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Havoc The New Order International

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Dear Community of Metin2Dev,

Hi my name is Masamune, i'm Co-Founder of this project.
With this presentation we would like to introduce you to our project "Havoc The New Order International".

Havoc is a project started several years ago by a group of friends, it is a Middle/New-School server.

This server will be international, and accessible to:


You can expect a long-term project with new features and a lot of cosmetics.


Many years ago, three Kingdoms lived on the continent of Havoc...
Midian, Lyonesse and Arcania.

The kingdoms, peaceful, lived in abundance and happiness.
The elderly thought that nothing could break that quiet.
But apparently it wasn't like that...

In facts the God Dragon Faranth...
The protector of the continent of Havoc
and the most feared God among the gods...

The other gods after discovering Fararth's death, decided to curse and destroy Havoc's continent.
It was so that on Havoc began a rain of metin and Divine-Beasts .
The Kings of the three kingdoms decided to counterattack
and decided to create an alliance.
It was then that they founded a common city ... Ethis!

Since then the three kingdoms fight together to bring peace back to the continent...


- New Story-line and new quests (Biologist etc...).
- New Exlusive Dungeons
- New Mobs/Boss (Exclusive Havoc).
- New Skill (reworked) etc...
- New Systems.
- New Mounts.
- New Pets.
- New Costumes.
- New UI , In-game Interfaces.
- Etc...




Dear Metin2Dev's Community, Updates 08/04/2021

New :

- Added Achievement System and Achievement Points Shop (Multi languages) , it has been adapted to the Story-line.
- Added ExtraRefine System (Multi languages) etc...
- Added Map Teleport System (Multi languages) , Havoc Continent.
- Added Battlepass (Multi languages), it has been adapted to the Story-line.
- Added Combat Zone and Combat Zone Shop (Multi languages).
- Added Bonus Board System (Multi languages).
- Etc...

Changes :

- New In-game Interfaces
- Crafter , categorized.
- Effects (Reworked) :
1) Level up
2) Experience
3) Skills (Sura, War , Ninja and Shaman)
4) Brightness (+7,+8,+9)

Work in progress :

- Other Systems.
- New Race "Divinity" (Mob/Boss).
- New mobs and bosses "Divinity" related to the storyline (created specifically for Havoc).
- New Items.
- Etc...

If you have suggestions or ideas that could improve the game please use the  🔖suggestions   channel.

Thanks for your attention, we are looking forward to becoming a greater community @🌀 Havoc .







Dear Metin2Dev's Community, Updates 30/04/2021

New (System) :

- Added System "Show/Hide costume".
- Added System "New Crafter".
- Added System "Auto-Switcher" , with the ability to save settings.
- Added System "Afk Mode" (You will always know if a user or staff member is on the pc).
- Added System "Info-Drop Item".
- Added System "Info-Drop Chest".
- Added System "Auto-PickUp".
- Etc...

New (No-System) :

- Added new Dungeons (Multi languages) :

1) Chamber of wisdom
2) Ancient pyramid

- Added new Maps :

1) Kadath Desert
2) Etc...

- Reworked/Replaced some Standard maps.

Changes :

- Reworked System's Interfaces.
- Reworked some Skill.
- Reworked some Npc and Buildings.
- Added new emotions.
- Etc...

Work in progress :

- Other Systems.
- New Special Boss (You will have Spoilers as soon as possible)
- New Special Mobs (You will have Spoilers as soon as possible)
- New Items.
- Etc...

If you have suggestions or ideas that could improve the game please use the  🔖suggestions   channel.

Thanks for your attention, we are looking forward to becoming a greater community @🌀 Havoc .






Dear Metin2Dev's Community, Updates 14/05/2021

New (System) :

- Added In-Game Ticket System (Whit this system you can send tickets directly in-game).
- Added System"Havoc Auto Potion" (It is a system that allows you to use all Dews/Cristal/Potion/Etc with a Short-Key or automatically).
- Added System "Field Of View".
- Added System "Boss Tag".
- Added System "Relics" (It is a System created and adapted to our Story-Line).
- Added System "Staff list".
- Added System "Extra Slot" (Retractable).
- Added System "Allert Online" (It will warn you when your friend is Online).

New (Mob/Boss) :

- Added new race (Godness).
- Added The New Boss (Amaterasu the Goddess of the Sun), made on request for us.

Changes (Maps) :

- Completely updated the three kingdoms (Arcania, Lyonesse and Midian).
- All the Ox Event map has been redone (so as to adapt it to the historical context).
- Rebuilt the entire Marriage map(so as to adapt it to the historical context).
- Made new MapNames.
- Etc...

Changes (General) :

- Reworked some NPCs and structures (Outdoor etc ...)
- Added other new Emotions.
- Reworked and updated some of the Icons.
- Havoc Logo updated.

Work in Progress :

- Other Systems.
- New Special Mobs (You will have Spoilers as soon as possible)
- New Items.
- Etc...

If you have suggestions or ideas that could improve the game please use the  🔖suggestions   channel.

Thanks for your attention, we are looking forward to becoming a greater community @🌀 Havoc .







Dear Metin2Dev's Community, Updates 31/05/2021

New (System) :

- Added System "Add Time" (It is an Item).
- Added System"Biologist Quest".
- Etc...

New (Maps) :

- Added Ethis, the unified city.
- Added Lobby Dungeon.
- Etc...

New (Costumes) :

We decided to add some costumes (Anime). For all fans of anime, comics and games.

- Added "Naruto Shippuden" Costumes (Hermit, Itachi, Kakashi, Hinata, etc ...).
- Added "Hunter X Hunter" Costumes (Mazoku Yusuke, Killua, etc ...).
- Added "Mortal Kombat" Costumes (Scorpion, Sao Khan, etc...).
- Added "My Hero Academia" Costumes (Endeavor, Shoto, etc...).
- Added "Dragon Ball" Costumes (Goku, Vegeta, etc...).
- Etc...

New (Set) :

We added some Set of Costumes (Pet, Weapon and Armor).

- Added some Sets (Thanks to all the 3Ds).

Changes (Maps "Graphics") :

- Updated "Valley of Seungryong".
- Updated "Mount Sohan".
- Updated "Hwang Temple".
- Updated "Yongbi Desert".
- Updated "Snake Field 1-2".
- Etc...

Changes (General) :

- Updated Character Panel.
- Updated "Intro Empire" Interface.
- Updated "Cursor".
- Added a new coin shop "Mon of Havoc"
- Added news Emojis "CTRL+1, etc...".

Work in Progress :

- Other Systems (ex. Extra Inventory, etc...).
- New Special Mobs (You will have Spoilers as soon as possible)
- New Items.
- Etc...

If you have suggestions or ideas that could improve the game please use the  🔖suggestions   channel.

Thanks for your attention, we are looking forward to becoming a greater community @🌀 Havoc .





New maps, costumes, companions and systems are planned... You are welcome to express your wishes and suggestions
on our Discord Server. We really want to involve you in the planning of the server, so that you like the content
updates and that they meet your expectations.


We thank you for your attention to read this preview! Finally, we would like to thank some people who have supported
us up to this point! A big thank you and kiss goes out to :

Parsival - for the development of various system!
Ridack - for the adaptation of our logo on various maps and object, for the realization of exlusive mobs/boss and skill!
Masamune - for the animations and various designs!
Nikijal - for the beautiful performance!
Kali - for the administration of the discord and entire the staff's member.
Chronos - for the administration of our traslators and CM!


We invite all in our Discord's Server (Click on the picture)



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- We added more languages :


- We reworked our main logo :


- We added new GR2 (Costumes, mob, boss ...thanks to Ridack our official staff's member);

- We finished our base In-Game's interfaces (But every day we decide to change small details, We will soon show you the last gem) :


- We added new System (Hide effect and gr2 system , PickUp Filter, 220Fps ,Client optimization etc...)....

- We have changed all the basic textures :


1) M :




2) W :




- ETC....


We will release a patch notes soon, as soon as the Development part is over!


We are continuing to work on this project, in this moment we are looking for :

- Translators

- Staff Members

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