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Posts posted by Rumor

  1. The stat reset is bugged on 34083 (I'm told only if your maximum level is set high enough). Players don't receive all of their stat points when resetting. I want to re-write this quest to give them points.

    quest reset_scroll begin
    state start begin
    when 71002.use begin
    say_title("Reset Scroll")
    say("You can use this scroll to") 
    say("reset stats or skills.")
    say("Want to proceed?")
    local s = select("Yes", "No")
    if 2 == s then
    say_title("Choose your Type of reset!")
    local l = select("Reset Skills", "Reset Stats", "Cancel!")
    		if l == 1 then
    			char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "USE_ITEM(71002)")
    			char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_SKILL_POINTS")
    			char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_END")
    		elseif l == 2 then
    			char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "USE_ITEM(71002)")
    			char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_STAT_POINTS")
    			char_log(0, "RESET_ALL", "RESET_END")
    		elseif l == 3 then

    So I want the "if l == 1" statement to set their status points to 380 or set DEX/INT/STR/CON to 95 each.

  2. omg it's in english... liked just for that

    also that number is "fifty-nine" in English.

    nice video quality, and song is nice.. Stan SB?

    EDIT: watched the tut, very nice.. I don't really do C/C++ but I think you did an excellent job with the tutorial and your English is understandable.

  3. it just means you don't have the table iptocountry in account. It's not necessary to have it but if you want to eliminate the error use this query in the account database:

    Navicat MySQL Data Transfer
    Source Server         : Metin2Nirvana@CloudCom
    Source Server Version : 50616
    Source Host           : 
    Source Database       : account
    Target Server Type    : MYSQL
    Target Server Version : 50616
    File Encoding         : 65001
    Date: 2014-02-27 14:29:01
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for `iptocountry`
    -- ----------------------------
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `iptocountry`;
    CREATE TABLE `iptocountry` (
      `IP_FROM` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `IP_TO` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      `COUNTRY_NAME` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Records of iptocountry
    -- ----------------------------
  4. what do you mean you "have this error too" ? Nobody else has "this error" or any error as far as I know.. atleast nobody has said they have some error related to that part of the quest, or anywhere at all in the quest. You and the other guy are really hard to understand because you don't really make sense with your replies. I tested this and it works fine, and 6 people have changed their names since I've added this updated version of the quest to my server.

  5. Well the erro is one



                    say("Unknown error.")
                    say("Please notify Rumor with this number:")

                    say("and he will take a look at the issue."



    Somthing like: Unknown error. Please notify Rumor with this number: 5 ... like that!


    well, no.. there's nothing wrong with that.. it's returning whatever it can return because it's a miscellaneous error. The guy is saying he has a problem but not explaining what the problem is ^^. It does for sure work the way it's shown in this thread.

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