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Everything posted by WeedHex

  1. They say "kill script" because they know what're saying. But TheMadNurse dont worry also them kill to many codes it's sure...
  2. if (item2->GetVnum() == item->GetVnum()) { int j; for (j = 0; j < ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM; ++j) if (item2->GetSocket(j) != item->GetSocket(j)) break; if (j != ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM) continue; BYTE bCount2 = MIN(200 - item2->GetCount(), bCount); bCount -= bCount2; item2->SetCount(item2->GetCount() + bCount2); } item->SetCount(bCount); Think on bool CHARACTER::PickupItem(DWORD dwVID) as you was telling.
  3. You can try with exp_table_common to change carefully.
  4. npclist.txt sorry my bad. MOBNUM[TAB]GR2NAME eg: 101 stray_dog
  5. function right_item() local value_x = item.get_vnum() if value_x >= 85001 and value_x <= 85024 then return true else return false end end if questname.right_item() == true then
  6. when 9012.click begin local map_data = { { ['section_name'] = "Title", ['page_size'] = 2, ['window_size'] = 330, ['section_data'] = { {['name']="Village 1 - Shinsu",['coord']={{474300,954800},{474300,954800},{474300,954800}},['price']=0,['min_level']=1}, {['name']="Village 1 - Chunj",['coord']={{63800,166400},{63800,166400},{63800,166400}},['price']=0,['min_level']=1} }, { ['section_name'] = "Title2", ['page_size'] = 2, ['window_size'] = 330, ['section_data'] = { {['name']="xxx",['coord']={{402100,673900},{270400,739900},{321300,808000}},['price']=10000,['min_level']=25}, {['name']="xxx",['coord']={{283500,807900},{283500,807900},{283500,807900}},['price']=120000,['min_level']=25} }, local section_menu = {} for i = 1, table.getn(map_data) do table.insert(section_menu, map_data[i].section_name) end table.insert(section_menu, "Exit") local race = npc.get_race() say("Where want to go?[ENTER]") local s = select_table(section_menu) if s == table.getn(section_menu) then return end local map_menu = {} local page_size = map_data[s].page_size local i = 1 local final_index = 0 while final_index < table.getn(map_data[s].section_data) do local current_page = {} final_index = i+page_size-1 if final_index > table.getn(map_data[s].section_data) then final_index = table.getn(map_data[s].section_data) end for j = i,final_index do table.insert(current_page, map_data[s].section_data[j].name) end if final_index != table.getn(map_data[s].section_data) then table.insert(current_page, "Avanti") end table.insert(current_page, "Exit") table.insert(map_menu, current_page) i = i+page_size end local window_size = map_data[s].window_size local page_counter = 1 local sel repeat say_title(mob_name(race).." - Page "..page_counter) say("Chose Map:") say_size(350, window_size) sel = select_table(map_menu[page_counter]) if sel == table.getn(map_menu[page_counter]) then return elseif ((sel == table.getn(map_menu[page_counter])-1) and (page_counter != table.getn(map_menu))) then page_counter = page_counter+1 else break end until false local selected_map = map_data[s].section_data[sel+page_size*(page_counter-1)] if ((pc.get_level() < selected_map.min_level) or (selected_map.max_level != nil and pc.get_level() > selected_map.max_level)) then say_title(mob_name(race)) say("Level: "..selected_map.min_level..".") if selected_map.max_level != nil then say("Level req. "..selected_map.max_level..".") end say("") return elseif pc.get_gold() < selected_map.price then say_title(mob_name(race)) say("Pay") say("xx "..selected_map.price.." Yang.[ENTER]") return end local emp = pc.get_empire() pc.change_gold(-selected_map.price) pc.warp(selected_map.coord[emp][1], selected_map.coord[emp][2]) end end end
  7. import game self.BlaBla = game.ClassNameWhereIsTheFunction() self.BlaBla.FunctionToUse()
  8. There were errors from WorldEditor. Main 3D object of the rooms was caught on the floor. Floor was black and make the graphic error. Doing the invisible terrain, problem will be solved.
  9. You can use only if (!sectree->IsAttr(GetX(), GetY(), ATTR_BANPK)) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You cannot open a shop here (use safezone)."); return; } LOL
  10. Is full of tutorial on google about this things.
  11. It's telling how to fix: 'AttachSash': is not a member of 'CActorInstance' --- In/gamelib/ActorInstance.h(24): Need to have AttachSash So what: Find: void SetHair(DWORD eHair) in /gamelib/ActorInstance.h Put under: #ifdef ENABLE_YOURSYSTEM void AttachSash(CItemData * pItemData, float fSpecular = 0.0f); #endif Regards , WeedHex
  12. YourMap->Setting.txt-> Put on the last line: TerrainVisible 0
  13. Did you set: "set gnutarget i386-marcel-freebsd"? Are you stripping your file game? (strip -s)
  14. if pc.getqf("qf_name") >0 then pc.setqf("qf_name",0) end
  15. Are you stripping the game file?? What's your file game's size?
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