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  1. Stop criticizing people negatively.If you trust the coding, you share something so that everyone can see? These people are at least releasing instead of selling. You could leave simple examples to help if the intention was not to boast and to improve coding. Just go and play in the sand
  2. I am getting errors while compiling with Qt Creator. 1. MultiThread.cpp:94: error: 'const class QString' has no member named 'toAscii' PutFileData(this->pEpkInstance, this->lFilesList.at(this->iPointer++).toAscii().data(), g_storage_type, &iOutSize, &iHashCRC32); ^ 2. MultiThread.cpp:95: error: 'class QString' has no member named 'toAscii' PutFile(this->pEixInstance, GetIntelVirtualPath(szFileVirtualPath).toAscii().data(), g_storage_type, iOutSize, iHashCRC32); ^ MultiThread.cpp #include "MultiThread.h" EterIndexThread::EterIndexThread(EINSTANCE *pEixInstance, const char *szEterIndexName) : pEixInstance(pEixInstance), szEterIndexName(szEterIndexName) { } EterIndexThread::~EterIndexThread() { this->pEixInstance = 0; this->szEterIndexName = 0; } void EterIndexThread::run() { *this->pEixInstance = LoadEterIndex(this->szEterIndexName, g_index_key, MODE_READ); this->exit(); } UINT32 EterPackThread::iPointer = 0; EterPackThread::EterPackThread(EINSTANCE *pEpkInstance, const char *szEterPackName, PLIST pEterIndexItems) : pEpkInstance(pEpkInstance), szEterPackName(szEterPackName), pEterIndexItems(pEterIndexItems) { EterPackThread::iPointer = 0; } EterPackThread::~EterPackThread() { this->pEpkInstance = 0; this->szEterPackName = 0; this->pEterIndexItems = 0; EterPackThread::iPointer = 0; } void EterPackThread::run() { if(!*this->pEpkInstance) *this->pEpkInstance = LoadEterPack(this->szEterPackName, g_pack_key, MODE_READ); // Check if the istances are valid if(this->pEpkInstance == NULL) this->exit(); UINT8 *pEterPackData = GetFileData(*this->pEpkInstance, this->pEterIndexItems[EterPackThread::iPointer]); UINT32 pEterPackSize = GetDataSize(*this->pEpkInstance); char szFilePath[MAX_PATH], szMainDirectory[MAX_PATH]; // Check if the DLL returned valid data if(pEterPackData == NULL && pEterPackSize > 0) this->exit(); memcpy(szMainDirectory, this->szEterPackName, strlen(this->szEterPackName)-4); szMainDirectory[strlen(this->szEterPackName)-4] = 0; _snprintf(szFilePath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", szMainDirectory, GetFilteredPath(this->pEterIndexItems[EterPackThread::iPointer]->VirtualPath)); CheckAndCreateDir(szFilePath); _snprintf(szFilePath, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", szMainDirectory, GetFilteredPath(this->pEterIndexItems[EterPackThread::iPointer++]->VirtualPath)); FastIO::FileWrite(szFilePath, "wb", pEterPackData, pEterPackSize); this->exit(); } INT32 PackThread::iPointer = 0; PackThread::PackThread(QString szDirectoryPath, QStringList lFilesList, EINSTANCE pEixInstance, EINSTANCE pEpkInstance) : szDirectoryPath(szDirectoryPath), lFilesList(lFilesList), pEixInstance(pEixInstance), pEpkInstance(pEpkInstance) { PackThread::iPointer = 0; } PackThread::~PackThread() { this->szDirectoryPath = QString(); this->lFilesList = QStringList(); this->pEixInstance = 0; this->pEpkInstance = 0; PackThread::iPointer = 0; } void PackThread::run() { if(this->szDirectoryPath.isEmpty() || this->lFilesList.isEmpty() || !this->pEixInstance || !this->pEpkInstance) return; if(this->lFilesList.count() < PackThread::iPointer) return; UINT32 iOutSize = 0, iHashCRC32 = 0; QString szFileVirtualPath = GetDiffFromPaths(this->lFilesList.at(this->iPointer), this->szDirectoryPath).toLower(); PutFileData(this->pEpkInstance, this->lFilesList.at(this->iPointer++).toAscii().data(), g_storage_type, &iOutSize, &iHashCRC32); PutFile(this->pEixInstance, GetIntelVirtualPath(szFileVirtualPath).toAscii().data(), g_storage_type, iOutSize, iHashCRC32); this->exit(); } MultiThread.h #ifndef MULTITHREAD_H #define MULTITHREAD_H #include <QThread> #include "API/EterPackAPI.hpp" #include "Global/Utils.h" #include "Global/IO.h" #include "Global/Global.h" class EterIndexThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EterIndexThread(EINSTANCE *pEixInstance, const char *szEterIndexName); ~EterIndexThread(); void run(); public: EINSTANCE *pEixInstance; const char *szEterIndexName; }; class EterPackThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EterPackThread(EINSTANCE *pEpkInstance, const char *szEterPackName, PLIST pEterIndexItems); ~EterPackThread(); void run(); public: EINSTANCE *pEpkInstance; const char *szEterPackName; PLIST pEterIndexItems; static UINT32 iPointer; }; class PackThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit PackThread(QString szDirectoryPath, QStringList lFilesList, EINSTANCE pEixInstance, EINSTANCE pEpkInstance); ~PackThread(); void run(); public: QString szDirectoryPath; QStringList lFilesList; EINSTANCE pEixInstance, pEpkInstance; static INT32 iPointer; }; #endif // MULTITHREAD_H Thanks in advance.
  3. #solved The cause of the problem is caused by the okey event system.Those who suffer from this problem, please use the following. uicards.py
  4. game.py chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO,"You can not use an object when the duel panel is open.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Duel> The duel was canceled because the opponent did not get up in 15 seconds.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Trade Duel:> : You can not do this while the trade duels are blocked.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Trade Duel:> : You can not do this while the trade duels are blocked.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Trade Duel:> : You can not do this while the trade duels are blocked.") chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, "He's sending you a trade duel offer.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, str(name) + " The named player is sending you a duel offer to the trade.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO,"This player can not duel right now.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Trade Duel:> : You can not do this while the trade duels are blocked.") chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, "He's sending you a trade duel offer.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, str(name) + " The named player is sending you a duel offer to the trade.") localegame.py dbg.LogBox("Unexpected Error(%(gelenDosya)s)" % locals()) raise RuntimeError, "Indeterminate token code detected!" dbg.LogBox("%s: Line(%d): %s" % (gelenDosya, yer, i), "localegame[game.txt]") uigameoption.py chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO,"You can not open free mode while you're in trade duels.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO,"You can not open guild mode while trading duels.") uiiteminduello.py self.ListBox.InsertItem(0, " |cFF0080FF|H|hThe trade duel panel opened.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Duel> : This process can not be done in preparation for the duel.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Duel> : This process can not be done in preparation for the duel.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Duel> : This process can not be done in preparation for the duel.") chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Duel> : This process can not be done in preparation for the duel.") self.ListBox.InsertItem(0, "|cFFFF0000|H|hYou: " + "|cFFFFFF00|H|hRound number " + str(bol[2]) + " You changed it to. |c000000|H|h" + str(bol[5])) self.ListBox.InsertItem(0, "|cFF32CD32|H|h" + str(bol[1]) + ": " + "|cFFFFFF00|H|h" + str(bol[2]) + " (" + str(bol[3]) + "x - " + str(bol[4]) + ".Slot)" + " added. |c000000|H|h" + str(bol[5])) self.ListBox.InsertItem(0, "|cFF32CD32|H|h" + str(bol[1]) + ": " + "|cFFFFFF00|H|h" + str(localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(gameInfo.DUELLO_RAKIP_PARA)) + " added. |c000000|H|h" + str(bol[5])) self.ListBox.InsertItem(0, "|cFF32CD32|H|h" + str(bol[1]) + ": " + "|cFFFFFF00|H|h" + str(bol[2]) + " (" + str(bol[3]) + "x - " + str(bol[4]) + ".Ekipman Slot)" + " added. |c000000|H|h" + str(bol[5])) self.ListBox.InsertItem(0, "|cFF32CD32|H|h" + str(bol[1]) + ": " + "|cFFFFFF00|H|hRound number " + str(bol[2]) + " You changed it to. |c000000|H|h" + str(bol[5])) self.TitleName.SetText(str(gameInfo.DUELLO_RAKIP) + " Trade duel panel with named player.") self.GetChild("Target_MacBilgileri_1").SetText("Total Round:" + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(gameInfo.DUELLO_RAKIP)+"_info2"].split("#")[1])) self.GetChild("Target_MacBilgileri_2").SetText("G/M : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(gameInfo.DUELLO_RAKIP)+"_info2"].split("#")[2])+"/"+str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(gameInfo.DUELLO_RAKIP)+"_info2"].split("#")[3])) self.GetChild("Target_MacBilgileri_3").SetText("Escape : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(gameInfo.DUELLO_RAKIP)+"_info2"].split("#")[4])) self.GetChild("My_MacBilgileri_1").SetText("Total Round:" + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info2"].split("#")[1])) self.GetChild("My_MacBilgileri_2").SetText("G/M : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info2"].split("#")[2])+"/"+str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info2"].split("#")[3])) self.GetChild("My_MacBilgileri_3").SetText("Escape : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info2"].split("#")[4])) self.roundBildirBUTTON = self.Button(self, 'Report competitor', 'Report if your opponent is in a duel.!', 71 + 98, 0, self.__roundBildir, 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.sub', 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.sub', 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub') self.GetChild("TitleName").SetText("The commercial duel depot is empty.") self.GetChild("My_Guild").SetText("No Guild") self.GetChild("TitleName").SetText(str(self.name) + " The last items you earned in the trade duels with. (Round : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI["depo_"+str(self.name)+"_round"]) + " )") self.GetChild("TitleName").SetText("Ýtemine ws depon boţ.") self.GetChild("My_MacBilgileri_1").SetText("Total Round: " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info100"].split("#")[1])) self.GetChild("My_MacBilgileri_2").SetText("G/M : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info100"].split("#")[2])+"/"+str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info100"].split("#")[3])) self.GetChild("My_MacBilgileri_3").SetText("Escape : " + str(gameInfo.DUELLO_BILGILERI[str(player.GetName())+"_info100"].split("#")[4])) uirestart.py chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO,"You can not use the city restart option when you are in a trade duels.") BUTTON_NAME_LIST = ( "Duel with goods", "Accept Duel", ) self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict["Duel with goods"]) self.Chat("<Düello> : There is already a duel.") self.Chat("<Düello> : You can not use this option when the panel display is open.")
  5. [Hidden Content] The problem is that the screen display appears to be in error and I can solve how this problem is happening. Thank you in advance. Official system [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. I think this way use if (pItem->GetSubType() == CItemData::WEAPON_SWORD) { DWORD vnum = pItem->GetIndex(); if (vnum == 60299) // if (60299 <= vnum && vnum <= 60999) { m_swordRefineEffectRight = EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_SWORD_REFINED7; m_swordRefineEffectRight = EFFECT_REFINED + EFFECT_SWORD_REFINED_SPECIAL1; //effect 24 sword effect } }
  7. if I understand it correctly, follow the steps Channel+1+2+3+4 and game99 add ; CONFIG "CheckClientVersion: 1 ClientVersion: 5855858808" game/src/config.cpp search code : string g_stClientVersion = "5855858808"; your version number edit search code blog: if (version > date) change --> if (version != date) continuation client/UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp search code blog: strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, "5855858808", sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); your version number edit.. fnish good use for
  8. thank you galet ,Will you be a little more specific?
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