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Maintenance : Final step ×

[QUESTION] What do you need in an administrative panel?

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Hello community,

I am creating an admin panel for metin2 servers to share for free here in the community when it is finished.

I need you to tell me features you would like to see in the admin panel.

I will update this thread with the functions I find relevant and identify who has suggested them.

The panel is being made in PHP+ PDO.

All suggestions are welcome!


  • Lock/unlock accounts.
  • Block all accounts associated with an IP.
  • Block all accounts associated with the machine GUID.
  • Map Viewer @ ASIKOO
  • Inventory Viewer @ ASIKOO
  • Log Viewer @ ASIKOO


  • Search for all accounts associated with an IP.
  • Search for all accounts associated with the machine GUID.
  • Search for all characters in an account.


Edited by Papix
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-Give item to online players
-Give item to player name
(Should be possible to edit the item bonus, stones, etc)
-Ban / Block account for a specific time
-Start / Stop events
-Check specific players total played time
-Teleport player to admin
-Teleport admin to specific location
-Teleport player to specific location
-Spawn boss / mob in a specific location
(Default locations should be added)
-Send general message 
-Send message to a specific player
-Discord integration: Send message to discord channel + general chat ingame
-Automatic Events: Send message at x hours / every x minutes

Edited by yamano
  • Metin2 Dev 1
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Multiple groups with permissions for each option in the panel.

Show all items on an character

Log when an player drop an item from his inventory, alert for certain items
Log for trade, alert for certain items
Log for chat / pm, alert when a flagged word is detected
Log play time including exp, level... the intervals when he left the server and entered again, example: start playing at 10:29 and did leave at 12:04 then starter again at 19:00 in the same day ... you get the point.
Log when an new GUID is detected on an old account, alert.
Log characters exit on certain maps with map graph and position, in this way you can detect lag and optimize the area if there are many disconnects around the same position.

Debug for characters that if you manage to create Map Viewer and then teleport the player to the most near point out of texture on the same map.

Search an character it should show first the character that match the search word then the characters that are detected on the same ip, guid, the same logic with accounts.

By alert i mean an second log that will show only what the admin decides.
If this is an public project remember to leave the git i think that i can help when i have free time

Edited by DemOnJR
  • Metin2 Dev 1
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