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Hi, i got this https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/metin2-pserver-guides-strategies/1846814-python-release-inventory-bonus-dialog.html. I added the ##BonusPageDialog into uiinventory.py and inventorywindow.py. But if i want to go to server, server drop after loading.

EDIT: if i teleport to another city, it automatically drop. Down is syserr again. How to fix this, now i didnt know.




0716 00:18:09139 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x80000015, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0716 00:18:15365 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0716 00:19:55620 :: 
uiInventory.py(line:570) RefreshBonus
ui.py(line:2704) GetChild

InventoryWindow.RefreshBonus.BindObject - exceptions.KeyError:Schwert_vert_Value

0716 00:19:55621 :: ============================================================================================================
0716 00:19:55621 :: Abort!!!!




import ui

import player

import mouseModule

import net

import app

import snd

import item

import player

import chat

import grp

import uiScriptLocale

import uiRefine

import uiAttachMetin

import uiPickMoney

import uiCommon

import uiPrivateShopBuilder # ���λ��� ������ ItemMove ����

import localeInfo

import constInfo

import ime

import wndMgr






class CostumeWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):


    def __init__(self, wndInventory):

        import exception


        if not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM:           

            exception.Abort("What do you do?")



        if not wndInventory:

            exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow")





        self.isLoaded = 0

        self.wndInventory = wndInventory;




    def __del__(self):



    def Show(self):






    def Close(self):



    def __LoadWindow(self):

        if self.isLoaded == 1:



        self.isLoaded = 1



            pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()

            pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CostumeWindow.py")


            import exception




            wndEquip = self.GetChild("CostumeSlot")




            import exception



        ## Equipment








        self.wndEquip = wndEquip


    def RefreshCostumeSlot(self):



        for i in xrange(item.COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT):

            slotNumber = item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + i

            self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), 0)




class BeltInventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):


    def __init__(self, wndInventory):

        import exception


        if not app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM:         

            exception.Abort("What do you do?")



        if not wndInventory:

            exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow")





        self.isLoaded = 0

        self.wndInventory = wndInventory;


        self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = None

        self.wndBeltInventorySlot = None

        self.expandBtn = None

        self.minBtn = None




    def __del__(self):



    def Show(self, openBeltSlot = FALSE):






        if openBeltSlot:





    def Close(self):



    def IsOpeningInventory(self):

        return self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.IsShow()


    def OpenInventory(self):




        if localeInfo.IsARABIC() == 0:



    def CloseInventory(self):




        if localeInfo.IsARABIC() == 0:



    ## ���� �κ��丮 ��ġ�� �������� BASE ��ġ�� ���, ����.. ���� �ϵ��ڵ��ϱ� ���� ������ ����� ����..

    def GetBasePosition(self):

        x, y = self.wndInventory.GetGlobalPosition()

        return x - 148, y + 241


    def AdjustPositionAndSize(self):

        bx, by = self.GetBasePosition()


        if self.IsOpeningInventory():           

            self.SetPosition(bx, by)

            self.SetSize(self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH, self.GetHeight())



            self.SetPosition(bx + 138, by);

            self.SetSize(10, self.GetHeight())


    def __LoadWindow(self):

        if self.isLoaded == 1:



        self.isLoaded = 1



            pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()

            pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/BeltInventoryWindow.py")


            import exception




            self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH = self.GetWidth()

            wndBeltInventorySlot = self.GetChild("BeltInventorySlot")

            self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = self.GetChild("BeltInventoryLayer")

            self.expandBtn = self.GetChild("ExpandBtn")

            self.minBtn = self.GetChild("MinimizeBtn")





            if localeInfo.IsARABIC() :

                self.expandBtn.SetPosition(self.expandBtn.GetWidth() - 2, 15)

                self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.SetPosition(self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.GetWidth() - 5, 0)

                self.minBtn.SetPosition(self.minBtn.GetWidth() + 3, 15)         


            for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT):

                slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i                         

                wndBeltInventorySlot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\

                                                "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\

                                                "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\

                                                "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga", FALSE, FALSE)                                  



            import exception



        ## Equipment








        self.wndBeltInventorySlot = wndBeltInventorySlot


    def RefreshSlot(self):



        for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT):

            slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i

            self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), player.GetItemCount(slotNumber))

            self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(slotNumber, TRUE)


            avail = "0"


            if player.IsAvailableBeltInventoryCell(slotNumber):








class InventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):




    questionDialog = None

    tooltipItem = None

    wndCostume = None

    wndBelt = None

    dlgPickMoney = None


    sellingSlotNumber = -1

    isLoaded = 0

    isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0       # �κ��丮 ���� �� �ڽ����� �����־����� ����-_-; ���̹� ����

    isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0      # �κ��丮 ���� �� ��Ʈ �κ��丮�� �����־����� ����-_-; ���̹� ����


    def __init__(self):



        self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0     # �κ��丮 ���� �� ��Ʈ �κ��丮�� �����־����� ����-_-; ���̹� ����




    def __del__(self):



    def Show(self):





        # �κ��丮�� ���� �� �ڽ����� �����־��ٸ� �κ��丮�� �� �� �ڽ����� ���� ������ ��.

        if self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory and self.wndCostume:



        # �κ��丮�� ���� �� ��Ʈ �κ��丮�� �����־��ٸ� ���� ������ ��.

        if self.wndBelt:



    def BindInterfaceClass(self, interface):

        self.interface = interface


    def __LoadWindow(self):

        if self.isLoaded == 1:



        self.isLoaded = 1



            pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()



                pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "InventoryWindow.py")


                pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/InventoryWindow.py")


            import exception




            wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot")

            wndEquip = self.GetChild("EquipmentSlot")


            self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money")

            self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot")

            self.mallButton = self.GetChild2("MallButton")


























            self.DSSButton = self.GetChild2("DSSButton")

            self.costumeButton = self.GetChild2("CostumeButton")


            self.inventoryTab = []






            self.equipmentTab = []




            if self.costumeButton and not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM:



                self.costumeButton = 0


            # Belt Inventory Window

            self.wndBelt = None



                self.wndBelt = BeltInventoryWindow(self)



            import exception



        ## Item








        ## Equipment








        ## PickMoneyDialog

        dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog()




        ## RefineDialog

        self.refineDialog = uiRefine.RefineDialog()



        ## AttachMetinDialog

        self.attachMetinDialog = uiAttachMetin.AttachMetinDialog()



        ## MoneySlot



        self.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))

        self.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))

        self.inventoryTab[2].SetEvent(lambda arg=2: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))

        self.inventoryTab[3].SetEvent(lambda arg=3: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))


        self.inventoryPageIndex = 0


        self.equipmentTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg))

        self.equipmentTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg))





        self.wndItem = wndItem

        self.wndEquip = wndEquip

        self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney


        # MallButton

        if self.mallButton:



        if self.DSSButton:




        # Costume Button

        if self.costumeButton:



        self.wndCostume = None




        ## Refresh






    def Destroy(self):




        self.dlgPickMoney = 0



        self.refineDialog = 0



        self.attachMetinDialog = 0


        self.tooltipItem = None

        self.wndItem = 0

        self.wndEquip = 0

        self.dlgPickMoney = 0

        self.wndMoney = 0

        self.wndMoneySlot = 0

        self.questionDialog = None

        self.mallButton = None

        self.DSSButton = None

        self.interface = None


        if self.wndCostume:


            self.wndCostume = 0


        if self.wndBelt:


            self.wndBelt = None


        self.inventoryTab = []

        self.equipmentTab = []


    def Hide(self):




        if None != self.tooltipItem:



        if self.wndCostume:

            self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndCostume.IsShow()           # �κ��丮 â�� ���� �� �ڽ����� ���� �־��°�?



        if self.wndBelt:

            self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndBelt.IsOpeningInventory()     # �κ��丮 â�� ���� �� ��Ʈ �κ��丮�� ���� �־��°�?

            print "Is Opening Belt Inven?? ", self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory



        if self.dlgPickMoney:






    def Close(self):



#   def SetInventoryPage(self, page):

#       self.inventoryTab[self.inventoryPageIndex].SetUp()

#       self.inventoryPageIndex = page

#       self.RefreshBagSlotWindow()


    def SetInventoryPage(self, page):


        self.inventoryPageIndex = page




    def SetEquipmentPage(self, page):

        self.equipmentPageIndex = page




    def ClickMallButton(self):

        print "click_mall_button"



    # DSSButton

    def ClickDSSButton(self):

        print "click_dss_button"



    def ClickCostumeButton(self):

        print "Click Costume Button"

        if self.wndCostume:

            if self.wndCostume.IsShow(): 





            self.wndCostume = CostumeWindow(self)



    def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self):


        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():


            attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()

            if player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType():


                if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex():







            curMoney = player.GetElk()


            if curMoney <= 0:






            self.dlgPickMoney.SetMax(7) # �κ��丮 990000 ���� ���� ����


    def OnPickMoney(self, money):

        mouseModule.mouseController.AttachMoney(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, money)


    def OnPickItem(self, count):

        itemSlotIndex = self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex

        selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)

        mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, count)


    def __InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(self, local):

        if player.IsEquipmentSlot(local) or player.IsCostumeSlot(local) or (app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM and player.IsBeltInventorySlot(local)):

            return local


        return self.inventoryPageIndex*player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE + local



    def __LoadRefreshBonus(self):



    def RefreshBonus(self):


























            import exception




    def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self):





        for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE):

            slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)


            itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)

            # itemCount == 0�̸� ������ ����.

            if 0 == itemCount:



            elif 1 == itemCount:

                itemCount = 0


            itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber)

            setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount)


            ## �ڵ����� (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) Ư��ó�� - �������ε��� ���Կ� Ȱ��ȭ/��Ȱ��ȭ ǥ�ø� ���� �۾��� - [hyo]

            if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum):

                # metinSocket - [0] : Ȱ��ȭ ����, [1] : ����� ��, [2] : �ִ� �뷮

                metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]   


                if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE:

                    slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE


                isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0]


                if isActivated:


                    potionType = 0;

                    if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum):

                        potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP

                    elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum):

                        potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP                     


                    usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1])

                    totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2])                   

                    player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i))







        if self.wndBelt:



    def RefreshEquipSlotWindow(self):




        for i in xrange(player.EQUIPMENT_PAGE_COUNT):

            slotNumber = player.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i

            itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)

            if itemCount <= 1:

                itemCount = 0

            setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount)



            for i in xrange(player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_COUNT):

                slotNumber = player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i

                itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)

                if itemCount <= 1:

                    itemCount = 0

                setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount)

                print "ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM", slotNumber, itemCount, getItemVNum(slotNumber)





        if self.wndCostume:



    def RefreshItemSlot(self):




    def RefreshStatus(self):

        money = player.GetElk()



    def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem):

        self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem


    def SellItem(self):

        if self.sellingSlotitemIndex == player.GetItemIndex(self.sellingSlotNumber):

            if self.sellingSlotitemCount == player.GetItemCount(self.sellingSlotNumber):

                ## ��ȥ���� �ȸ��� �ϴ� ��� �߰��ϸ鼭 ���� type �߰�

                net.SendShopSellPacketNew(self.sellingSlotNumber, self.questionDialog.count, player.INVENTORY)




    def OnDetachMetinFromItem(self):

        if None == self.questionDialog:



        #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos)      

        self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos)



    def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self):

        if not self.questionDialog:




        self.questionDialog = None



    ## Slot Event

    def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos):

        if constInfo.GET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1:



        selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(selectedSlotPos)


        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():


            attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()

            attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()

            attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()

            attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()


            if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType:

                itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos)

                attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()

                self.__SendMoveItemPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos, attachedCount)


                if item.IsRefineScroll(attachedItemIndex):



            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP == attachedSlotType:



            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP == attachedSlotType:



            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType:


                if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:





                    net.SendSafeboxCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos)


            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL == attachedSlotType:

                net.SendMallCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos)




    def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex):

        if constInfo.GET_ITEM_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1:



        itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(itemSlotIndex)


        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():

            attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()

            attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()

            attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()


            if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType:

                self.__DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(attachedItemVID, attachedSlotPos, itemSlotIndex)






            curCursorNum = app.GetCursor()

            if app.SELL == curCursorNum:



            elif app.BUY == curCursorNum:

                chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SHOP_BUY_INFO)


            elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):

                link = player.GetItemLink(itemSlotIndex)



            elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT):

                itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex)


                if itemCount > 1:




                    self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex = itemSlotIndex


                    #selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)

                    #mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum)


            elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL):

                itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)


                if TRUE == item.CanAddToQuickSlotItem(itemIndex):

                    player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex)


                    chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM)



                selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)

                itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex)

                mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount)


                if self.__IsUsableItemToItem(selectedItemVNum, itemSlotIndex):              







    def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(self, srcItemVID, srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos):

        if srcItemSlotPos == dstItemSlotPos:



        elif item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVID):

            self.RefineItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)



        elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVID):

            self.AttachMetinToItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)


        elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVID):

            self.DetachMetinFromItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)


        elif item.IsKey(srcItemVID):

            self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)          


        elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcItemSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE:

            self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)


        elif item.GetUseType(srcItemVID) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE:

            self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)          





            ## �̵���Ų ���� ���� ������ ��� �������� ����ؼ� ���� ��Ų�� - [levites]

            if player.IsEquipmentSlot(dstItemSlotPos):


                ## ��� �ִ� �������� ����϶���

                if item.IsEquipmentVID(srcItemVID):




                self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)

                #net.SendItemMovePacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)


    def __SellItem(self, itemSlotPos):

        if not player.IsEquipmentSlot(itemSlotPos):

            self.sellingSlotNumber = itemSlotPos

            itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotPos)

            itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotPos)



            self.sellingSlotitemIndex = itemIndex

            self.sellingSlotitemCount = itemCount



            ## ��Ƽ �÷��� �˻� ������ �߰�

            ## 20140220

            if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_SELL):

                popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog()




                self.popup = popup



            itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice()


            if item.Is1GoldItem():

                itemPrice = itemCount / itemPrice / 5


                itemPrice = itemPrice * itemCount / 5



            itemName = item.GetItemName()


            self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()

            self.questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, itemPrice))




            self.questionDialog.count = itemCount




    def __OnClosePopupDialog(self):

        self.pop = None


    def RefineItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos):


        scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos)

        targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos)


        if player.REFINE_OK != player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos):




        self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos)

        #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos)









        result = player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos)


        if player.REFINE_ALREADY_MAX_SOCKET_COUNT == result:


            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET)


        elif player.REFINE_NEED_MORE_GOOD_SCROLL == result:


            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL)


        elif player.REFINE_CANT_MAKE_SOCKET_ITEM == result:


            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM)


        elif player.REFINE_NOT_NEXT_GRADE_ITEM == result:


            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM)


        elif player.REFINE_CANT_REFINE_METIN_TO_EQUIPMENT == result:

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM)


        if player.REFINE_OK != result:



        self.refineDialog.Open(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos)


    def DetachMetinFromItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos):

        scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos)

        targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos)


        if not player.CanDetach(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos):

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM)



        self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()





        self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos

        self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos


    def AttachMetinToItem(self, metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos):

        metinIndex = player.GetItemIndex(metinSlotPos)

        targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos)



        itemName = item.GetItemName()


        result = player.CanAttachMetin(metinIndex, targetSlotPos)


        if player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_MATCHABLE_ITEM == result:

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(itemName))


        if player.ATTACH_METIN_NO_MATCHABLE_SOCKET == result:

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(itemName))


        elif player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_EXIST_GOLD_SOCKET == result:

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(itemName))


        elif player.ATTACH_METIN_CANT_ATTACH_TO_EQUIPMENT == result:

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM)


        if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK != result:



        self.attachMetinDialog.Open(metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos)



    def OverOutItem(self):


        if None != self.tooltipItem:



    def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos):

        overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos)



        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():

            attachedItemType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()

            if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedItemType:


                attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()

                attachedItemVNum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()


                if self.__CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(attachedItemVNum, attachedSlotPos, overSlotPos):







    def __IsUsableItemToItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos):

        "�ٸ� �����ۿ� ����� �� �ִ� �������ΰ�?"


        if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum):

            return TRUE

        elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum):

            return TRUE

        elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum):

            return TRUE

        elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum):

            return TRUE

        elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE:

            return TRUE


            if item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE:

                return TRUE


        return FALSE


    def __CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos):

        "��� �����ۿ� ����� �� �ִ°�?"


        if srcSlotPos == dstSlotPos:

            return FALSE


        if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum):

            if player.REFINE_OK == player.CanRefine(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):

                return TRUE

        elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum):

            if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK == player.CanAttachMetin(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):

                return TRUE

        elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum):

            if player.DETACH_METIN_OK == player.CanDetach(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):

                return TRUE

        elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum):

            if player.CanUnlock(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):

                return TRUE


        elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE:

            return TRUE





            if "USE_CLEAN_SOCKET" == useType:

                if self.__CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(dstSlotPos):

                    return TRUE

            elif "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE" == useType:

                if self.__CanChangeItemAttrList(dstSlotPos):

                    return TRUE

            elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" == useType:

                if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos):

                    return TRUE

            elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2" == useType:

                if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos):

                    return TRUE

            elif "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType:

                if self.__CanAddAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos):

                    return TRUE

            elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType:                                

                if self.__CanPutAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos, srcItemVNum):

                    return TRUE;

            elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == useType:                             

                dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)

                print "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", srcItemVNum, dstItemVNum




                if item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == item.GetItemType():

                    return TRUE


        return FALSE


    def __CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(self, dstSlotPos):

        dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)

        if dstItemVNum == 0:

            return FALSE




        if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON != item.GetItemType():

            return FALSE


        for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):

            if player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, i) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE:

                return TRUE


        return FALSE


    def __CanChangeItemAttrList(self, dstSlotPos):

        dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)

        if dstItemVNum == 0:

            return FALSE




        if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR):  

            return FALSE


        for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):

            if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0:

                return TRUE


        return FALSE


    def __CanPutAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos, mtrlVnum):

        dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)

        if dstItemVNum == 0:

            return FALSE




        if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:

            return FALSE


        if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR):

            return FALSE


        curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0)

        maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1)


        if mtrlVnum != constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(dstItemVNum, item.GetItemSubType()):

            return FALSE


        if curCount>=maxCount:

            return FALSE


        return TRUE


    def __CanAddAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos):

        dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)

        if dstItemVNum == 0:

            return FALSE




        if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:

            return FALSE


        if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR):

            return FALSE


        curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0)

        maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1)



        if maxCount >= ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE:

            return FALSE


        return TRUE


    def __CanAddItemAttr(self, dstSlotPos):

        dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)

        if dstItemVNum == 0:

            return FALSE




        if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR):  

            return FALSE


        attrCount = 0

        for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):

            if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0:

                attrCount += 1


        if attrCount<4:

            return TRUE


        return FALSE


    def ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex):

        if None != self.tooltipItem:



    def OnTop(self):

        if None != self.tooltipItem:



    def OnPressEscapeKey(self):


        return TRUE


    def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex):

        curCursorNum = app.GetCursor()

        if app.SELL == curCursorNum:






        slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(slotIndex)



            if self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow():

                self.wndDragonSoulRefine.AutoSetItem((player.INVENTORY, slotIndex), 1)







    def __UseItem(self, slotIndex):

        ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(slotIndex)


        if item.IsFlag(item.ITEM_FLAG_CONFIRM_WHEN_USE):

            self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()





            self.questionDialog.slotIndex = slotIndex








    def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel(self):



    def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept(self):




    def __SendUseItemToItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos):

        # ���λ��� ���� �ִ� ���� ������ ��� ����

        if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP)



        net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos)


    def __SendUseItemPacket(self, slotPos):

        # ���λ��� ���� �ִ� ���� ������ ��� ����

        if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP)





    def __SendMoveItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount):

        # ���λ��� ���� �ִ� ���� ������ ��� ����

        if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():

            chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP)



        net.SendItemMovePacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount)


    def SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self, wndDragonSoulRefine):


            self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine


    def OnMoveWindow(self, x, y):

#       print "Inventory Global Pos : ", self.GetGlobalPosition()

        if self.wndBelt:

#           print "Belt Global Pos : ", self.wndBelt.GetGlobalPosition()




    def OnUpdate(self):

        if self.isLoaded == 1:








import uiScriptLocale

import item




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                                        {"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+1, "x":39, "y":2, "width":32, "height":32},

                                        {"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+2, "x":39, "y":145, "width":32, "height":32},

                                        {"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+3, "x":75, "y":67, "width":32, "height":32},

                                        {"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+4, "x":3, "y":3, "width":32, "height":96},

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                                        {"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+10, "x":75, "y":35, "width":32, "height":32},

                                        ## ? ??1

                                        ##{"index":item.EQUIPMENT_RING1, "x":2, "y":106, "width":32, "height":32},

                                        ## ? ??2

                                        ##{"index":item.EQUIPMENT_RING2, "x":75, "y":106, "width":32, "height":32},

                                        ## ? ??

                                        {"index":item.EQUIPMENT_BELT, "x":39, "y":106, "width":32, "height":32},



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                            "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/dss_inventory_button_03.tga",


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                            "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_small_03.sub",


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                                    "text" : "I",





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                                    "image" : MIDDLE_VALUE_FILE



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                                    "g" : 1.0,

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                            "name" : "Zweih�nder_verteidigung",

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                            "y" : 2*18,

                            "text" : "Zweih�nder:"



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Thanks for every advice, which i got from you.

oh, so nothing, i got it.

Edited by seyonx66
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15 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

This is the hidden content, please
 Tell me if it works.


uiInventory.py(line:566) RefreshBonus
ui.py(line:2704) GetChild

InventoryWindow.RefreshBonus.BindObject - exceptions.KeyError:Sword_def_Value

0721 19:04:47445 :: ============================================================================================================
0721 19:04:47445 :: Abort!!!!

Here is syserr. Still not working.

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