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Everything posted by WeedHex

  1. Only 2 italian server have it. It's a system made in italy. You can find other different system to do it. Let we see how it should be...
  2. cyber everyone can take like or good comments using martysama things. Please don't share this things like it's yours. Forgot this: d && Crash is made from NULL->Packet()
  3. Change like mine. You can see what i did. It's just a prevent. The lamer is using a launcher's exploit.
  4. try: input_login.cpp function: void CInputLogin::GuildMarkCRCList(LPDESC d, const char* c_pData) Comment whole function and replace with mine. void CInputLogin::GuildMarkCRCList(LPDESC d, const char* c_pData) { TPacketCGMarkCRCList * pCG = (TPacketCGMarkCRCList *) c_pData; std::map<BYTE, const SGuildMarkBlock *> mapDiffBlocks; if (pCG) CGuildMarkManager::instance().GetDiffBlocks(pCG->imgIdx, pCG->crclist, mapDiffBlocks); DWORD blockCount = 0; TEMP_BUFFER buf(1024 * 1024); for (itertype(mapDiffBlocks) it = mapDiffBlocks.begin(); it != mapDiffBlocks.end(); ++it) { BYTE posBlock = it->first; const SGuildMarkBlock & rkBlock = *it->second; buf.write(&posBlock, sizeof(BYTE)); buf.write(&rkBlock.m_sizeCompBuf, sizeof(DWORD)); buf.write(rkBlock.m_abCompBuf, rkBlock.m_sizeCompBuf); ++blockCount; } TPacketGCMarkBlock pGC; pGC.header = HEADER_GC_MARK_BLOCK; pGC.bufSize = buf.size() + sizeof(TPacketGCMarkBlock); pGC.count = blockCount; pGC.imgIdx = pCG->imgIdx; sys_log(0, "MARK_SERVER: Sending blocks. (imgIdx %u diff %u size %u)", pCG->imgIdx, mapDiffBlocks.size(), pGC.bufSize); if (d && buf.size() > 0) { d->BufferedPacket(&pGC, sizeof(TPacketGCMarkBlock)); d->LargePacket(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); } else d->Packet(&pGC, sizeof(TPacketGCMarkBlock)); } Let me know...
  5. We can't see the InstanceBase.cpp You removed it.
  6. MARK_SERVER: Sending blocks. (imgIdx 0 diff 0 size 10) imgIdx 0 diff 0 Should be the cause.
  7. let's look on syserr.txt. You should have any syserr.
  8. Wrong file backup. or try to do /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart
  9. gmake clean (when you do a screen, take all of the shell)
  10. Problem is from input files. Need to check: if item mount is equipped then ride(itemmountvnum)
  11. Debug the system using a lot of chat/trance to know better what's going on.
  12. Only for a smile like that "-.-" you feel arrogance?? Dont worry bro, i gave you the solution if you dont understand my reply i can explain better. 1- You can undefine the DEBUG to block the problem. 2- You can find for bad effect and understand why the give errors. 3- I suggest to dont use any MAIUSC letter in any folder. /Ymir Work -> ymir work 4- You can find using windows serch, the folders effect\etc\click \effect\etc\firecracker \effect\etc\buff \effect\etc\recuperation After you find the folders spread on the client, you can try to understand whant effect is going wrong. File not exist Means that the client can't find the files, it can be for MAIUSC words or for missing files. Noone can know what you did on the client. Good Lucky
  13. #ifdef _DEBUG if (!IsFileExist(c_szFileName) ) { if( pcFileExt == NULL || (stricmp( pcFileExt, ".fnt" ) != 0) ) { TraceError("CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist %s", c_szFileName); } } #endif -.-" are u DBGing the GetResourcePointer? If not, just undefine.
  14. Problem is maked from bad effect installation. Loop of errors should make you crash with unknow packet without any logic. Before to think how to fix unknow packet, let's fix other s**tty things there are.
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