Yeah i know, i realized that right after i posted the message I tried to cancel the message but i couldn't.. i'll release a full system in a couple of days tho, after i'm done with my university exam
Edit: you could actually just replace this, adding the + text, if you don't mind having the level/hour on the right of the username instead of the left, but anyway i will release a full system with everything in place in a couple of days
whisper_message = "|cff45b053[" + lv_whisper + "]|h|r |cff2184b5[" + time_whisper + "]|h|r :" + text
It returns the Unix timestamp of the next midnight, which represents:
00:00:00 (start of the next day) in server time.
For example:
If the current time is 20:00:00 (8:00 PM), this will return the timestamp corresponding to 00:00:00 of the next day.
As far as I understand, his problem is that when he use:
pc.give_item2( 310 , 1 )
he gets 1 Yang into inventory instead of 310 vnum item.
When you use this in state chest1 you also gets 1 Yang?
Thank you for your reply, but seems like you do not understand what I wanted to say.
I did not want to set gold, I wanted to give items. Instead of the items, "Yang" item was added to my inventory.
(You know, the one you can throw on ground and when you pick it up, it's normal yang.")
so pc.give_item2(10,1) ----> gives "Yang", not Sword+0
the problem stands for the function. yea. that quest function gives only items. U can't set the gold amount of a player with that command. For yang, try to use "pc.change_gold" or something similar (look in your quest_functions cause i can t remember the function rn)
if (IsMonster() && 2493 == GetMobTable().dwVnum)
if (pkKiller && pkKiller->GetGuild())
CDragonLairManager::instance().OnDragonDead(this, pkKiller->GetGuild()->GetID());
sys_err("DragonLair: Dragon killed by nobody");
This error occurs when you kill the dragon without having guild.
That won't work as you are only sending the Level + Time. So it will only show "[50] [08:00:43]" as received message for the User tst. No actual message is sent in the SendWhisper Package.