problem with antivirus... 

    Can you upload your compiled patcher for me or tell your server's url? I'm just curious if it had the same false positive rate.

  11. On 6/20/2020 at 2:24 AM, BeauDeCiuda said:


    This is the hidden content, please

    On 6/20/2020 at 6:28 AM, TMP4 said:


    Sanchez's upload does not even contain an exe lol.

    Your got virus probably because of a pirated visual studio, or already infected machine.


    If you compile it in a legal vs, it will only produce 2 false positive by noname antivirus. It is because it connects to the internet and downloads files.

    Btw this patcher does not have any "extern" or "lib" so it is 100% open source, you can see every files, only .cs, resx, sln, vcproj,

    these are text files so you can see what's inside them.

    So a year passed and my 2 false positive increased to 16

    This is the hidden content, please

    (Still not 38 like the guy above but it's high enough..)

    Anyone have any idea what part of the code cause these alerts or how to fix?

    While it's the best open source patcher it's not really usable now, because the 16 hit contains Malwarebytes/Microsoft/ESET-NOD32/GData and those are pretty popular.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, Guarczewski said:


    I wanted to try these amazing files, but unfortunetly I stumbled upon a little problem. When I tried compile client source using Visual Studio 2019 I got error "RC1015    cannot open include file 'afxres.h'." (Userinterface.rc 11th line). What could I do to fix this?

    Check my comment here: https://metin2.dev/board/topic/27610-40250-reference-serverfile-client-src-15-available-languages/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-141596

    While it's other serverfile and topic, the solution is the same. (Install C++ MFC for your build tools)
    Also: You don't need to reinstall Visual Studio, you can open Visual Studio Installer and install the missing component in retrospect.

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  13. 20 minutes ago, HaiosMotan said:

    isn't this what marty said above?



    No, actually what Marty suggested there is to not substract the titlebar from the position 'y', but then you are where the coast breaks again because the taskbar will hide the bottom of the client.

    I asked to actually shrink the playable area (not position y substaction) so the titlebar can be 100% visible while the taskbar will not hide the bottom of the client.

    • Good 1
  14. 16 hours ago, Gurgarath said:

    It is the size of the "playable area", not the size of the whole application.

    For example: unknown.png

      Reveal hidden contents



    Can we edit the playable area? I think the best method to solve the height problem is to subtract some pixel, if it's possible.
    (So the taskbar will not hide the bottom of the client)

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  15. 10 hours ago, Premium said:

    LibLua compiling just fine: 



    Your image clearly not from this reference serverfile because

    • This uses clang-devel instead of gcc
    • This does not have wolfman

    Please use Questions & Answers if you have any difficulties with other serverfiles.

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  16. 23 minutes ago, LittleKing said:

    For some reason i can't implement mount on this client i edit every file i need add the mount in pack and is still not working any idea how to fix it? 

    It is a reference serverfile so new features like npc_pet / npc_mount path are not implemented. You can implement it quite easily in GameLib/RaceManager.cpp: __GetRaceResourcePathes Just add there your path (npc_mount or whatever you need).

    Here's an example: https://pastebin.com/4D5TMXaR (Edit x1,x2 with your npc_pet vnum range, and x3,x4 with your npc_mount vnum range.)

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  17. 7 hours ago, Xaar said:

    yes i also tried excel, but seems errorable

    Before you paste to excel, select all row (ctrl+a) then right click -> cell format-> text. Then it will not change numbers to date and so, it will displays everything as in notepad++ just with the columns advantage.

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