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Today I'd like to share this little stuff what I reversed from the official binary a month ago.
This will fix the positions of textails(name position changes by every update packet on the main character), and also the position of the emotions when you are on a mount :).
I've made a little demonstration video where you can see a private server without the fix, my fixxed version and the official aswell.


1. Client/bin/playersettingmodule.py


1. Add the following code above of the loadGameDataDict declaration:

# SetRaceHeight
def __LoadRaceHeight():
		lines = open("race_height.txt", "r").readlines()
	except IOError:

	for line in lines:
		tokens = line[:-1].split("\t")
		if len(tokens) == 0 or not tokens[0]:

		vnum = int(tokens[0])
		height = float(tokens[1])

		chrmgr.SetRaceHeight(vnum, height)

2. Add the following line below of the dict or extend it however you want:

loadGameDataDict.update({"RACE_HEIGHT": __LoadRaceHeight,})

2.1 extension:

	"RACE_HEIGHT" : __LoadRaceHeight,


2. Client/bin/introLoading.py


1. Paste the following line below of the self.__LoadNPC() in the DEBUG_LoadData function:


2. Add the following line below of the self.loadStepList definition in the LoadData function:

		self.loadStepList+=[(98, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadRaceHeight)),]

2.1 or extend it:

			(98, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadRaceHeight)),

3. Add the following function after the __LoadNPC function or anywhere you want:

	def __LoadRaceHeight(self):


3. Place the race_height.txt from the official client into the yours and pack it in the root.
4. Client/UserInterface/PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp


1. Add the new function to the module:

PyObject * chrmgrSetRaceHeight(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs)
	int iRaceIndex;
	if (!PyTuple_GetInteger(poArgs, 0, &iRaceIndex))
		return Py_BadArgument();
	float fRaceHeight = 0.0f;
	if (!PyTuple_GetFloat(poArgs, 1, &fRaceHeight))
		return Py_BadArgument();

	CRaceManager::Instance().SetRaceHeight(iRaceIndex, fRaceHeight);
	return Py_BuildNone();

And to the methodlist:

		{ "SetRaceHeight",				chrmgrSetRaceHeight,					METH_VARARGS },


5. Client/GameLib/RaceManager.h


1. Add these new functions as public:

		void SetRaceHeight(int iVnum, float fHeight);
		float GetRaceHeight(int iVnum);

2. And define the new map which will stores the informations as protected:

		std::map<int, float>				m_kMap_iRaceKey_fRaceAdditionalHeight;


6. Client/GameLib/RaceManager.cpp


1. Add the new functions anywhere you want:

void CRaceManager::SetRaceHeight(int iVnum, float fHeight)
	m_kMap_iRaceKey_fRaceAdditionalHeight.insert(std::map<int, float>::value_type(iVnum, fHeight));

float CRaceManager::GetRaceHeight(int iVnum)
	std::map<int, float>::iterator it = m_kMap_iRaceKey_fRaceAdditionalHeight.find(iVnum);
	if (m_kMap_iRaceKey_fRaceAdditionalHeight.end() == it)
		return 0.0f;

	return it->second;


7. Client/UserInterface/InstanceBase.h


1. Paste the following definition of function below of the definition of GetDistance as public:

		float					GetBaseHeight();


8. Client/UserInterface/InstanceBase.cpp


0. Add to the includes:

#include "../gamelib/RaceManager.h"

1. Add the function anywhere you want:

float CInstanceBase::GetBaseHeight()
	CActorInstance* pkHorse = m_kHorse.GetActorPtr();
	if (!m_kHorse.IsMounting() || !pkHorse)
		return 0.0f;

	DWORD dwHorseVnum = m_kHorse.m_pkActor->GetRace();
	if ((dwHorseVnum >= 20101 && dwHorseVnum <= 20109) ||
		(dwHorseVnum == 20029 || dwHorseVnum == 20030))
		return 100.0f;

	float fRaceHeight = CRaceManager::instance().GetRaceHeight(dwHorseVnum);
	if (fRaceHeight == 0.0f)
		return 100.0f;
		return fRaceHeight;


9. Client/UserInterface/InstanceBaseEffect.cpp


1. Replace the fTextTailHeight definition of variable in the AttachTextTail function with this:

		float fTextTailHeight = GetBaseHeight() + 10.0f;

2. Replace the following in the SetEmoticon function:

		v3Pos.z += float(m_GraphicThingInstance.GetHeight());

With this:

		v3Pos.z += float(GetBaseHeight() + m_GraphicThingInstance.GetHeight());

Twice!!! The are two times this line, replace both of them!

10. Client/UserInterface/PythonTextTail.cpp


1. Replace the following code in the RegisterChatTail function:

	TTextTail * pTextTail = RegisterTextTail(VirtualID,
											 pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef().GetHeight() + 10.0f,

With this:

	TTextTail * pTextTail = RegisterTextTail(VirtualID,
											 pCharacterInstance->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef().GetHeight() + pCharacterInstance->GetBaseHeight() + 10.0f,


11. Client/GameLib/ActorInstance.cpp


0. Add the following to the includes:

#include "RaceManager.h"

1. Replace the whole GetHeight function with this:

float CActorInstance::GetHeight()
	DWORD dwRace = GetRace();
	float fRaceHeight = CRaceManager::instance().GetRaceHeight(dwRace);
	if (fRaceHeight == 0.0f)
		fRaceHeight = CGraphicThingInstance::GetHeight();
		CRaceManager::instance().SetRaceHeight(dwRace, fRaceHeight);

	return fRaceHeight;



I hope you like it, and if you find any problem just let me know in this topic.

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I've modified def __LoadRaceHeight for my own purpose, here it is in case someone needs it:


def __LoadRaceHeight():
	directory = "npcheight.txt"
		lines = open(directory, "r").readlines()
	except IOError:

	#import dbg
	for line in lines:
		try: # to avoid problems .. (paranoia)
			tokens = line[:-1].split("\t")
			#dbg.TraceError("__LoadRaceHeight tokens %s" % (str(tokens)))

			if len(tokens) <= 1 or not tokens[0]:

			if tokens[0].find("#") != -1:
			if tokens[1].find("#") != -1:
				tokens[1] = tokens[1].split("#")[0].replace("\s","")
			if tokens[1].find("#") != -1:

			vnum = int(tokens[0])
			height = float(tokens[1])
			#dbg.TraceError("__LoadRaceHeight %d %s" % (vnum,tokens[1]))
			chrmgr.SetRaceHeight(vnum, height)
			import dbg
			dbg.TraceError("I could not read the lines of %s" % directory)


I wanted to use comment tags inside the .txt file :D


# horse
20030	220.00
20101	220.00
20102	220.00
20103	220.00
20104	220.00
20105	220.00
20106	220.00
20107	220.00
20108	220.00
20109	220.00

# shop
30000	150.00

# mount
20212	0.01 # uff.. the mounts need to have 0.01
29212	0.01

# dragon
2493	300.00




iI think I was too sleepy at 4 AM when I wrote this reply, I didn't think I could modifty it into a dictionary :facepalm:

def __LoadRaceHeight():
	Dict = npcheight.NPC_HEIGHT

	for k,v in Dict.items():
		chrmgr.SetRaceHeight(k, v)
	# horse
	20030 : 220.00,
	20101 : 220.00,
	20102 : 220.00,
	20103 : 220.00,
	20104 : 220.00,
	20105 : 220.00,
	20106 : 220.00,
	20107 : 220.00,
	20108 : 220.00,
	20109 : 220.00,
	# shop
	30000 : 150.00,
	# mount
	20212 : 0.01, # uff.. the mounts need to have 0.01
	29212 : 0.01,
	# dragon
	2493 : 300.00,


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I have 4 errors:

16> InstanceBase.cpp (48): error C2653: "CRaceManager": not a class name or namespace name
16> InstanceBase.cpp (48): error C2228: left ".GetRaceHeight" must be of type struct/union
16> InstanceBase.cpp (48): error C3861: "instance": id was not found
198	IntelliSense: name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name


Can anyone help?

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal


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2 hours ago, Tatsumaru said:

I have 4 errors:

16> InstanceBase.cpp (48): error C2653: "CRaceManager": not a class name or namespace name
16> InstanceBase.cpp (48): error C2228: left ".GetRaceHeight" must be of type struct/union
16> InstanceBase.cpp (48): error C3861: "instance": id was not found
198	IntelliSense: name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name


Can anyone help?

#include "../gamelib/RaceManager.h"
Edited by Metin2 Dev
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49 minutes ago, avertuss said:

Idk why but my client getting crash after login without errors in syserr when i have added python side. 

are you sure that you packed the text file in your root package?

On 5/15/2018 at 11:47 PM, xP3NG3Rx said:

3. Place the race_height.txt from the official client into the yours and pack it in the root.


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On 5/28/2018 at 2:43 AM, PeaceMaker said:

i added some new values to race_height.txt such as mounts as the name appears in the air 

but it dosent work , had to add them in source not sure if the race_height.txt is even working 

yup same here, tried adding values and changing existing values, I even tried to delete all the data, and nothing changes in game.

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La 26.05.2018 la 21:57, Tryn a spus:

I think there are some "bugs". If u mount for example the power mounts the texttail is floating miles above you. Also if you're not riding a mount the texttail above them ("XZY's Horse") is also miles above them. Maybe you can take a look for this "bugs". But nice release anyway.

Thanks P3ng3r


La 29.05.2018 la 12:28, 3bd0 a spus:

yup same here, tried adding values and changing existing values, I even tried to delete all the data, and nothing changes in game.

Use what exygo posted.


If you want the dictionary in the same file, you'll have to modify 


Dict = npcheight.NPC_HEIGHT



Open instancebase.cpp and search for->

	if ((dwHorseVnum >= 20101 && dwHorseVnum <= 20109) ||
		(dwHorseVnum == 20029 || dwHorseVnum == 20030))
		return 100.0f;

Make a new case under it and put your mounts vnums, in my case it is:

	if ((dwHorseVnum >= 20110 || dwHorseVnum <= 20266))
		return 50.0f;

Then, enter PlayerSettingModule.py and use Exygo's dict as this for mounts->

    20110 : 160.00,
    20111 : 160.00,
    20112 : 160.00,
    20113 : 160.00,
    20114 : 160.00,
    20115 : 160.00,
    20266 : 160,00,


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Build Error. 

The code section of Metin2Dev is very bad. When you copy and paste "?" adding signs. Wretched. Please do not enter your codes here. Use an additional site.

Can someone tell me why you're giving this crap :)







PhytonCharacterManagerModule.cpp / Also
{ "SetRaceHeight", chrmgrSetRaceHeight, METH_VARARGS }, Add - (No Image)












Also All

#include attached.



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I don't know if it should be like this, but this looks really wrong to me. I'm using the latest race_height.txt from DE



That's also not how it supposed to be.. Checked already twice, I did it correctly.

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17 hours ago, .Avenue™ said:



I don't know if it should be like this, but this looks really wrong to me. I'm using the latest race_height.txt from DE



That's also not how it supposed to be.. Checked already twice, I did it correctly.

Open file playersettingmodule.py
and Replace this part.


def __LoadRaceHeight():
		lines = pack_open("race_height.txt", "r").readlines()
	except IOError:
		import dbg
		dbg.LogBox("__LoadRaceHeight: load text file error!")
	for line in lines:
		tokens = line[:-1].split("\t")
		if len(tokens) == 0 or not tokens[0]:
		vnum = int(tokens[0])
		height = float(tokens[1])
		chrmgr.SetRaceHeight(vnum, height)

This should help. Probably a file race_height.txt it wasn't read.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
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