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Posts posted by Rumor

  1. we want to pm log so its very important for server administrator


    It's their core, if they don't want to do it they won't.. if you want it badly then pay someone to add it into the source or do it yourself :P



    I guess it depends on if someone would use it for bad things.. in my case it came with the 34083 core and I use it to scan for other server names then read the conversation to determine whether or not the player was intentionally trying to bring players to another server. I have alot of haters who like to come to my server and do this stuff..

  2. Remove the preloads from the run.sh scripts like this..



    find this:

    ./vrunner --daemon --pid-path=pid.game --file=game --env="LD_32_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/metin2" --env="LD_32_PRELOAD=./libgame.so" >> autorun.log 2>&1 &

    remove this:

    --env="LD_32_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/metin2" --env="LD_32_PRELOAD=./libgame.so"

    End result should be like this:

    ./vrunner --daemon --pid-path=pid.game --file=game >> autorun.log 2>&1 &

    This was a mistake in the script and I'll update the package with the right scripts.

  3. It could be depending on how many channels you have setup to start I guess. Or it could be some leftover pieces from a previous attempt to start the server. I suggest doing this:

    kill -s 9 pid pid pid pid

    where pid = the process id of each vrunner

    then use ps to confirm the processes are ended and start the server again using the start script. For a public server with active players, I don't recommend killing the cores this way. Normally once you've got the server stopping and starting correctly you should /shutdown ingame then use the shutdown script to end the core processes.

  4. It's your project of course so I understand if you have your own policies but I want to put my opinion about the pm logging too..


    I find it very useful for catching advertisers, and before having such an amazing anticheat I caught people who are cheating and teaching others how to cheat as well as discussing the frequent use of cheats.


    If something is so confidential people shouldn't/wouldn't be typing it in a pserver for an online game. If it's really that personal they would only be telling people in real life or somewhere they felt is a secure area.


    Nice on the adminpage setup.


    That reminds me, what about a feature where LOW_WIZARDs can have commands added? We can already restrict commands with the CMD file, but it would be nice to be able to customize exactly what commands each permission level has and whether or not they have a GM logo over their head and can be added to friends. The behavior would be similar to Metin2US, where they had MODs with abilities that LOW_WIZARD currently doesn't have but without the GM logo over their head or friend-adding restrictions.


    To keep the CONFIG clean, maybe set this up in jSON format(or something else simple like lua) or something in a file that can be put somewhere near the core and have a symlink in each channel folder for it.

  5. usually by default all ports are unblocked.


    You can check by looking at your CONFIG files in the server files for the PORTs then setting those ports up in your serverinfo.py of your client.


    auth is used to login and it's usually in the 11000+ range.


    channels typically are set to 13000+ range.


    For your client, each channel should be connected to the port listed in the "first" folder of each channel (if you're using the files from this thread).

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