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jking last won the day on November 22 2024

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  1. I don't know how this system works, but it can be stored in database in two ways: 1) In separated table like player.rewards 2) As quest flags in player.quest table
  2. Something like: int iWearCell = item->FindEquipCell(this); if (iWearCell == WEAR_WEAPON && GetWear(WEAR_COSTUME_WEAPON)) { return false; } in MoveItem() function, under: if (Cell.IsEquipPosition()) { if (!CanUnequipNow(item)) return false; not tested
  3. Hmm, I don't know what was in my brain reading this post, but I was sure he wants chance to extra item when wearing weapon costume
  4. Because values in database are not updating in real time, I mean horse_riding doesn't update every time you mount/unmount. This value is updating in player save event (like every 5 min by default) or when you stop your server.
  5. The fastest and simply way: in minin.cpp, find: void OreDrop(LPCHARACTER ch, DWORD dwLoadVnum) under: if (iFractionCount == 0) { sys_err("Wrong ore fraction count"); return; } add something like: LPITEM pick_costume = ch->GetWear(WEAR_COSTUME_WEAPON); if (pick_costume && pick_costume->GetVnum() == YOUR_ITEM_VNUM) { if (number(1, 100) <= 10) { dwRawOreVnum = YOUR_ITEM_VNUM_TO_DROP; } } and thats all
  6. Ofc it is used, horse_rider.h: int GetHorseST() { return c_aHorseStat[GetHorseLevel()].iST; } int GetHorseDX() { return c_aHorseStat[GetHorseLevel()].iDX; } int GetHorseHT() { return c_aHorseStat[GetHorseLevel()].iHT; } int GetHorseIQ() { return c_aHorseStat[GetHorseLevel()].iIQ; } int GetHorseArmor() { return c_aHorseStat[GetHorseLevel()].iArmor; } look up for this methods usage.
  7. Well, I don't know why the values between sql and client txt are different, but for your information: - txt file in client side is only for the visual display values of the skill - sql file contains the values loaded by the game server for the skill's actual computation So, you can just synchronize them.
  8. Hi, As you may know, adding VIP features to a character (such as increased EXP, double drop rates, auto-loot for gold, etc.) typically requires manually updating the corresponding database column or purchasing it through the website. Additionally, the player must log out and log back to get the affect. With this release, you can now grant VIP status to characters in real time by simply using a specific item. This can be particularly useful, for instance, by making the item available for purchase in the Item Shop. This items can be also used X times, increasing actual time value of the specific VIP. I hope I added everything in the archive, if something is missing please let me know. Download Center GitHub Download
  9. It must be related to source code, it's not about this quest.
  10. I'm not sure about this, but maybe try in char.cpp, find: SetExp(0); exp = next_exp; and add under: quest::CQuestManager::instance().LevelUp(GetPlayerID());
  11. Show your uitoolitp.py. Few lines before 2306, line 2306 and few lines after to see the full context.
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