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Everything posted by tierrilopes

  1. Hello. Seems to me that you dont have a log folder/got the symbolic link to it pointing to the wrong directory.
  2. About the translations, you could use a simple platform like OneSky (link here), in each we can translate it to all the languages (different types of the same language also accepted). That and a auto-language system would be awesome.
  3. 71051 to add the 6/7, and 71052 to change it (or the other way around, i dont remember and cant acess a db right now) You need to add the item client and serverside.
  4. Ram is a bit short, but it also depends on your target players. Tutorial
  5. Like Night said, just enjoy it. Some things are better to remain secret.
  6. Try again running this query at account database, but using the drop if exists: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `block_exception`; CREATE TABLE `block_exception` ( `login` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=big5; If you it still doesnt solve, pm me and i will help you solve it, posting here the solution after.
  7. In account database, delete the table block_exception (if it exists at all) and then run this query: Restart MySql server to and game server. Also, make sure dragon_soul_table.txt exists in the following directory: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt
  8. As answered to you in another forum, you got errors in database structure. Please provide the syserr here in order, so that the thread can serve as a solution to future and similars problems someone may have. Try to present syserr in the future as it will be easier to help you. Regards, Tierri Lopes.
  9. Duplicate account, common and hotbackup databases, and change the copies name to: account_test common_test hotbackup_test
  10. If you have a folder in D:/ymir work, the client will load it instead of the file inside client's pack folder.
  11. Navicat--->Account--->Query--->New query---> SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for block_exception -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `block_exception`; CREATE TABLE `block_exception` ( `login` int(20) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  12. First, yang question, you need to set it to 999999999999 instead of 999.999.999.999 Also you need a binary for it. Second question, i dont know Third, its normal, is due to the text codification. Client: I would advice you to develop your own version of the game, using that source. Channel99 is a channel where events like for example ox occur, guild wars and so on. Yes, its the 5th char. Go for EterNexus. I advice you to decompile using another tool, and then compiling with EterNexus, that way you wont have any more issues afterwards. Tutorial to compile, i think it exists here.
  13. In my opinion, you lost all reason when you insulted first, so the point you tried to prove, just became meaningless due to that. [5:19:17 PM] Roman: are you braindead or what [5:19:38 PM] Roman: what a dumbass [5:19:53 PM] Roman: ignorant piece of shit
  14. "merged all the exp tables to the "exp_table_common" which will be used by ANY locale. You can change the needed exp for 200 levels there."
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