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Everything posted by ⚡FlasH⚡

  1. Recommended from the bottom of my ❤ Most people already know they are intended for highly quality also i'll recommend Owsap as a very good person, a trusted guy ! You will can count on him every time you will need!
  2. ( //cmd.cpp //Search struct command_info cmd_info[] = //Add Before ACMD(do_online); //Search { "\n", NULL, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_IMPLEMENTOR } //Add Before { "online", do_online, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_LOW_WIZARD }, ) ( //cmd_gm.cpp //Search ACMD(do_who) //Add After ACMD(do_online) { /// Phase 1 - Count Local Core const DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET& c_set_desc = DESC_MANAGER::instance().GetClientSet(); DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET::const_iterator it = c_set_desc.begin(); DWORD dwLoginCount = 0; while (it != c_set_desc.end()) { LPDESC d = *(it++); if (d->GetCharacter()) ++dwLoginCount; // count login count in core } /// Phase 2 - Count Peer PID Connections dwLoginCount = dwLoginCount + (int)P2P_MANAGER::instance().GetPIDCount(); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Total Online: [%d] ", dwLoginCount); } ) ( //p2p.h //Search int GetCount(); //Add after int GetPIDCount() { return m_map_pkCCI.size(); }; ) Better than to involve a packet request..
  3. You can use : Install them first: pkg install tcptrack - Here u will see all connections Usage: tcptrack -i re0 (your network , ifconfig to see your name) pkg install nload - Bandwidth monitor. Thats an old school commands. Here u have new one with all tools u need to monitor ur server. pkg install bpytop Usage: bpytop in console. [Hidden Content]
  4. Search this in char.cpp case POINT_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS: // 71 case POINT_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS: // 72 case POINT_ITEM_DROP_BONUS: // 73 case POINT_POTION_BONUS: // 74 if (GetPoint(type) + amount > 100) //here 100 is the maximum amount of % exp player get it { sys_err("BONUS exceeded over 100!! point type: %d name: %s amount %lld", type, GetName(), amount); amount = 100 - GetPoint(type); }
  5. OFF: This explain everything "There are no new sellers because in general they are on the forum only to sell and I'm not interested. It has to be win-win." That forum had to be FREE only if they want to buy VIP or ADS u don't have the right to charge them for their sells content. Seems no one of u read carefully what i say. didn't say anything ab a "middleman " i'm not agree with that...basically the "middleman " will have everything for FREE. What i means is a transaction between seller-buyers through a app forums where only the seller and buyer have access bcoz of "Trade request" . Regards.
  6. Do you think the forum lacks something? - i'm not sure Do you want to see new things? -Yes Make a Trade request features how M2D have, if they want to buy, buy through forum and if the seller will try to scam, he will be banned. - What i'm meaning through forum? After the payment was made the seller will accept his Trade request and give him the files link (https://file.io/) which after download is removed. Or to be safe the buyer have 24h time to download the content ,after 24h the link will be removed even wasn't downloaded. But for that features u have to use their API (https://file.io/#api) In case of chargeback idk...how many trade request u have that's mean u are a Trusted seller / buyer. What do you want to see on Metin2 Dev? Let ppl selling metin2 stuffs. many of them are interested in the sell/buy systems , and bcoz of new "rules" many of them leave the community. And unbanned unfair ban..
  7. thats doesnt have nothing to do with source, open putty run ifconfig copy ur IP server and replace it in serverfile/CH1./core1/ CONFIG BIND_IP: ur server ip. PUBLIC_IP: ur server ip. INTERNAL_IP: ur server ip.
  8. First u need the IsLowGM function. //char.cpp add under BOOL CHARACTER::IsGM() const this BOOL CHARACTER::IsLowGM() const { return m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_PLAYER && m_pointsInstant.gm_level > GM_HIGH_WIZARD && m_pointsInstant.gm_level < GM_IMPLEMENTOR; } //char.h add under BOOL IsGM() const; this BOOL IsLowGM() const; now let's restrict some actions for GM //char.cpp void CHARACTER::PartyInvite(LPCHARACTER pchInvitee) add under else if (pchInvitee->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_PARTY_INVITE)) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<ÆÄƼ> %s ´ÔÀÌ ÆÄƼ °ÅºÎ »óÅÂÀÔ´Ï´Ù."), pchInvitee->GetName()); return; } this else if (IsLowGM() == true && pchInvitee->IsLowGM() == false) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Party> You cannot send a party invitation to a player!")); return; } else if (IsLowGM() == false && pchInvitee->IsLowGM() == true) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("<Party> You cannot send a party invitation to a GameMaster!")); return; } void CHARACTER::OpenMyShop(const char * c_pszSign, TShopItemTable * pTable, BYTE bItemCount) add if (IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You can't open shop! You are GM!"); return; } //end char.cpp //exchange.cpp bool CHARACTER::ExchangeStart(LPCHARACTER victim) add if (!IsLowGM() && victim->IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You cannot trade items with a Game Master.")); return false; } if (IsLowGM() && !victim->IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Game Masters cannot trade items with players.")); return false; } //end exchange.cpp //shop_manager.cpp void CShopManager::Buy(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE pos) add if (ch->IsLowGM() && pkShop->IsPCShop()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "GameMasters cannot buy items from players' shops."); return; } //end shop_manager.cpp and for offlineshop //offlineshop_manager.cpp void COfflineShopManager::Buy(LPCHARACTER ch, BYTE pos) add if (ch->IsLowGM()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "GameMasters cannot buy items from players' shops."); return; } //end offlineshop_manager.cpp GL ✌?️
  9. u can restrict GM without a sql query.....? e.g 1 of them.. bool CHARACTER::ExchangeStart(LPCHARACTER victim) { ... if (!IsLowGM() && victim->IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You cannot trade items with a Game Master.")); return false; } if (IsLowGM() && !victim->IsLowGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Game Masters cannot trade items with players.")); return false; } ... } u dont need to restrict all GM grade , but if u want.. just change IsLowGM >> IsGM
  10. i not sure but might be weak the protection against ddos , due to some research. Rubinum planted to open server on 22-05, but someone ddos them and they had to delayed the opened. and they had say "unexpected hardware issues have occurred" and is not opened yet, after some hours they say "currently we are still working on the situation in order to avoid attacks that can still occur" if this is a proof of OvH management against Ddos attacks..yeah i can say they are weak ? or maybe it's Rubinum fault ?
  11. i think is just rumors, let's take some servers online for some years, and yeah might be just a "rumor", ...they are still online. P.S : Sorry for this info but i'm not the only one who can find this✌?️
  12. def Enable(self): pass #wndMgr.Enable(self.hWnd) def Disable(self): pass #wndMgr.Disable(self.hWnd) try this , seems u dont have self.hWnd or import this maybe will work ? [Hidden Content]
  13. just press download and the video will play in browser [Hidden Content] see debug log when the BINARY_NEW_AddAffect 20 0 0 4 come but after Remove Affect 20 0 come with a delay thats remove the effect of 2 th skill so i think thats the problem. PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp BINARY_NEW_AddAffect bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvAffectAddPacket() { TPacketGCAffectAdd kAffectAdd; if (!Recv(sizeof(kAffectAdd), &kAffectAdd)) return false; TPacketAffectElement & rkElement = kAffectAdd.elem; if (rkElement.bPointIdxApplyOn == POINT_ENERGY) { CPythonPlayer::instance().SetStatus (POINT_ENERGY_END_TIME, CPythonApplication::Instance().GetServerTimeStamp() + rkElement.lDuration); __RefreshStatus(); } PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_NEW_AddAffect", Py_BuildValue("(iiii)", rkElement.dwType, rkElement.bPointIdxApplyOn, rkElement.lApplyValue, rkElement.lDuration)); CPythonPlayer::instance().AddAffect(rkElement.dwType, kAffectAdd.elem); //martysama source come without this line return true; } BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect bool CPythonNetworkStream::RecvAffectRemovePacket() { TPacketGCAffectRemove kAffectRemove; if (!Recv(sizeof(kAffectRemove), &kAffectRemove)) return false; PyCallClassMemberFunc(m_apoPhaseWnd[PHASE_WINDOW_GAME], "BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect", Py_BuildValue("(ii)", kAffectRemove.dwType, kAffectRemove.bApplyOn)); CPythonPlayer::instance().RemoveAffect(kAffectRemove.dwType, kAffectRemove.bApplyOn); //martysama source come without this line return true; }
  14. "also present on all servers" thats literally a NO, there are many who already showed they didnt have this problem me either. i can say just to check the animation with dragon. maybe that animation into a conflict with skill animation and can be a visual bug.
  15. He already fixed this long time ago But what about Encoding, cus in his commit is nothing about this ? $mail->Encoding = 'base64';
  16. how he said "it can be a shortage of resources issue, in this case a ram bottleneck." or u can check SWAP memory and if is 1GB u can add 4GB is better ,or if is 100% that can cause mysql crash Command: for gigabytes swapinfo -g for megabytes swapinfo -m
  17. https://metin2.download/picture/Ir6VNyE9HHGdx7vFQAB5Rala86il591g/.png
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