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Fix Target Info System


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Premise: I don't know whether you have this system from a free release elsewhere or you bought it and I have no idea if they are the same or not (even though the same version can be found in the first server files of Rubinum).

There are two issues I was concerned with:

-creating an item when you request the infos

-putting the mob data dictionary in constinfo

The first is if you have, in CreateDropItemVector function something like this:

if (item) vec_item.push_back(item);



So, we create an item and we do nothing with it, staying in memory for no purpose. Instead, we can use a vector of pairs.

Open item_manager.h


bool			CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<LPITEM> & vec_item);


bool			CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item);


Now, open item_manager.cpp


bool ITEM_MANAGER::CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<LPITEM> & vec_item)


bool ITEM_MANAGER::CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item)

and remove 


and edit the function accordingly.

EX for common_drop_item, replace:

std::vector<CItemDropInfo>::iterator it = g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].begin();

	while (it != g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].end())
		const CItemDropInfo & c_rInfo = *(it++);

		if (iLevel < c_rInfo.m_iLevelStart || iLevel > c_rInfo.m_iLevelEnd)

		TItemTable * table = GetTable(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum);

		if (!table)

		item = NULL;

		if (table->bType == ITEM_POLYMORPH)
			if (c_rInfo.m_dwVnum == pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())
				item = CreateItem(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1, 0, true);

				if (item)
					item->SetSocket(0, pkChr->GetRaceNum());
			item = CreateItem(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1, 0, true);

		if (item) vec_item.push_back(item);


	std::vector<CItemDropInfo>::iterator it = g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].begin();

	while (it != g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].end())
		const CItemDropInfo & c_rInfo = *(it++);

		if (iLevel < c_rInfo.m_iLevelStart || iLevel > c_rInfo.m_iLevelEnd)

		TItemTable * table = GetTable(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum);

		if (!table)

		if(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum > 70103 && c_rInfo.m_dwVnum < 70108)
			if (c_rInfo.m_dwVnum != pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())

		vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1));

(edit 70103 and 70108 accordingly with your Polymorph Marble vnums


The whole function should look like this:

bool ITEM_MANAGER::CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item)
	if (pkChr->IsPolymorphed() || pkChr->IsPC())
		return false;

	int iLevel = pkKiller->GetLevel();

	BYTE bRank = pkChr->GetMobRank();

	std::vector<CItemDropInfo>::iterator it = g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].begin();

	while (it != g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].end())
		const CItemDropInfo & c_rInfo = *(it++);

		if (iLevel < c_rInfo.m_iLevelStart || iLevel > c_rInfo.m_iLevelEnd)

		TItemTable * table = GetTable(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum);

		if (!table)

		if(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum > 70103 && c_rInfo.m_dwVnum < 70108)
			if (c_rInfo.m_dwVnum != pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())

		vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1));

	// Drop Item Group
		itertype(m_map_pkDropItemGroup) it;
		it = m_map_pkDropItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if (it != m_map_pkDropItemGroup.end())
			typeof(it->second->GetVector()) v = it->second->GetVector();

			for (DWORD i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(v[i].dwVnum, v[i].iCount));

	// MobDropItem Group
		itertype(m_map_pkMobItemGroup) it;
		it = m_map_pkMobItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if ( it != m_map_pkMobItemGroup.end() )
			CMobItemGroup* pGroup = it->second;

			if (pGroup && !pGroup->IsEmpty())
				const CMobItemGroup::SMobItemGroupInfo& info = pGroup->GetOne();
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(info.dwItemVnum, info.iCount));

	// Level Item Group
		itertype(m_map_pkLevelItemGroup) it;
		it = m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if ( it != m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.end() )
			if ( it->second->IsInLevelRange((DWORD)iLevel) )
				typeof(it->second->GetVector()) v = it->second->GetVector();

				for ( DWORD i=0; i < v.size(); i++ )
					DWORD dwVnum = v[i].dwVNum;
					vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(dwVnum, v[i].iCount));

	// ETC DropItem
	if (pkChr->GetMobDropItemVnum())
		itertype(m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb) it = m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb.find(pkChr->GetMobDropItemVnum());

		if (it != m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb.end())
			vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(pkChr->GetMobDropItemVnum(), 1));

	if (pkChr->IsStone())
		if (pkChr->GetDropMetinStoneVnum())
			vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(pkChr->GetDropMetinStoneVnum(), 1));

	return vec_item.size();

Note: level item group and drop item group might be different because in my files i have a level_limit_max token and, for drop_item_group, I don't expect to put a Polymorph Marble. Also it's missing the buyertheifgloves item group, but you can clearly see the pattern and modify accordingly.


 Edit : I found a bug in the mob_drop_item infos. If you don't know, with the type "kill", you drop only one of the items you put in the list, so the info drop, well, will show only one, and then another, and another one, every time you reopen it.


To fix this issue, go to item_manager.h and search for:

		const SMobItemGroupInfo& GetOne() const
			return m_vecItems[GetOneIndex()];

Add after:

		std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> GetVector()
			std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> item_list;
			for(auto &x : m_vecItems)

			return item_list;			

then, in item_manager.cpp, instead of:

			if (pGroup && !pGroup->IsEmpty())
				const CMobItemGroup::SMobItemGroupInfo& info = pGroup->GetOne();
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(info.dwItemVnum, info.iCount));

replace it with:

			if (pGroup && !pGroup->IsEmpty())
				auto vec_items = pGroup->GetVector();
				for(auto &x : vec_items)


Side Note (how to add drop of the Stones from Metins server side):


In char.cpp there's this function:

void CHARACTER::DetermineDropMetinStone()

which will determine the drop of Stones from Metin. The percentages are in constants.cpp.


{8001, 60, {30, 30, 30, 9, 1, 0, 0}},	//liv 5
  • 8001: Metin vnum
  • 60: % of drop of a Stone
  • 30 - 30 - 30 - 9 - 1 - 0 - 0: respectively the % of what will be the grade of the stone. So, in this case, 30% for +0, +1 and +2, 9% for +3, 1% for +4.

You can clearly see the sum must be 100%.

How to actually set this drop? We should follow the mathematic calculation here:

int idx = (GetMobDropItemVnum() % 1000) - 1;

 If we put 1 in drop_item in mob_proto for the Metin of vnum 8001, idx is gonna be 0. And what's at the index 0? Exactly that line.

Before return vec_item.size(); you can also organize the vector as you want or create another one with a certain structure, like, first the common drop items, then the advance items or whatever, you can also clear it for what I care. 

Me, for example, I sort it to have all the vnums from the smallest to the largest. You can do that by:

std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), std::less<std::pair<int,int> >());

Now, let's go to input_main.cpp


LPITEM pkInfoItem;

We don't use an item anymore, remember?

So now replace:

static std::vector<LPITEM> s_vec_item;


static std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > s_vec_item;


Then replace:

if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item) && (m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()))


if ((m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()) && ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item))

This way also, if you target a player or a NPC, it will not trigger the CreateDropItemVector function.

Remove everything inside the function

if (s_vec_item.size() == 0); //this is useless

else if (s_vec_item.size() == 1) //even more useless

Just put:

		for(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >::const_iterator iter = s_vec_item.begin(); iter != s_vec_item.end();++iter)
			pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
			pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
			pInfo.dwVnum = iter->first;
			pInfo.count = iter->second;
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));


That's it. Now the constinfo issue.

So, open constinfo.py and remove:

import app

Open uitarget.py and after the imports add:


and replace whatever declaration with constinfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA with just MONSTER_INFO_DATA


Now open game.py. Even here, replace constinfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA with uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA


Last little fix, open intrologin.py

Search for:

self.stream.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd)

the one in: def __OnClickLoginButton(self):

add before


This should fix the issue when you don't close the client and, if you change the drop, you still see the older drop.


Now you may ask, why all the other servers who may have this have never crashed or imploded? To be fair, I don't know and I don't care. Just know, if your system is similar to this, be aware of the issues and that this is one but definitely not the only fix possible.



Edited by Gurgarath
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Am 8.4.2019 um 18:43 schrieb xXIntelXx:

Premise: I don't know whether you have this system from a free release elsewhere or you bought it and I have no idea if they are the same or not (even though the same version can be found in the first server files of Rubinum).

There are two issues I was concerned with:

-creating an item when you request the infos

-putting the mob data dictionary in constinfo

The first is if you have, in CreateDropItemVector function something like this:

if (item) vec_item.push_back(item);



So, we create an item and we do nothing with it, staying in memory for no purpose. Instead, we can use a vector of pairs.

Open item_manager.h


bool			CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<LPITEM> & vec_item);


bool			CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item);


Now, open item_manager.cpp


bool ITEM_MANAGER::CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<LPITEM> & vec_item)


bool ITEM_MANAGER::CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item)

and remove 


and edit the function accordingly.

EX for common_drop_item, replace:

std::vector<CItemDropInfo>::iterator it = g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].begin();

	while (it != g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].end())
		const CItemDropInfo & c_rInfo = *(it++);

		if (iLevel < c_rInfo.m_iLevelStart || iLevel > c_rInfo.m_iLevelEnd)

		TItemTable * table = GetTable(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum);

		if (!table)

		item = NULL;

		if (table->bType == ITEM_POLYMORPH)
			if (c_rInfo.m_dwVnum == pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())
				item = CreateItem(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1, 0, true);

				if (item)
					item->SetSocket(0, pkChr->GetRaceNum());
			item = CreateItem(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1, 0, true);

		if (item) vec_item.push_back(item);


	std::vector<CItemDropInfo>::iterator it = g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].begin();

	while (it != g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].end())
		const CItemDropInfo & c_rInfo = *(it++);

		if (iLevel < c_rInfo.m_iLevelStart || iLevel > c_rInfo.m_iLevelEnd)

		TItemTable * table = GetTable(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum);

		if (!table)

		if(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum > 70103 && c_rInfo.m_dwVnum < 70108)
			if (c_rInfo.m_dwVnum != pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())

		vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1));

(edit 70103 and 70108 accordingly with your Polymorph Marble vnums


The whole function should look like this:

bool ITEM_MANAGER::CreateDropItemVector(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item)
	if (pkChr->IsPolymorphed() || pkChr->IsPC())
		return false;

	int iLevel = pkKiller->GetLevel();

	BYTE bRank = pkChr->GetMobRank();

	std::vector<CItemDropInfo>::iterator it = g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].begin();

	while (it != g_vec_pkCommonDropItem[bRank].end())
		const CItemDropInfo & c_rInfo = *(it++);

		if (iLevel < c_rInfo.m_iLevelStart || iLevel > c_rInfo.m_iLevelEnd)

		TItemTable * table = GetTable(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum);

		if (!table)

		if(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum > 70103 && c_rInfo.m_dwVnum < 70108)
			if (c_rInfo.m_dwVnum != pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())

		vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(c_rInfo.m_dwVnum, 1));

	// Drop Item Group
		itertype(m_map_pkDropItemGroup) it;
		it = m_map_pkDropItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if (it != m_map_pkDropItemGroup.end())
			typeof(it->second->GetVector()) v = it->second->GetVector();

			for (DWORD i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(v[i].dwVnum, v[i].iCount));

	// MobDropItem Group
		itertype(m_map_pkMobItemGroup) it;
		it = m_map_pkMobItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if ( it != m_map_pkMobItemGroup.end() )
			CMobItemGroup* pGroup = it->second;

			if (pGroup && !pGroup->IsEmpty())
				const CMobItemGroup::SMobItemGroupInfo& info = pGroup->GetOne();
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(info.dwItemVnum, info.iCount));

	// Level Item Group
		itertype(m_map_pkLevelItemGroup) it;
		it = m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if ( it != m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.end() )
			if ( it->second->IsInLevelRange((DWORD)iLevel) )
				typeof(it->second->GetVector()) v = it->second->GetVector();

				for ( DWORD i=0; i < v.size(); i++ )
					DWORD dwVnum = v[i].dwVNum;
					vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(dwVnum, v[i].iCount));

	// ETC DropItem
	if (pkChr->GetMobDropItemVnum())
		itertype(m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb) it = m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb.find(pkChr->GetMobDropItemVnum());

		if (it != m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb.end())
			vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(pkChr->GetMobDropItemVnum(), 1));

	if (pkChr->IsStone())
		if (pkChr->GetDropMetinStoneVnum())
			vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(pkChr->GetDropMetinStoneVnum(), 1));

	return vec_item.size();

Note: level item group and drop item group might be different because in my files i have a level_limit_max token and, for drop_item_group, I don't expect to put a Polymorph Marble. Also it's missing the buyertheifgloves item group, but you can clearly see the pattern and modify accordingly.


Side Note (how to add drop of the Stones from Metins server side):

  Unsichtbaren Inhalt anzeigen

In char.cpp there's this function:

void CHARACTER::DetermineDropMetinStone()

which will determine the drop of Stones from Metin. The percentages are in constants.cpp.


{8001, 60, {30, 30, 30, 9, 1, 0, 0}},	//liv 5
  • 8001: Metin vnum
  • 60: % of drop of a Stone
  • 30 - 30 - 30 - 9 - 1 - 0 - 0: respectively the % of what will be the grade of the stone. So, in this case, 30% for +0, +1 and +2, 9% for +3, 1% for +4.

You can clearly see the sum must be 100%.

How to actually set this drop? We should follow the mathematic calculation here:

int idx = (GetMobDropItemVnum() % 1000) - 1;

 If we put 1 in drop_item in mob_proto for the Metin of vnum 8001, idx is gonna be 0. And what's at the index 0? Exactly that line.

Before return vec_item.size(); you can also organize the vector as you want or create another one with a certain structure, like, first the common drop items, then the advance items or whatever, you can also clear it for what I care. 

Me, for example, I sort it to have all the vnums from the smallest to the largest. You can do that by:

std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), std::less<std::pair<int,int> >());

Now, let's go to input_main.cpp


LPITEM pkInfoItem;

We don't use an item anymore, remember?

So now replace:

static std::vector<LPITEM> s_vec_item;


static std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > s_vec_item;


Then replace:

if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item) && (m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()))


if ((m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()) && ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item))

This way also, if you target a player or a NPC, it will not trigger the CreateDropItemVector function.

Remove everything inside the function

if (s_vec_item.size() == 0); //this is useless

else if (s_vec_item.size() == 1) //even more useless

Just put:

		for(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >::const_iterator iter = s_vec_item.begin(); iter != s_vec_item.end();++iter)
			pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
			pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
			pInfo.dwVnum = iter->first;
			pInfo.count = iter->second;
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));


That's it. Now the constinfo issue.

So, open constinfo.py and remove:

import app

Open uitarget.py and after the imports add:


and replace whatever declaration with constinfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA with just MONSTER_INFO_DATA


Now open game.py. Even here, replace constinfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA with uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA


Last little fix, open intrologin.py

Search for:

self.stream.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd)

the one in: def __OnClickLoginButton(self):

add before


This should fix the issue when you don't close the client and, if you change the drop, you still see the older drop.


Now you may ask, why all the other servers who may have this have never crashed or imploded? To be fair, I don't know and I don't care. Just know, if your system is similar to this, be aware of the issues and that this is one but definitely not the only fix possible.



 Thank you


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Silver

I am just curious but this would purge the items from memory, right?

If added at the end of the function at input_main.cpp?

	for (auto const& item : s_vec_item)

void CInputMain::TargetInfoLoad(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* c_pData)
	TPacketCGTargetInfoLoad* p = (TPacketCGTargetInfoLoad*)c_pData;
	TPacketGCTargetInfo pInfo;
	pInfo.header = HEADER_GC_TARGET_INFO;
	static std::vector<LPITEM> s_vec_item;
	LPITEM pkInfoItem;
	LPCHARACTER m_pkChrTarget = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(p->dwVID);
	if (!ch || !m_pkChrTarget)

	if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item) && (m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()))
		if (s_vec_item.size() == 0);
		else if (s_vec_item.size() == 1)
			pkInfoItem = s_vec_item[0];
			pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
			pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
			pInfo.dwVnum = pkInfoItem->GetVnum();
			pInfo.count = pkInfoItem->GetCount();
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));
			int iItemIdx = s_vec_item.size() - 1;
			while (iItemIdx >= 0)
				pkInfoItem = s_vec_item[iItemIdx--];

				if (!pkInfoItem)
					sys_err("pkInfoItem null in vector idx %d", iItemIdx + 1);

					pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
					pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
					pInfo.dwVnum = pkInfoItem->GetVnum();
					pInfo.count = pkInfoItem->GetCount();
					ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));

	for (auto const& value : s_vec_item)




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  • Premium
On 4/20/2019 at 10:19 PM, Sonitex said:

I am just curious but this would purge the items from memory, right?

If added at the end of the function at input_main.cpp?

	for (auto const& item : s_vec_item)
  Reveal hidden contents

void CInputMain::TargetInfoLoad(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* c_pData)
	TPacketCGTargetInfoLoad* p = (TPacketCGTargetInfoLoad*)c_pData;
	TPacketGCTargetInfo pInfo;
	pInfo.header = HEADER_GC_TARGET_INFO;
	static std::vector<LPITEM> s_vec_item;
	LPITEM pkInfoItem;
	LPCHARACTER m_pkChrTarget = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(p->dwVID);
	if (!ch || !m_pkChrTarget)

	if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item) && (m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()))
		if (s_vec_item.size() == 0);
		else if (s_vec_item.size() == 1)
			pkInfoItem = s_vec_item[0];
			pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
			pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
			pInfo.dwVnum = pkInfoItem->GetVnum();
			pInfo.count = pkInfoItem->GetCount();
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));
			int iItemIdx = s_vec_item.size() - 1;
			while (iItemIdx >= 0)
				pkInfoItem = s_vec_item[iItemIdx--];

				if (!pkInfoItem)
					sys_err("pkInfoItem null in vector idx %d", iItemIdx + 1);

					pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
					pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
					pInfo.dwVnum = pkInfoItem->GetVnum();
					pInfo.count = pkInfoItem->GetCount();
					ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));

	for (auto const& value : s_vec_item)




It would but, you could also state that creating an item in the first place, is pointless (if you wanna be hyper-conscious about constant CPU/RAM usage). At the end we just want to send "vnum" and "count". Or you can just create a script that creates the dictionary  and just not use this at all (I use this method for the chests drop), but needs "more" maintenance. 

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  • 10 months later...

Thanks for this.


how can i use this :

std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), std::less<std::pair<int,int> >());

To set the drop of metinstone at the top :




kind regards.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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  • Honorable Member
On 2/26/2020 at 7:12 PM, Chief said:

how can i use this :

To set the drop of metinstone at the top :

not tested



		bool			IsItemMetin(const DWORD& vnum);




bool ITEM_MANAGER::IsItemMetin(const DWORD& vnum)
	const TItemTable* p = GetTable(vnum);
	return (p && p->bType == ITEM_METIN);





	std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end()); // vnum1 < vnum2
	std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), [](const std::pair<int, int>& f, const std::pair<int, int>& s) { return ITEM_MANAGER::instance().IsItemMetin(f.first) > ITEM_MANAGER::instance().IsItemMetin(s.first); });



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14 hours ago, Mali61 said:

std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end()); // vnum1 < vnum2
	std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), [](const std::pair<int, int>& f, const std::pair<int, int>& s) { return ITEM_MANAGER::instance().IsItemMetin(f.first) > ITEM_MANAGER::instance().IsItemMetin(s.first); });


Where adding this ? i tried before 


return vec_item.size();


in CreateDropItemVector func

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On 2/28/2020 at 11:37 PM, Chief said:

Where adding this ? i tried before 


return vec_item.size();


in CreateDropItemVector func


  	[Creating vector of pair(item vnum/quantity)]
	std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), std::less<std::pair<int,int> >()); //here my sort or w/e initial sort you wanna use
	std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), [](const std::pair<int, int>& f, const std::pair<int, int>& s) { return ITEM_MANAGER::instance().IsItemMetin(f.first) > ITEM_MANAGER::instance().IsItemMetin(s.first); }); //this the metins first sort
	return vec_item.size();

Though, I am pretty sure the python part of the system already handles this with metin stones.

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2 hours ago, Tallywa said:

compatible with drop item in db?

If originally the target system info wasn't compatible, this won't be either. I just changed how the infos are sent to the client (vector of pairs(int,int) instead of creating a new LPITEM object).


But, in a few seconds checking: 

This is the hidden content, please

Ikarus recalls this instance. Basically what you might wanna do is: 

	//MOB_DROP_MANAGER::instance().MakeDropInfoItems(pkChr, pkKiller, vec_item); //old drop info
	MOB_DROP_MANAGER::instance().NewMakeDropInfoItems(pkChr, pkKiller, vec_item); //NEW FUNCTION


and in mob_drop_manager.cpp the new function would be very similar (obviously you need to change the parameters), but, instead of creating an item, you use rDropInfo.dwItemVnum and rDropInfo.iCount


like, common drop would be:

	//common drop
		BYTE bRank = pkChar->GetMobRank();
		COMMON_DROP_MAP::iterator it = m_commonDropMap.find(bRank);

		if (it != m_commonDropMap.end())
			COMMON_DROP_VEC& rVec = it->second;
			COMMON_DROP_VEC::iterator itVec = rVec.begin();

			for ( ; itVec != rVec.end() ; itVec++)
				CommonDropInfo& rDropInfo = *itVec;

				if (rDropInfo.iLevelStart > pkKiller->GetLevel())

				if (rDropInfo.iLevelEnd < pkKiller->GetLevel())

				TItemTable * table = rItemManager.GetTable(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum);

				if (!table)

				if(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum > 70103 && rDropInfo.dwItemVnum < 70108)//your polymorph marbles vnums
					if (rDropInfo.dwItemVnum != pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum, 1));

When I have more time I can give you the full edited code (with a different define and bla bla bla). If you understand a bit what I did though, you can try changing it by yourself.


EDIT: Ah, actually there's a small difference, because in item_manager he creates the vector from the maps in the server source, but then he does the same shit again in mob_drop_manager.cpp.. I must be missing something for sure (or German is destroying my brain). Imo, in this case, just use the CreateItemDropVector function in item_manager.cpp, edit it accordingly (parameters, some if statements and what gets pushed back into the vector, aka a pair of integers) and that's it (and I mean even the one already in the original system) . You are already doing the checks you need in item_manager.cpp. I understand why it is done for the normal drop (maybe can be avoided, but that's not the point here), but in item_manager.cpp you can already access the infos you need, aka: vnum, count and level limits. If this way doesn't work, then you might wanna do the changes in item_manager.cpp and do similar changes to the function in mob_manager.cpp 

I'll try to give you both, when I can.

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Ok, so, for the drop with db, I think in char_battle.cpp, if you find:

if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItem(this, pkAttacker, s_vec_item))
I would just change it with
if(MOB_DROP_MANAGER::instance().MakeDropItems(thus, pkAttacker, s_vec_item)
change the function in bool, return the vector size but also you should make some changes to know if GetDropPct returns you true or false, but w/e, it's not the point of the target info system, we don't need to know if we can drop the item but what are the items that we can drop.
So, what function do we wanna change? void MOB_DROP_MANAGER::MakeDropInfoItems(LPCHARACTER pkChar, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<LPITEM>& items?
This is the hidden content, please
bool MOB_DROP_MANAGER::MakeDropInfoItems(LPCHARACTER pkChar, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item)

	if(!pkChar || !pkKiller)

	LPITEM item					= NULL;
	ITEM_MANAGER& rItemManager	= ITEM_MANAGER::instance();
	DWORD dwMobVnum				= pkChar->GetRaceNum();

	//common drop
		BYTE bRank = pkChar->GetMobRank();
		COMMON_DROP_MAP::iterator it = m_commonDropMap.find(bRank);

		if (it != m_commonDropMap.end())
			COMMON_DROP_VEC& rVec = it->second;
			COMMON_DROP_VEC::iterator itVec = rVec.begin();

			for ( ; itVec != rVec.end() ; itVec++)
				CommonDropInfo& rDropInfo = *itVec;

				if (rDropInfo.iLevelStart > pkKiller->GetLevel())

				if (rDropInfo.iLevelEnd < pkKiller->GetLevel())

				TItemTable * table = rItemManager.GetTable(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum);

				if (!table)

				if (rDropInfo.dwItemVnum)
					if (rDropInfo.dwItemVnum > 70103 && rDropInfo.dwItemVnum < 70108)
						if (rDropInfo.dwItemVnum != pkChr->GetPolymorphItemVnum())
					vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum, 1));

	//default drop
		DEFAULT_DROP_MAP::iterator it = m_defaultDropMap.find(dwMobVnum);

		if (it != m_defaultDropMap.end())
			DEFAULT_DROP_VEC& rVec = it->second;
			DEFAULT_DROP_VEC::iterator itVec = rVec.begin();

			for (; itVec != rVec.end(); itVec++)
				DefaultDropInfo& rDropInfo = *itVec;

				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum, rDropInfo.iCount));

	//mob drop kill
		MOB_DROP_GROUP_KILL_MAP_VNUM::iterator it = m_dropGroupKillMap.find(dwMobVnum);

		if (it != m_dropGroupKillMap.end())
			MOB_DROP_GROUP_KILL_MAP_ID& rGroupMap = it->second;
			MOB_DROP_GROUP_KILL_MAP_ID::iterator itGroup = rGroupMap.begin();

			for (; itGroup != rGroupMap.end(); itGroup++)
				MobDropKillGroupInfo& rGroupInfo = itGroup->second;


				for (size_t i = 0; i < rGroupInfo.itemVector.size(); i++)
					MobDropKillInfo& rDropInfo = rGroupInfo.itemVector[i];

					if (rDropInfo.dwItemVnum)
					vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum, rDropInfo.iCount));

	//mob drop level
		MOB_DROP_GROUP_LEVEL_MAP_VNUM::iterator it = m_dropGroupLevelMap.find(dwMobVnum);

		if (it != m_dropGroupLevelMap.end())
			MOB_DROP_LEVEL_ID_MAP&			rMapID	= it->second;
			MOB_DROP_LEVEL_ID_MAP::iterator	itID	= rMapID.begin();

			for (; itID!=rMapID.end(); itID++)
				MobDropLevelGroupInfo& rGroupInfo = itID->second;
				if(pkKiller->GetLevel() < rGroupInfo.iLevelStart)

				if(pkKiller->GetLevel() > rGroupInfo.iLevelEnd)

				MOB_DROP_LEVEL_INFO_VEC& rDropVec = rGroupInfo.itemVector;
				MOB_DROP_LEVEL_INFO_VEC::iterator itDrop = rDropVec.begin();

				for(; itDrop!=rDropVec.end();itDrop++)
					MobDropLevelInfo& rDropInfo = *itDrop;
					if (rDropInfo.dwItemVnum)
						vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(rDropInfo.dwItemVnum, rDropInfo.iCount));
	std::sort(vec_item.begin(), vec_item.end(), std::less<std::pair<int,int> >());
	return vec_item.size();


As you can see, I've done the same exact shit I've done for CreateItemVector function.
Now, you need to change the parameters in the declaration and the type of this function:
bool MOB_DROP_MANAGER::MakeDropInfoItems(LPCHARACTER pkChar, LPCHARACTER pkKiller, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > & vec_item)

in mob_drop_manager.h


And now, in input_main.cpp, the line:

if ((m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()) && ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item))
needs to be changed with our new function:
if ((m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone()) && MOB_DROP_MANAGER::instance().MakeDropInfoItems(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item))


and I think that's it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

//Hello.  I have some extra code and I'm not smart enough to fix it like you by myself. Could you please help me? Thank you in advance...

ok I modified the missing code by myself. I have no idea if it really works but thank you very much :)


Edited by nosacz
more alcohol required to write fixes
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I think is good, but, in compile i have this error 

mob_drop_manager.cpp:478: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning 'int'

for this function

if(!pkChar || !pkKiller)


i have remplace with 

if(!pkChar || !pkKiller)
        return 0;

for try compile and this good, but i dont know when modif is good or bad

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On 3/20/2020 at 8:58 AM, Tallywa said:


I think is good, but, in compile i have this error 


mob_drop_manager.cpp:478: error: return-statement with no value, in function returning 'int'


for this function


if(!pkChar || !pkKiller)



i have remplace with 


if(!pkChar || !pkKiller)
        return 0;


for try compile and this good, but i dont know when modif is good or bad

sorry for late reply, but yeah, 0 or false are ok. I forgot I changed it to a boolean.


P.S. Why on earth can I not modify my own old message? W/e..

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  • 8 months later...
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On 11/25/2020 at 1:54 AM, ilovegreendays said:

In that post you say that this also fix if you target a player or a NPC, it will not trigger the CreateDropItemVector function

i followed step by step yout tutorial but i have this problem:

That.. is definitely not a problem I may have caused.

In the TargetInfoLoad or w/e in input_main.cpp you gotta check first if it's a monster or stone:

//here is checking if the target is a monster or a stone	
if ((m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone() /*|| m_pkChrTarget->IsBoss()) //stuff of my server*/&& ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item)) 
		for(auto x : s_vec_item)
			pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID();
			pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum();
          //I use a tuple because I also send the rarity, doesn't matter to the problem you showed.
			pInfo.dwVnum = std::get<0>(x);
			pInfo.count = std::get<1>(x);
			pInfo.rarity = std::get<2>(x);
			buf.write(&pInfo, sizeof(pInfo));
			ch->GetDesc()->BufferedPacket(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));
			ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size());

and in game.py there is:

		def BINARY_AddTargetMonsterDropInfo(self, raceNum, itemVnum, itemCount, rarity):
			if not raceNum in uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA: ##no way here you send infos for the racenum of the lycan
				uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA.update({raceNum : {}})
				uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[raceNum].update({"items" : []})
			curList = uiTarget.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[raceNum]["items"]

plus, in uitarget.py

			def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):

				if race in MONSTER_INFO_DATA: ##this might be different, since I don't store the data in constinfo
          			##and still, race, aka lycan aka wtf it is, is it 8? It's impossible to be in the list because it's neither a monster or a stone
					if len(MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0:




Edited by Metin2 Dev
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Ok, why can't I edit my own topic? I found a bug in the mob_drop_item infos. If you don't know, with the type "kill", you drop only one of the items you put in the list, so the info drop, well, will show only one, and then another, and another one, every time you reopen it.


To fix this issue, go to item_manager.h and search for:

		const SMobItemGroupInfo& GetOne() const
			return m_vecItems[GetOneIndex()];

Add after:

		std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> GetVector()
			std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> item_list;
			for(auto &x : m_vecItems)

			return item_list;			

then, in item_manager.cpp, instead of:

			if (pGroup && !pGroup->IsEmpty())
				const CMobItemGroup::SMobItemGroupInfo& info = pGroup->GetOne();
				vec_item.push_back(std::make_pair(info.dwItemVnum, info.iCount));

replace it with:

			if (pGroup && !pGroup->IsEmpty())
				auto vec_items = pGroup->GetVector();
				for(auto &x : vec_items)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Forum Moderator

Topic edited! Thank you for the updates and your code is really clean! This is the kind of tutorial that I like.


Also, I haven't tried yet but theorically it should work, if some of you ever need to add a thing to this system (i.e rarity), you can try to use std::make_tuple instead and access it through std::get (unless using more recent C++ versions that can actually iterate a tuple). Or simply stay stuck to C++98 and use more dirty (don't do it) nested pairs.


std::vector<std::pair<int,std::pair<int, int>>


Edited by Gurgarath

coming soon

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On 12/6/2020 at 4:53 PM, Gurgarath said:

Topic edited! Thank you for the updates and your code is really clean! This is the kind of tutorial that I like.


Also, I haven't tried yet but theorically it should work, if some of you ever need to add a thing to this system (i.e rarity), you can try to use std::make_tuple instead and access it through std::get (unless using more recent C++ versions that can actually iterate a tuple). Or simply stay stuck to C++98 and use more dirty nested pairs.


std::vector<std::pair<int,std::pair<int, int>>


Yep, I use c++2a:



I cannot even dream of using (please don't guys, just upgrade, even to c++11)

std::vector<std::pair<int,std::pair<int, int>>


And to calculate the drop, just take the drop_pct and make the currect calculations (it's different for every type of drop). An example:


A little nasty, but it does its job for now.

And then for ex, taking from the level item group:

		auto it = m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.find(pkChr->GetRaceNum());

		if ( it != m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.end() )
			if ( it->second->IsInLevelRange((DWORD)iLevel) ) //the drop doesn't show in my server if you are not at the right level
				auto v = it->second->GetVector();

				for ( DWORD i=0; i < v.size(); i++ )
					float rarity = CalculateDropRarityLevelItemGroup(v[i].dwPct);
					DWORD dwVnum = v[i].dwVNum;
					vec_item.emplace_back(std::make_tuple(dwVnum, v[i].iCount,rarity));


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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  • 4 months later...
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Little lag fix when sending the packet:


void CInputMain::TargetInfoLoad(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* c_pData)
	TPacketCGTargetInfoLoad* p = (TPacketCGTargetInfoLoad*)c_pData;
	TPacketGCTargetInfo pInfo;
	pInfo.header = HEADER_GC_TARGET_INFO;
	static std::vector<std::tuple<int,int,int>> s_vec_item; //IGNORE THIS LINE
	LPCHARACTER m_pkChrTarget = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(p->dwVID);
	if (!ch || !m_pkChrTarget)

	if ((m_pkChrTarget->IsMonster() || m_pkChrTarget->IsStone() || m_pkChrTarget->IsBoss()) && ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItemVector(m_pkChrTarget, ch, s_vec_item)) //IGNORE THE ISBOSS() FUNCTION
		for(auto x : s_vec_item)  //IGNORE THIS LINE
			pInfo.dwVID	= m_pkChrTarget->GetVID(); //IGNORE THIS LINE
			pInfo.race = m_pkChrTarget->GetRaceNum(); //IGNORE THIS LINE
			pInfo.dwVnum = std::get<0>(x); //IGNORE THIS LINE
			pInfo.count = std::get<1>(x); //IGNORE THIS LINE
			pInfo.rarity = std::get<2>(x); //IGNORE THIS LINE
			buf.write(&pInfo, sizeof(pInfo)); //ADD THIS
			//ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo)); //REMOVE THIS
			ch->GetDesc()->BufferedPacket(&pInfo, sizeof(TPacketGCTargetInfo));  //ADD THIS
		ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); //ADD THIS AFTER THE FOR CYCLE



If anyone is curious about my rarity calculations:

int CalculateDropRarityCommonDropItem(int x)
	int pct = x;
	int rarity = 0;
	if(pct >= 4000000)
		rarity = 1;
	else if(pct < 40000000 && pct >= 200000 )
		rarity = 2;
	else if(pct < 200000 && pct >= 10000 )
		rarity = 3;
	else if(pct < 10000 && pct >= 5000 )
		rarity = 4;
	else if(pct < 5000 && pct >= 1000 )
		rarity = 5;
	else if(pct < 1000 && pct >= 0 )
		rarity = 6;
	return rarity;

int CalculateDropRarityKillDrop(int x, BYTE bType)
	int pct = x;
	int rarity = 0;
	if(pct == 1)
		rarity = 1;
	else if(pct > 1 && pct <= 300 )
		rarity = 2;
	else if(pct > 300 && pct <= 500 )
		rarity = 3;
	else if(pct > 500 && pct <= 2000 )
		rarity = 4;
	else if(pct > 2000 && pct <= 5000 )
		rarity = 5;
	else if(pct > 5000 )
		rarity = 6;
	return rarity;

int CalculateDropRarityDropItemGroup(int x, BYTE bType)
	int pct = x;
	int rarity = 0;
			if(pct >= 4000000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 4000000 && pct >= 2600000 ) //100~65
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 2600000 && pct >= 1600000 ) //65~40
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 1600000 && pct >= 1000000 ) //40~25
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 1000000 && pct >= 600000 ) //25~15
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 600000 )
				rarity = 6;
			if(pct >= 4000000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 4000000 && pct >= 1600000 ) //100~40
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 1600000 && pct >= 800000 ) //40~20
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 800000 && pct >= 200000 ) //20~5
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 200000 && pct >= 20000 ) //5~0.5
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 20000 )
				rarity = 6;
			if(pct >= 4000000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 4000000 && pct >= 2000000 ) //100~50
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 2000000 && pct >= 1000000 ) //50~25
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 1000000 && pct >= 600000 ) //25~15
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 600000 && pct >= 200000 ) //15~5
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 200000 )
				rarity = 6;
			if(pct >= 4000000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 4000000 && pct >= 2000000 ) //100~50
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 2000000 && pct >= 1000000 ) //50~25
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 1000000 && pct >= 600000 ) //25~15
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 600000 && pct >= 200000 ) //15~5
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 200000 )
				rarity = 6;
	return rarity;

int CalculateDropRarityLevelItemGroup(float x, BYTE bType)
	float pct = x / 10000.0000;
	int rarity = 0;
			if(pct >= 100.0000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 100.0000 && pct >= 65.0000 )
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 65.0000 && pct >= 40.0000 )
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 40.0000 && pct >= 25.0000 )
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 25.0000 && pct >= 15.0000 )
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 15.0000 )
				rarity = 6;				
			if(pct >= 100.0000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 100.0000 && pct >= 50.0000 )
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 50.0000 && pct >= 25.0000 )
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 25.0000 && pct >= 15.0000 )
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 15.0000 && pct >= 5.0000 )
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 5.0000 )
				rarity = 6;
			if(pct >= 100.0000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 100.0000 && pct >= 30.0000 )
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 30.0000 && pct >= 15.0000 )
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 15.0000 && pct >= 1.0000 )
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 1.0000 && pct >= 0.1000 )
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 0.1000 )
				rarity = 6;			
			if(pct >= 100.0000)
				rarity = 1;
			else if(pct < 100.0000 && pct >= 65.0000 )
				rarity = 2;
			else if(pct < 65.0000 && pct >= 40.0000 )
				rarity = 3;
			else if(pct < 40.0000 && pct >= 25.0000 )
				rarity = 4;
			else if(pct < 25.0000 && pct >= 15.0000 )
				rarity = 5;
			else if(pct < 15.0000 )
				rarity = 6;				
	return rarity;

you can replace the switch statement with some ifs and use IsStone()/IsMonster()  (and check the rank of the mob).

Also if you wanna be even more precise on the rarity, there could be a check on the vnum of the monster, and decide also by the quantity of the monster (if there are 1kk of a monster  and pct is 0.5, it definitely it's easier than finding an item among 100 monsters but honestly cba about that LOL)

Edited by xXIntelXx
I am an idiot and fucked the vector sorting
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  • 7 months later...


It was giving me "IsInLevelRange" problems .. I edited it like this but I don't know if it's without problems.

            if (it->second->IsInLevelRange((DWORD)iLevel))


            if (it->second->GetLevelLimit() <= (DWORD)iLevel)

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On 12/13/2021 at 2:55 PM, Artix96it said:


It was giving me "IsInLevelRange" problems .. I edited it like this but I don't know if it's without problems.

            if (it->second->IsInLevelRange((DWORD)iLevel))


            if (it->second->GetLevelLimit() <= (DWORD)iLevel)

Ah yes, my bad. I do have:

	bool IsInLevelRange(DWORD dwLevel)
		if(m_dwLevelMaxLimit == 0)
			return dwLevel >= m_dwLevelLimit;
		return dwLevel >= m_dwLevelLimit && dwLevel <= m_dwLevelMaxLimit;

for the drop type limit.

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On 12/18/2021 at 9:45 PM, xXIntelXx said:

Ah yes, my bad. I do have:

	bool IsInLevelRange(DWORD dwLevel)
		if(m_dwLevelMaxLimit == 0)
			return dwLevel >= m_dwLevelLimit;
		return dwLevel >= m_dwLevelLimit && dwLevel <= m_dwLevelMaxLimit;

for the drop type limit.

Is there a way to contact you privately?

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