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Posts posted by Rumor

  1. That's for example if an overkill is happening. The bug with the sura skill is when you overkill an enemy, the hp of the enemy goes > 0 and that's influencing this calculation as you can see: You loose hp.

    My fix will allow sura's to get the hp they earned by overkilling an enemy.

    Remember: You can't deal < 0 damage, as if it's < 0 it'll be normalized to a number between (afaik) 1-5. The overkill is the only thing producing this bug and the fix will not only prevent the bug but still letting suras get what they earned (if you choose to have the other fix you'll still have a bug: The bug that if you overkill an enemy, you won't get the hp even if you should).


    the bug he meantioned is simply the bug that's occuring when you overkill an enemy (which happens at least.. 99% of all kills you make since your last hit won't to damage equal to the hp left so you nullify his hp exactly). If you're leveling, you'll get hit hard by this bug if you're going to level at places where the enemies are low on def but high on damage.

    Are you referring to mobs as enemies too? Because you should not be receiving HP when attacking players.

  2. yea it's pretty easy but I think I ended up not using that change because it didn't fix the problem.

    I also made sure that all my archives are under 100MB. I split the large ones into separate archives (such as the PC and PC2 archives).

    What I suggest is remove all the items that you aren't using in your plan for the server. For example, you download a pack of armors and/or weapons and only use some of them. So delete the ones you aren't using first (it also makes the overall client size smaller, which is nice).

    Next, check if you're getting runtime errors in your syserr, you may have to choose new armors to replace some (or weapons). When I did this I finally got rid of all the errors.

  3. I made the DIF change in the release based on what Juan said was the proper one..

    When I setup my current server I think I applied one of the following DIFs to fix it:

    000E7E03: E8 EB
    000E7E04: A8 03
    000E7E05: 23 00
    000E7E06: 10 00
    000E7E0A: 75 EB
    000E7E0B: 14 00
    000E7E20: 8B 00
    000E7E21: 45 00
    000E7E22: FC 00
    000E7E23: 33 00
    000E7E24: 05 00
    000E7E25: 18 00
    000E7E26: 14 00
    000E7E27: 6A 00
    000E7E28: 08 00
    000E7E29: C6 00
    000E7E2A: 05 00
    000E7E2B: B0 00
    000E7E2C: 49 00
    000E7E2D: 7B 00
    000E7E2E: 08 00
    000E7E2F: 01 00
    000E7E30: 75 00
    000E7E31: 06 00
    000E7E32: C9 00
    000E7E33: E9 00
    000E7E34: 48 00
    000E7E35: FE 00
    000E7E36: FF 00
    000E7E37: FF 00
    000EB08C: E8 EB
    000EB08D: 1F 0B
    000EB091: 84 00
    000EB092: C0 00
    000EB093: 0F 00
    000EB094: 85 00
    000EB095: C9 00
    000EB096: 03 00
    000EB462: E8 00
    000EB463: 19 00
    000EB464: C8 00
    000EB465: FF 00
    000EB466: FF 00
    000EB467: C7 00
    000EB468: 04 00
    000EB469: 24 00
    000EB46A: 01 00
    000EB46E: 89 00
    000EB46F: F6 00
    000EB470: E8 00
    000EB471: 4B 00
    000EB472: B5 00
    000EB473: F1 00
    000EB474: FF 00
    000EB67B: E8 EB
    000EB67C: 30 0B
    000EB67D: EB 00
    000EB67E: 0F 00
    000EB680: 84 00
    000EB681: C0 00
    000EB682: 0F 00
    000EB683: 85 00
    000EB684: 4E 00
    000EB685: 04 00
    000EBAD6: E8 00
    000EBAD7: A5 00
    000EBAD8: C1 00
    000EBAD9: FF 00
    000EBADA: FF 00
    000EBADB: C7 00
    000EBADC: 04 00
    000EBADD: 24 00
    000EBADE: 01 00
    000EBAE2: E8 00
    000EBAE3: D9 00
    000EBAE4: AE 00
    000EBAE5: F1 00
    000EBAE6: FF 00
    001EA1B0: 55 C3
    001EA1B1: 89 00
    001EA1B2: E5 00
    001EA1B3: 83 00
    001EA1B4: EC 00
    001EA1B5: 18 00
    001EA1B6: A1 00
    001EA1B7: 18 00
    001EA1B8: 14 00
    001EA1B9: 6A 00
    001EA1BA: 08 00
    001EA1BB: 89 00
    001EA1BC: 45 00
    001EA1BD: FC 00
    001EA1BE: 31 00
    001EA1BF: C0 00
    001EA1C0: 8B 00
    001EA1C1: 55 00
    001EA1C2: FC 00
    001EA1C3: 33 00
    001EA1C4: 15 00
    001EA1C5: 18 00
    001EA1C6: 14 00
    001EA1C7: 6A 00
    001EA1C8: 08 00
    001EA1C9: 75 00
    001EA1CA: 02 00
    001EA1CB: C9 00
    001EA1CC: C3 00
    001EA1CD: E8 00
    001EA1CE: AE 00
    001EA1CF: C9 00
    001EA1D0: E1 00
    001EA1D1: FF 90
    001EA8F0: 55 C3
    001EA8F1: 89 00
    001EA8F2: E5 00
    001EA8F3: 83 00
    001EA8F4: EC 00
    001EA8F5: 18 00
    001EA8F6: A1 00
    001EA8F7: 18 00
    001EA8F8: 14 00
    001EA8F9: 6A 00
    001EA8FA: 08 00
    001EA8FB: 89 00
    001EA8FC: 45 00
    001EA8FD: FC 00
    001EA8FE: 31 00
    001EA8FF: C0 00
    001EA900: 8B 00
    001EA901: 45 00
    001EA902: FC 00
    001EA903: 33 00
    001EA904: 05 00
    001EA905: 18 00
    001EA906: 14 00
    001EA907: 6A 00
    001EA908: 08 00
    001EA909: 75 00
    001EA90A: 06 00
    001EA90B: C9 00
    001EA90C: E9 00
    001EA90D: 8F 00
    001EA90E: 1A 00
    001EA90F: F3 00
    001EA910: FF 00
    001EA911: E8 00
    001EA912: 6A 00
    001EA913: C2 00
    001EA914: E1 00
    001EA915: FF 00
    001EAC19: F3 FF
    001EAC1A: D0 FF
    001EAC1B: 64 FF
    001EAC1C: 52 FF
    001EAE0D: C6 EB
    001EAE0F: B0 00
    001EAE10: 49 00
    001EAE11: 7B 00
    001EAE12: 08 00
    001EAE13: 01 90
    001EC66A: E8 EB
    001EC66B: 81 03
    001EC66C: E2 00
    001EC66D: FF 00
    001EC66E: FF 00
    001EA1B0: 55 31
    001EA1B1: 89 C0
    001EA1B2: E5 C3
    001EA8F0: 55 31
    001EA8F1: 89 C0
    001EA8F2: E5 40
    001EA8F3: 83 C3
    001EAC20: 0F 90
    001EAC21: 87 90
    001EAC22: E7 90
    001EAC23: 01 90
    001EAC24: 00 90
    001EAC25: 00 90
  4. The new update fixed my previous error and since then I've been fixing some more but now I'm getting this error and I'm not sure why, here is the error:

    SetMaxItemID: ItemIDRange: FATAL ERROR!!! ITEM ID RANGE is not set.

    Any idea on how to fix this?


    I think you need to go to the DB folder and open conf.txt then add a 0 or maybe a few 0s to the last number in the item ID range.

  5. I don't have that and don't know how to mess with that compiled python..


    you pretty much need the 2013 serverinfo.py and a compatible bin like 36469 or 34669..


    you can get the invoice v2 client and put your metin2 bin there..


    there are many 2013 clients out there. I'm not so good with clients so I don't want to try to release one fully ready.

  6. you're using 2089 game core?

    if yes I think you need to apply this DIF:

    0004A878: A7 AB
    0004A88B: B3 B7
    0004A8A4: 2C 30
    000A2DC0: 80 EB
    000A2DC1: BF 20
    000A4DA5: 80 EB
    000A4DA6: BE 0B
    000D09CE: 01 00
    000D175E: 01 00
    001819BF: A1 90
    001819C0: 38 90
    001819C1: 3A 90
    001819C2: 4C 90
    001819C3: 08 90
    001819C4: 89 90
    001819C5: 45 90
    001819C6: F0 90
    00181A10: 8B 90
    00181A11: 55 90
    00181A12: F0 90
    00181A13: 33 90
    00181A14: 15 90
    00181A15: 38 90
    00181A16: 3A 90
    00181A17: 4C 90
    00181A18: 08 90
    00181A19: 0F 90
    00181A1A: 85 90
    00181A1B: 7A 90
    00181A1C: 01 90
    00181A1D: 00 90
    00181A1E: 00 90
    00181AE1: CF D3
    00181AF4: DB DF
    00181B0E: 2C 30
  7. Hello can someone please give me the download link for 3.150, i only have access to 4.0 but i don't really want to move to a new version. (I have a key, just need a download link for 3.150)

    enigma_3.150_20131005_en.exe <- I need this installtion


    If you're really a customer, go to the panel here and you can find official releases of older versions: http://panel.enigmaprotector.com/index.php/customer/gotopage/products/2/12

  8. Rumor can you create a .vdi with this files for us?


    You can just use any vdi and upload the game files and database :)


    When you guys have errors using vrunner, and see nothing in autorun.log... you should stop using that and try launching the old fashion way so you can watch the output in PuTTy then check syserr if needed.


    Rumor i postet above when i try to start the core manually with ./game  (also without vrunner)  i get just

    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    but still no Log/error files :(


    the Database is not the Problem if the DBcache/DBcore runns normaly? im rigth?

    Yes I think that's right, do what Juan says.. he knows more about these new files.. they seem to be different than what all the pserver people are used to :/

  9. NXAPTCl.pngdN8AwUd.png


    Not sure why you're posting this as it's irrelevant :S.


    Hey guys,

    I like the protection , thanks Rumor.

    But i am getting some sort of laggs ( pc laggs ) while running the game. specially in crowded areas like map1 and stuff.



    Some told me to change settings in here : https://metin2.download/picture/d5uS8AKJ89q28lOY79CwUjxbWOkS05Y9/.png , but i put the lowest options and still same thing...

    Anything wrong with my .exe ? i use the 34k once.



    That private key thing won't change anything regarding lag. What Sanchez said is more likely..


    It doesn't lag with the config I supplied in the original post, maybe you can compare your settings with that. Also, if you've added alot of custom detections for applications that may cause it to lag more.. you can try increasing the time for the scan of running applications, so it doesn't scan as often. You can find that here:



    Anybody can confirm Enigma 4.0 compatibility with metin?

    I'm using 3.150. I do have access to download 4.0 but see no reason to release a new bin to players just because I wanted to change Enigma versions. The new version doesn't seem to add anything useful in this case from the email I read. I don't see why it wouldn't work though, and if it doesn't you can always download the older release.

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