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Everything posted by Galet

  1. Hello, I have Azulox Item Shop (released here I think) and I have a problem. I put the mysql table, I config the config.php, etc... But I have this error : And if in game I use "web" command from the console, there's the same problem.
  2. Why ? I know it's a little bit hopeless but are you sure ? :x
  3. And I still don't know where you find it xD What if we talk about a possible metin3 ?
  4. That's how Nova created novaline, however the client is pretty old according to ymir. But metin1 and inferna was leaked, and the source will be public maybe. PS : Metin1 was a great 2D game Thanks FakedMan
  5. STOP doing that, think about people in the same case of yours...
  6. Hello, if you have the slot, just replace ITEM_UNIQUE by ITEM_RING in item proto
  7. Before there was 2007 game and so on (1444 or something like that) the old game that I have is a 2006 ou 2004 game (really old and special)
  8. The source aren't a leak by an ex developper of Ymir or a fail in their website ? But... About r2089, r34k etc... I don't know from where they came from, from source of course but who released it ?
  9. Anddddddd.... Fixed ! It's a problem about a column, this column wasn't declared in tables.h ^^ Thanks everybody.
  10. I already designed all my column after the overflowing bug, the problem stay the same, thanks anyway :x Yeah, my weapon is still at the "part_main" I'm pretty lost because the only place where part_main and part_hair is updated is from clientmanagerplayer.cpp but this file is untouched (a bit)...
  11. Check the place of the affect. If AFFECT_(NAME OF SHAMAN AFFECT) is in the 30th place, he must be in the 30th place in your skill_proto too.
  12. Be respectfull, don't delete your post, because if someone got the same error than you he won't ask it because your subject were present.
  13. No, my gamefile and my db were recently compilated together in order to include the new c++ version, and my common is generally untouched. ^^ Thanks anyway
  14. Hello ! I don't know why, but since few times, my player table is haunted... Why ? Once upon a time, all my level, playtime etc... couldn't compute because of "part_main", indeed the number overflowed the "smallint" of the column. So I decided to modify this column to an int. And it worth it. But now, at every reboot all my characters loose their hair, and if i take a look in player, at "part_hair" there's the vnum of my weapon, and in "part_main"there's... something. Screen : So, I don't know from where this bug from, I think it's in the db source but there's anything wrong inside... Thanks and have a nice day.
  15. Fixed, it was about my drops. Now, there's only one bug left : My characters lost their hair after reboot... I'm pretty sure it's about part_hair.
  16. I just finished to post my last message that the server crashed again... I can't use gdb because my db is stripped. Do you think the item drop can cause this kind of bug ?
  17. Ok, normally it's fixed. How ? Hem... Just because I'm dumb... I extended my dbcache in order to use item_proto_test and mob_proto_test. But my mob_proto_test doesn't have the same size as the mob_proto. After 30 minutes, my server still online. (Or still alive is the cake is a lie) There's only one bug left : My character lost their hair after reboot... I'm pretty sure it's about part_hair. Thanks for your help ! Edit : Nah, still this bug...
  18. It's a local server so I don't know. PS : Same with the old dbcache, I think the problem is caused by the protos, do you have a valid lycan protos please ?
  19. I think indeed it's about my protos, but unfortunately I use the official protos, so I don't know, I just changed my whole game and db for an oldest one, and I will see if the bug appears.
  20. What is the last 2 support skill in the "wolfman has warrior ksill" picture please ?
  21. Time bomb doesn't bring this bug. Of course it is
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