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Effect During Exchange / Fly Effect

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This video was made by .InyaProduction who was inspired by Mijago's work. I havent copied anything by anyone. (Yes this intro is for just three rows of code but people are funny huh.)

How to:

Open exchange.cpp

Go to row 485 after:

if (item->GetVnum() >= 80003 && item->GetVnum() <= 80007)
				LogManager::instance().GoldBarLog(victim->GetPlayerID(), item->GetID(), EXCHANGE_TAKE, "");
				LogManager::instance().GoldBarLog(GetOwner()->GetPlayerID(), item->GetID(), EXCHANGE_GIVE, "");


m_pOwner->CreateFly(FLY_SP_MEDIUM, victim);//ExchangeEffect by andrea49611
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
	m_pOwner->CreateFly(FLY_SP_SMALL, victim);

I dont know if the section is correct.

Have Fun.

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Well, i have made it, following the video of .Inyaproduction,  by myself in 5 minutes otherwise it wouldnt be here, released,

It's not all code? Maybe because Im not a leecher and i didnt copy his work and this is how i would it?

Simply a minor effect with three small balls fly and just a big one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all.

I would like to ask for help and how to put it to the exchange.cpp be integrated into the command line.

// in bool CExchange::Done()
// Vor der Schleife:
// nach ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FlushDelayedSave(item);

// nach 	if (m_lGold){
for (int i = 1; i < m_lGold+1; i=i+500000) 
            GetOwner()->CreateFly(4,victim);  // 1 Fly pro 500k . dh max 20 auf einmal (TradeLimit: 10kkk)

not missing open bracket member?
I hope he will be able to help us

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