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Problem with storage / mall

Go to solution Solved by Karbust,

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Today I discovered a bug that happens with storage and mall, itens once inside can't get out...

I mean, I have itens on the storage, but I can't get them to the inventory, but I can put from the inventory to the storage, the same happens with mall...

I have the GM Absolute Restriction System (except for my character), I tried with normal players too, once the item is inside, doesn't get out...

Someone can help me?




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Well, I found the source of the bug... It was related to the offline shops and was on python..

On uiinventory.py at def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos):

I had this:

			elif player.SLOT_TYPE_OFFLINE_SHOP == attachedSlotType:

This didn't let me remove anything from the safebox, because couldn't check for an empty slot...

I had checked syserr.txt multiple times, didn't saw anything, today, I found this o.O




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