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Python Script to Extract and List Droppable Items


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Hi everyone!

I wanted to share a small Python script to help generate a list of the items that are currently being dropped by monsters.

It's not perfect, but it works for what I needed and might be useful for others ❤️


I know the code is a bit rough around the edges, and I’d really appreciate any improvements or suggestions to make it better. Even though it’s a simple tool, it can be functional as it is for now.

Thank you all for the amazing work you do in the community – I truly appreciate it!


How the Code Works:

  • Loading Data:
    • The script starts by loading the VNUMs and names from item_names.txt.
    • Then, it reads the contents of mob_drop_item.txt and common_drop_item.txt to find the VNUMs of droppable items.
  • Matching VNUMs:
    • For each VNUM from the item_names.txt, the script searches for that VNUM in the drop files.
  • Generating Output:
    • If a VNUM from item_names.txt appears in either of the drop files, it adds that item to a new file, items_drop_list.txt.
    • The output file contains the VNUMs and names of all droppable items found in monsters.


  • What You Get:
    • The script will create a new text file called items_drop_list.txt with a list of droppable items in the format:

123     item1
456     item2
789     item3

How to Use:

Drag and drop the three files (item_names.txt, mob_drop_item.txt, and common_drop_item.txt) onto the Python script.

The script will process them and generate a new file called items_drop_list.txt in the same directory.


import sys
import os
import re

# Function to read the item_names.txt file and return a dictionary with vnum as the key and name as the value
def load_item_names(file_name):
    items = {}
        with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
            print(f"Opening file {file_name}...")
            # Skip the first line (headers)
            for line in file:
                parts = line.strip().split('\t')
                if len(parts) >= 2:
                        vnum = parts[0]  # Keep the vnum as a string initially
                        name = parts[1]
                        # If the vnum is a range like '110000~110099', convert it to a set of vnums
                        if '~' in vnum:
                            start, end = vnum.split('~')
                            vnum_range = range(int(start), int(end) + 1)
                            for v in vnum_range:
                                items[v] = name
                            vnum = int(vnum)  # Convert vnum to an integer if valid
                            items[vnum] = name
                    except ValueError:
                        print(f"Warning: Could not convert vnum '{parts[0]}' to an integer. It will be skipped.")
        print(f"{len(items)} items have been loaded from {file_name}.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error reading {file_name}: {e}")
    return items

# Function to read a text file (like mob_drop_item.txt or common_drop_item.txt) and return all vnums found
def load_droppable_vnums(file_name, item_names):
    droppable_vnums = set()
        with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
            print(f"Opening file {file_name}...")
            content = file.read()  # Read the entire content as text
            print(f"Content of {file_name} loaded.")
            # Search for each vnum from item_names in the content of mob_drop_item.txt or common_drop_item.txt using regular expressions
            for vnum in item_names:
                vnum_str = str(vnum)  # Convert vnum to string
                # Use the regular expression \b to ensure it's a whole word
                if re.search(rf'\b{vnum_str}\b', content):
        print(f"{len(droppable_vnums)} droppable vnums found in {file_name}.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error reading {file_name}: {e}")
    return droppable_vnums

# Main function to combine the information and create the items_conseguibles.txt file
def generate_droppable_items(item_names, mob_drop_items, common_drop_items, output_file_name):
        with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output_file:
            # Write the header of the output file
            # Use a set to avoid duplicates
            print("Writing to the output file...")
            # Combine all the droppable vnums from mob_drop_items and common_drop_items
            total_vnums = mob_drop_items.union(common_drop_items)
            for vnum in item_names:
                if vnum in total_vnums:
            print(f"The file {output_file_name} has been successfully generated.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error generating the file {output_file_name}: {e}")

# Check if the script was executed with files dragged as arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print("Please drag the files item_names.txt, mob_drop_item.txt, and common_drop_item.txt onto the script.")
    input("Press Enter to exit...")  # Keep the console open

# Get the file paths from the arguments
item_names_file = sys.argv[1]
mob_drop_item_file = sys.argv[2]
common_drop_item_file = sys.argv[3]

# Check if the files exist
if not os.path.exists(item_names_file) or not os.path.exists(mob_drop_item_file) or not os.path.exists(common_drop_item_file):
    print("One or more files do not exist. Please make sure you dragged the correct files.")
    input("Press Enter to exit...")  # Keep the console open

# Load the data
print("Loading the data...")
item_names = load_item_names(item_names_file)
droppable_vnums_mob = load_droppable_vnums(mob_drop_item_file, item_names)
droppable_vnums_common = load_droppable_vnums(common_drop_item_file, item_names)

# Generate the file with the droppable items
output_file = 'items_drop_list.txt'
generate_droppable_items(item_names, droppable_vnums_mob, droppable_vnums_common, output_file)

# Wait for user input so the console doesn't close immediately
input("Press Enter to exit...")  # Keep the console open



  • Metin2 Dev 1


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