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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. It usually happens when the mount doesnt have the proper folder setup Setting it to "pony" fixes it At least it was as simple as this to fix that old bug, not sure if we're talking about the same For example mount 20230 (item 52120) It had the "folder" empty, riding it on map1 for example triggered such bug of stuff not updating, when setting the proper folder to the one of the horse (pony) that issues dissapears: I think this is the bug you're talking about
  2. quest fix_points_bug begin state start begin when login begin if pc.getqf("fix_points") != 0 then return end pc.reset_point() pc.setqf("fix_points", 1) syschat("Status points have been reset") end end end
  3. Personally tried it and at least on my end i dont have this issue (both local host dual client and also server with different pcs on diff locations). Trying to reproduce it but no luck yet. What is the server url? i will try to reproduce on it and see whats doing differently from mine. Looks similar to the combo bug where you could lock the enemy no?
  4. Follow this steps: 1 - Login to cloudflare 2 - Page rules 3 - Add page rule 4 - On url put the url to your patcher, example: [Hidden Content]* 5 - At settings choose "Disable security" 6- Click save. Wait about 5 minutes to make sure they are in effect and problem solved Another advice, use a vps just for the patcher. Separe it from where your website is. And if you decide to make your own patcher with source, you can even add a couple of those vps, having the patcher download from the one with the lowest ping automatically.
  5. Something other games got for years now but didnt saw before at metin2 before your topic. Details like this is what truly make servers distinguish themselfs from others
  6. check at your /usr/local/bin whats the file name, if exists, of the "g++" and then symlink it to g++6
  7. it is showing you what version to install in your case you want to run "pkg install i386-gcc6 -y"
  8. Send me your discord on pm and i show you by teamviewer
  9. Answer is simple, dont use hamachi. Dont set your ip with .100 like in those old tutorials. Do this: Use vmware (first choice, screw virtualbox peasents) / virtualbox Network adaptor on NAT / bridge with DHCP enabled Login to your machine Do the command "ifconfig" Use that ip on client Easy pizzy without cancerware like hamachi, portmap or loopback adaptors.
  10. I think you dont understand how a cpu works. Having a process opened, doesnt mean the cpu will dedicate the same work to it. It the load is low or none, the cpu will not use its capacity to process it, as there is nothing to process. In the other way, it will use its capacity to process what needs to be processed. So while teleporting it rises the cpu usage, well, because its disconecting you from a map, loading the new map, checking for stuff that exist like if you can enter said map, etc, so of course you will see cpu usage % increasing a bit. Also, the cpu usages you wrote are literally NOTHING, JUST INSIGNIFICANT. If a single game instance was being constantly at 85/90%+ cpu, there sure something was not alright, but those % are just a normal behavior from a normal cpu. The other instances are at 0% because no one is there doing nothing, so they barelly need process power, just basically just sit there. Have you understood this a bit now? it was already explained to you on another topic.
  11. There are other functions that can load scripts, not just that. You can get rid of the problem by playing a bit with python and client source.
  12. Change all configurations into "Distribute". If you dont have it, then change all into "Release" Then if its not configured, right-click on the affected projects (the ones it says its missing X file) to choose 'Properties -> C/C++ -> General" and add the relative path to them. As example: Your path will differ.
  13. What he meant was to make your client to read an argument from the patcher, so that it will close itself it someones tries to open without said argument. You can do this remotly, the structure is the following: Generate random string (will be your argument) on a fixed url Have your client read argument remotly from above url Have your patcher read argument remotly from above url Have argument change frequently You can use something like this to make your argument: <?php //Valor minino e maximo da variavel $min=20; $max=100; //Guardar numero aleatorio na variavel $length = mt_rand($min,$max); //Funcao gerar numero aleatorio function generateRandomString($length) { $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } //Guardar numero aleatorio no ficheiro $myfile = fopen("arg.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); $txt = "--" . generateRandomString($length);; fwrite($myfile, $txt); fclose($myfile); ?> And then you setup a cron to just trigger that php file, creating a new argument. People can still get your argument (find the url), depends on what frequency you change it. But it will surely annoy script kiddies. If you really want to force players running patcher, then just make the client useless after an update. For example reading executable version / hash at game source, so that when the players attemps to enter the game, the client closes itself if they differ.
  14. I was reading until i saw this mentioned: "java". See ya.
  15. You need to check mysql.err and .log, it may have some relevant info explaining its crash Also (because you said it works fine with just one ch and when the others are turned on it starts that behavior) it can be a shortage of resources issue, in this case a ram bottleneck.
  16. I just didnt see how lycan adjusts to the game. Even the lore they tried to make seems forced. Imo to make the game good they should had focused on details, improving the basic game, the way only a few on metin2 pserver do. The gameplay didnt improved anything, its still the same old hack&slash but now with a werewolf guy so that they can sell more costumes. The fact people dont even play pservers with lycan may indeed have to do with the reasons you stated. People are compiling server with "-j20" not even understanding what -j does (because they copy-paste from a topic, as most people here do), so we assume their lycan implementations are garbage. Still i think there is room for new PROPERLY DEVELOPED classes, but that must also bring gameplay improvements. Its 2020 and we still have shop with designs (that do nothing else then lag the game) instead of a server-wide shop, that literally every other mmo got (and i know at least 2 that are older then metin2). Thats why i think lycan and official server in general are just a waste of time.
  17. Because maybe he only found it now. Though he could had just add a reaction indeed. But this is the internet, its normal people find stuff years after being posted and that some even have some doubts on those stuff. Not everyone was here at the time stuff got posted.
  18. Implement the system normally. (Rules dont allow me to post link here) ui.py: if level.isdigit(): changes to: if level.isdigit() and item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN: Full: Only stones:
  19. Your freebsd system uses 3.4GB ram? Somethings clearly wrong. I compile it on a 1gb ram machine. Dont compile with other stuff running at same time.
  20. Personally i let vmware and dhcp do the job for me. Its easier to show then explain you. Send me teamviewer by PM please
  21. Hello, you are confusing it. Every freebsd machine will not always have "eth0" as the adapter name. You actually dont seem to have to fix anything at it shows you already have a configured IP: "Eth0" is the name given to a certain adaptor, it changes according with the adapter. It can also be em0, vtnet0, etc, varies.
  22. I see. Deleted item + account table means he had access to your database, directly (remote access with a hidden account [check users at mysql], shell, rat, etc) or indirectly (sql injection the most common. ). It can be identified what method he is using to access without much difficulty, i will send you by pm, and when it happens again it will be clear what method he is using.
  23. From your description, it doesnt sound like a backdoor. Why would an attacker delete only random items and not the entire item table? Do you have api access opened to the game? Also, do you know if the item loss happens with server going down at the same time?
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