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Extended memory pool

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  • Honorable Member

Hello guys,

I didn't like the basic memory pooling solution in the client so I extended and rewrote some parts of it.

  • now it allocates memory in chunks instead of one by one, the chunk's size can grow
  • Alloc can have any parameters, so you don't need to use only default constructors
  • ctors and dtors are called properly for each object created by the pool and also on unfreed objects on Clear

Keep in mind, that it's not a drop-in replacement for every case where the old one was used, you may need to modify your code at some places, so I suggest porting to this new version one by one.

Good luck!

template<typename T>
class CMemoryPoolNew
	CMemoryPoolNew(size_t uChunkSize = 16, bool bGrowChunkSize = true)
		: m_uChunkSize(uChunkSize)
		, m_bGrowChunkSize(bGrowChunkSize)



	void Clear()
		assert(m_Free.size() == m_Data.size() && "Memory pool has unfreed objects!");

		if (m_Free.size() != m_Data.size())
			for (T* pData : m_Data)
				if (std::find(m_Free.begin(), m_Free.end(), pData) == m_Free.end())



		for (T* pChunk : m_Chunk)


	template<class... _Types>
	T* Alloc(_Types&&... _Args)
		if (m_Free.empty())

		T* pNew = m_Free.back();
		return new(pNew) T(std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...);

	void Free(T* pData)

	size_t GetCapacity() const
		return m_Data.size();

	void Grow()
		size_t uChunkSize = m_uChunkSize;

		if (m_bGrowChunkSize)
			uChunkSize += uChunkSize * m_Chunk.size();

		T* pStart = (T*) ::malloc(uChunkSize * sizeof(T));

		m_Data.reserve(m_Data.size() + uChunkSize);
		m_Free.reserve(m_Free.size() + uChunkSize);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < uChunkSize; ++i)
			m_Data.push_back(pStart + i);
			m_Free.push_back(pStart + i);

	size_t m_uChunkSize;
	bool m_bGrowChunkSize;

	std::vector<T*> m_Data;
	std::vector<T*> m_Free;

	std::vector<T*> m_Chunk;


Edited by Distraught
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  • Honorable Member

Thanks for sharing, I had the chance to try it out and it's working well of course, I like the way you have built this memory pool, the standard ones are somehow confusing and old. I would recommend everyone trying this out, of course it's not just copy paste but for better support you can add these to the memory pool template.

	void Create(size_t uChunkSize = 16, bool bGrowChunkSize = true)
		m_uChunkSize = uChunkSize;
		m_bGrowChunkSize = bGrowChunkSize;
	void Destroy()
	void FreeAll()

With this you don't have to chase down all the functions that allocate memory and simply just replace CDynamicPool with CMemoryPoolNew If I'm using it wrong, please let me know, so far so good and keep up the nice work.

Edited by Owsap
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