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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. " bought serverfiles " You need give more information here. But let me guess, the person you bought from sent you a tar.gz and told you to extract it (or the person installed it for you) ? If so, i've seen most backdoors inside the db/mysql. We need to view the files in order to see the issue, else its just guessing
  2. Main makefile, add: @rm -rf exported_libs @mkdir -p exported_libs @ldd db/db | tail -n+2 | awk '{sub(/.*=> /, ""); print}' | sed 's/([^)]*)//g' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | xargs -I {} cp {} exported_libs/. @ldd game/game | tail -n+2 | awk '{sub(/.*=> /, ""); print}' | sed 's/([^)]*)//g' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | xargs -I {} cp {} exported_libs/.
  3. When removing the INDEX, you need to be carefull with your search method, and notice if its searching by FILE or INDEX. You can replicate the order in your executabe following the order at your INDEX. But while you are at it, i advise you to merge the whole client into a single folder, replacing files according to the reverse INDEX order. That way it will ask you to replace files (you accept) eliminating the duplicates. You need first to remove the seasonX/ from your client. That will give you some work but you will end up with a no duplicates slightly smaller client. Then you wont have to worry about packs loading order (its just another bad practice from webzen).
  4. Sometimes i reply, not because i want to be unpleasent, but because i see too much wasted time on things that shouldnt have time spent on. Add this to your makefile before all the makes to touch the files: @find . -type f | xargs -n 5 touch To make commands to build / strip etc without going to folder or even running your python script, just add commands to your sbin. For example a sbin command "rebuild" with the content of: cd /your/location && gmake rebuild -j So that everytime you run your "rebuild" command at ANY location, it will do the action above. In my opinion the time you spent making such a tool is not worth the outcome. Sometimes is better just to use the default tools and dont complicate. Dont take this as a trolling or insult, is just to give you my advise to spend time on other stuff that deserve it, after all time is finite and should be well spent.
  5. Only because you wanna be a big boy spamming to close servers, how about we make a batch mt2server maker so people can make a full server in a matter of minutes fully automated? Seems a fun way to troll you
  6. Then GF can pay us and we will fix it for them. No € = No C++
  7. Serverfiles are a all the same, bunch on quests, maps and mobs. You dont download and use serverfiles, thats what newbies are recommending to you still. First step is to make your own serverfiles structure, clean of all quests, drops, etc. So that you have a good working ground. With that you also should use a client as untouched as possible. In topic: Difference between serverfiles is their game / db binaries and their share folder. Game / db binaries may contain different or modified systems from serverfile to serverfile. This you solve by compiling and doing your own set of game / db. Share folder contains the mob drops, quests, maps. Here you should start from 0 quests and add them as needed, so you really know whats there. It can really be insecure to use serverfiles from people, as most wannabes will add malware to it. This happens because almost everyone will tell you to extract "tar.gz" in hardcoded folders, instead of teaching you how to make it from scratch. A note: When someones tell you to install mysql by extracted its mysql folder into /var/db/mysql, you know that person is an absolute 0 and most likely just a tutorial follower. People use freebsd because metin2 game / db was built in it. You can adapt it to for example ubuntu, now you will find freebsd to be a real mature and overall good OS. For database edits, you can use Navicat or Mysql Workbench, those are the most used for easy visual databse editing. Regarding your specific edit, most probably your serverfiles were using the mob_proto from .txt files and replicating it to the databse, in that case all changes made on database are ignored and replaced by .txt ones. So you need to edit the .txt file instead (select all, paste into empty excell document is the easiest as it will auto adapt all columns) OR make your server read information from database. Python is for the client, as you are starting you dont need such a big knowledge of it as there are well structured tutorials for it. Its more a common understanding of programming, with time you will see what does what. C++ is needed for the server and client sources, but again like python, learn programming. If you know how to program, you can code in any language, its just a matter of learning that language specific syntax (thats what documentation exists for). Regarding doubling the space of shop, lets pretend i have no clue where it is: 1 - I will try to find identify the function / functions that open shop for example 2 - I will trace the variables it uses 3 - I will check the variable types in this case, as different variable types can have different maximum / minimum sizes. For finding and following things, visual studio and its search + intellisense its a wonder Complete full understanding of the game, you will not have now. With time and practice you will memorize what comes from, its normal in every project
  8. Client executable: if (strstr(GetCommandLineA(), "--argument") == nullptr) { exit(0);} C# patcher: Process.Start("metin2client.exe", "--argument"); #if issues, remove both -- from here
  9. So you can get a list of cidrs for a given country and add them to IPFW: Get lists here: [Hidden Content] Where XX is the two digit country code, for example: [Hidden Content] You can manualy paste those into your table, or make a batch to do it for you. Using that example it will be something like: ipfw -q table BLOCKED add ipfw -q table BLOCKED add etc Considering your table is named BLOCKED.
  10. Protect a dummy client, put it on the cheapest vps you can find and provide some accounts (user1 pass / user2 pass and such) and put download here. Im sure someone will review it after.
  11. Seems that there are issues understanding two simple phrases so let me make it easier: Npclist : npclist.txt dog mode : bark bark, 4 legs, fur years ago. : ancient visual mod : placebo
  12. Npclist based dog mode made some years ago. For other mobs, no science, just swap folder in front of the mob vnum into "stray_dog" and voilá. Dropbox
  13. You can easilly do that on navicat for exemple, if you need help i can show you how
  14. You check your queries to view what operations they do. Usually its just "Select, Insert, Update". But again, insert should only be in account.account and not the whole account.* for example. Same for other types, they should only access the exact table they need to, not the whole thing.
  15. It leads to an issue. If you have a player named RIPBAN1 and use your system, the person can make another account and reuse the character name "RIPBAN1". If you say the player RIPBAN1 was banned, do your cleaning, have someone else/the banned person make another char called RIPBAN1, you will have hate upon you saying its "corruption" and that the player "was not banned at all" and all of that stuff comming from cry babies players. Maybe you could delete all, except the player.player itself, so that that character name is not re-usable. You could also clean from player.affect
  16. You wanna know if the mount time continues to decrease even if you are logged off? It depends, as both options are available. The time of the mount can decrease only if its being used or it can count even if character is offline. Post here the corresponding mount proto line and you will be informed about it.
  17. I do not always see crap on the internet, but when i do its legendary.
  18. Some stuff to clean your db: TRUNCATE TABLE account.account; TRUNCATE TABLE common.gmlist; TRUNCATE TABLE log.attr_transfer; TRUNCATE TABLE log.bootlog; TRUNCATE TABLE log.change_name; TRUNCATE TABLE log.command_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.cube; TRUNCATE TABLE log.dragon_slay_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.dragonlair_dungeon; TRUNCATE TABLE log.exo_bank_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.fish_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.gmhost; TRUNCATE TABLE log.gmlist; TRUNCATE TABLE log.goldlog; TRUNCATE TABLE log.hack_crc_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.hack_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.ingame_ban_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.levellog; TRUNCATE TABLE log.locale; TRUNCATE TABLE log.locale_bug; TRUNCATE TABLE log.log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.loginlog; TRUNCATE TABLE log.loginlog2; TRUNCATE TABLE log.meley_dungeon; TRUNCATE TABLE log.money_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.okay_event; TRUNCATE TABLE log.pcbang_loginlog; TRUNCATE TABLE log.quest_reward_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.refinelog; TRUNCATE TABLE log.sash; TRUNCATE TABLE log.shout_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.speed_hack; TRUNCATE TABLE log.voucher_log; TRUNCATE TABLE log.whisper_log; TRUNCATE TABLE player.affect; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild_comment; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild_grade; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild_member; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild_war; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild_war_bet; TRUNCATE TABLE player.guild_war_reservation; TRUNCATE TABLE player.horse_name; TRUNCATE TABLE player.item; TRUNCATE TABLE player.item_award; TRUNCATE TABLE player.marriage; TRUNCATE TABLE player.messenger_list; TRUNCATE TABLE player.player; TRUNCATE TABLE player.player_deleted; TRUNCATE TABLE player.player_index; TRUNCATE TABLE player.quest; TRUNCATE TABLE player.safebox; Your log tables may differ.
  19. If someone get affected by "ddos" from "cheap", i advice you to quit playing with servers, you understand a big 0. Meanwhile, lets wait to see what other great design he will provide us. Better design = better protection, everyone knows it
  20. Indeed, everyone can copy-paste shitcode, because shitcode is not real code.
  21. Oh boy, maybe he got another counter design now Buy now or else! ?
  22. Yes, rubinum bought the license and is now an official server. Let me present it to you in the image bellow: ?
  23. This is why gameforge sends dmcas.
  24. ahah wasnt my intention to be mean or something like that, sorry if you understood it that way. most of time im on phone and i just write fast and send
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