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Official Unpacked Updates Metin2 ? No Spam ?

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If you spam in here (which includes asking for files or even to say thank you) you will get an infraction! Also, this topic isn't a discussion, it's for getting the latest unpacked client files!

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Ok, WTF ymir... We are in 2019 where wecan play games in 4K


I've made just a little edit



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New pet, mount, costumes.

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Includes(all last modified files):

  • New map
  • New pet
  • New boss
  • New minigame gui elements
  • New effects for the elemental refined weapons
  • Locales(protos below)

v19.6.7 Protos:

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v19.6.8 Locale w/ protos:

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XMas Patch
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Includes(latest modified files):

  • New pets
  • New mounts
  • New costumes
  • Locales(protos sunday [15th])

Example pictures:









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  • Former Staff
            ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM = 4,

 typedef struct SItemApply
            WORD        bType;
            long        lValue;
        } TItemApply;

        typedef struct SItemTable
            DWORD       dwVnum;
            DWORD       dwVnumRange;
            char        szName[ITEM_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
            char        szLocaleName[ITEM_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
            BYTE        bType;
            BYTE        bSubType;
            BYTE        bWeight;
            BYTE        bSize;
            DWORD       dwAntiFlags;
            DWORD       dwFlags;
            DWORD       dwWearFlags;
            DWORD       dwImmuneFlag;
            DWORD       dwIBuyItemPrice;            
            DWORD        dwISellItemPrice;
            TItemLimit  aLimits[ITEM_LIMIT_MAX_NUM];
            TItemApply  aApplies[ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM];
            long        alValues[ITEM_VALUES_MAX_NUM];
            long        alSockets[ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM];
            DWORD       dwRefinedVnum;
            WORD        wRefineSet;
            uint32_t    dwMaterial67;

            BYTE        bAlterToMagicItemPct;
            BYTE        bSpecular;
            BYTE        bGainSocketPct;
            uint8_t        bMaskType;
            uint8_t        bMaskSubType;

        } TItemTable;


looks like it's working fine in this way (Note: MCSP support is required) (Note2: what is that extra byte, looks like without it nothing works)

(NOTE: Thanks to penger for explaining the extra byte)

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Everyday you wake up as a Metin2 developer is a bad day...

METIN1 src when

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  1. New pet with 2 textures
  2. New sash
  3. locales with protos


In the item_proto.txt there is a false tabulator character as '\T' instead of '\t', a simple replace in file solves it.

In the item_proto_my.txt there are missing from the header line the applytype3 and applyvalue3 field names.

It will be solved whenever I wil have the time for that.

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A friend of mine asked me to unpack the latest official patches.


I was away for a while now I don't know which ones are the latest so I unpacked all the lately modified patches.


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root & uiscript

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locale_br & root & uiscript

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special thanks to @juniorferraz for supplying the packs for br client.

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  • root & builtins are dumped
  • protos are dumped into 2 formats, fixxed flags, extended applies

I didn't do deep check into the whole packs what metin2team released, but couple of files are missing from the packs.

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  • Locales + Protos
  • root(msm+txt files) + dumped metadata w/ builtins
  • New mounts, new costumes
  • Some new gui elements for the upcoming new skills


ps.: the female warrior looks like princess jasmine from aladdin https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_biggrin.png


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Well, i dont understand to the new patch system, it starts to be a real mess. Many files are duplicated, but im not surprised, gf logic https://metin2.dev/uploads/custom-emoji/emoticons/default_biggrin.png


So i have collected all unpacked files into one client, so everything is clear and easy to find.


All files up to 20.1.3 should be there, if something is missing, im sorry, it was just a lot of files and i have missed something.

Thank you xP3NG3Rx !!

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21 hours ago, .plechito' said:

Well, i dont understand to the new patch system, it starts to be a real mess. Many files are duplicated, but im not surprised, gf logic :D


So i have collected all unpacked files into one client, so everything is clear and easy to find.


All files up to 20.1.3 should be there, if something is missing, im sorry, it was just a lot of files and i have missed something.

Thank you xP3NG3Rx !!

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Some models look like a simple duplicate at first glance, but after a closer look, they are the improved (corrected) models.

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Hello everyone.

Let me share these with you here.


This post contains everything for the recent[v20.1.5.1 05.05.2020] item and mob proto structure.
About the mob_proto it might be some false data, but it's okay ;), it is impossible to figure out totally from clientside only.
I am going to explain my thoughts about the new AI Flags as well as about everything I know, or think.

enum EMisc

Fist stop, this enum contains some basic informations which mostly the same, except one.
ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM has been increased to 4 from 3.
Why? Because of the new mounting system what they have done.
The seal items of the mounts control everything about the mounting and its bonuses;
- New APPLY_MOUNT bonus, its value is the vnum of the mount, stored into POINT_MOUNT.
- The bonuses what the mount gives are in the rest of the applies. This why they had to add an extra apply because some mounts gives up to 3 bonuses.


typedef struct SItemLimit
	BYTE		bType;
	long		lValue;
} TItemLimit;

typedef struct SItemApply
	WORD		wType;
	long		lValue;
} TItemApply;

Ho-ho-ho another stop here for a sentence.
Might be you cannot see any new values, but if you check the datatypes in the TItemApply, you will see they
have changed the datatype of the ApplyType from BYTE(unsigned char) to WORD(unsigned short).
Why? The answer is easy; because of their number of the bonuses reached the 255 limit of the BYTE,
above of 255 the data will overflow. This modification they made with the 6th 7th bonuses.
They added lots of worthless bonuses to be different from the private section and to squeeze out the money of the players with the 6th 7th bonuses.


enum EItemAntiFlag
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE				= (1 << 1),
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA				= (1 << 4),
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_GET				= (1 << 6),
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_DROP				= (1 << 7),
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL				= (1 << 8),
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SAVE				= (1 << 12)
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_GIVE				= (1 << 13)
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_STACK				= (1 << 15)
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_APPLY				= (1 << 26)
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ACCE				= (1 << 27)
	ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MAIL				= (1 << 28)

Okay, here also there are many of new antiflags and I am going the explain the new flags only:
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_RT_REMOVE : This one kind of funny, because this doesn't have any reference at clientside, but it should be ANTIFLAG_REAL_TIME_REMOVE.
Which blocks the destroyitem function when the real_time_expire_event is executed. It is about 98% sure.
Only the new pet system seals have this flag, and their transport box.
Isn't it funny that I've just figured this out now when I wrote this? haha :D
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_QUICKSLOT : Obviously blocks to attach the item with this flag to the quickslots.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_CHANGELOOK : This one will block the changelook process. That item which has this flag cannot be used for appearance for another.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_REINFORCE : Blocks to add new bonuses to an item.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ENCHANT : Blocks to change the attributes of an item.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ENERGY : Blocks to use the item for making Energy Fragment from it.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_PETFEED : This flag blocks the pet, to eat the item which has it.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_APPLY : This flag will make the item unstonable, you will not be able to put any stones into it. Or It blocks every applicable item to use on it, can be both too, dunno.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ACCE : This flag will block theowadan to absorb the bonuses from the item which has this flag.
ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MAIL : The flag will make the item unsendable via mail.


enum EItemFlag
	ITEM_FLAG_SAVE				= (1 <<  1),
	ITEM_FLAG_STACKABLE			= (1 <<  2),
	ITEM_FLAG_SLOW_QUERY		= (1 <<  4),
	ITEM_FLAG_RARE				= (1 <<  5),
	ITEM_FLAG_UNIQUE			= (1 <<  6),
	ITEM_FLAG_MAKECOUNT			= (1 <<  7),
	ITEM_FLAG_QUEST_USE			= (1 << 10),
	ITEM_FLAG_QUEST_GIVE		= (1 << 12),
	ITEM_FLAG_LOG				= (1 << 13),

Small confess about the normal Flags, I'm too lazy to explain everything so I just put here the list of them
Anyway they didn't add any new, just removed some unused from 2003 devphase.

enum EItemWearFlag
	WEARABLE_BODY		= (1 <<  0),
	WEARABLE_HEAD		= (1 <<  1),
	WEARABLE_FOOTS		= (1 <<  2),
	WEARABLE_WRIST		= (1 <<  3),
	WEARABLE_WEAPON		= (1 <<  4),
	WEARABLE_NECK		= (1 <<  5),
	WEARABLE_EAR		= (1 <<  6),
	WEARABLE_UNIQUE		= (1 <<  7),
	WEARABLE_SHIELD		= (1 <<  8),
	WEARABLE_ARROW		= (1 <<  9),
	WEARABLE_HAIR		= (1 << 10),
	WEARABLE_ABILITY	= (1 << 11),
	WEARABLE_PENDANT	= (1 << 12),

Here for a comment, they have just added the pendant as new, and changed the index of the unique with the shield.
Also wondering when they are going to remove the unused wear ability flag, and its I dont know how many slots from the equipments .. :)
Those were back in time couple of hidden items, for the collection quests bonus holder of the results, or whatever, stupid thing, unused, supposed to be removed. Done.

The Immune flag is untouched, pf obviously because it is used for nothing at all rofl.

About the LimitTypes, they removed the PC_BANG value, and its items, codes completely.

typedef struct SItemTable
	DWORD			dwVnum;
	DWORD			dwVnumRange;
	char			szName[ITEM_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
	char			szLocaleName[ITEM_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
	BYTE			bType;
	BYTE			bSubType;
	BYTE			bWeight;
	BYTE			bSize;
	DWORD			dwAntiFlags;
	DWORD			dwFlags;
	DWORD			dwWearFlags;
	DWORD			dwImmuneFlag;
	DWORD			dwBuyItemPrice;
	DWORD			dwSellItemPrice;
	TItemLimit		aLimits[ITEM_LIMIT_MAX_NUM];
	TItemApply		aApplies[ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM];
	long			alValues[ITEM_VALUES_MAX_NUM];
	long			alSockets[ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM];
	DWORD			dwRefinedVnum;
	WORD			wRefineSet;
	DWORD			dw67Material;
	BYTE			bAlterToMagicItemPct;
	BYTE			bSpecular;
	BYTE			bGainSocketPct;
	BYTE			bMaskType;
	BYTE			bMaskSubType;
} TItemTable;

Okay, lets do this one too.
So, as you can see here are couple of new values, compared to the old one from 2013. Let's roll over on the new values.
dw67Material : This one will be the vnum for the 6th 7th bonus adder, which material is necessary to add the bonus to the item. You can read about this on the official wiki.
bMaskType : This is used for the private shop search to categorize the items.
bMaskSubType : This is also used for the private shop search to categorize the items.


Last word about the item_proto: I will not put the types, subtypes, and their mask version and describe them because none of you will use it :).
Coming up the mob_proto.

enum EMobEnchants

Yes this is untoucheed. No, they didn't add bleeding as enchant to the mobs. It is an effect of some skills of the monsters in the zodiac temple.

enum EMobResists

Here you can see couple of new values, all of them obvious, and readable to understand.
But if it isn't...
MOB_RESIST_FIST: Resist to fist, so when you hit the monster without weapon equipped and it has this defence value, the damage will be reduced.
MOB_RESIST_CLAW: Resist against claw attacks, come on, I don't want to do this. :D
MOB_RESIST_BLEEDING: Same as resist_poison just against of the bleeding.

enum EMobElementaryWhatevers

Without serverside these values are not understandable properly. Naturaly those monsters which has elemental resists they have this values as well on the same elemental.
Forexample: Lets see the Death reaper(1093).
He has UNDEAD and ATT_DARK as RaceFlag, 50% resist fist(just telling ;]), ElemDark=1 and resist dark "-20%"
But some monsters are having these values 100+ which is.... no idea why. Zodiac monsters only if I'm not wrong.

enum EMobAIFlags
	AIFLAG_NOMOVE			= (1 << 1),
	AIFLAG_COWARD			= (1 << 2),
	AIFLAG_ATTACKMOB		= (1 << 6),
	AIFLAG_BERSERK			= (1 << 7),
	AIFLAG_STONESKIN		= (1 << 8),
	AIFLAG_GODSPEED			= (1 << 9),
	AIFLAG_DEATHBLOW		= (1 << 10),
	AIFLAG_REVIVE			= (1 << 11),
	AIFLAG_HEALER			= (1 << 12),
	AIFLAG_COUNT			= (1 << 13),
	AIFLAG_NORECOVERY		= (1 << 14),
	AIFLAG_REFLECT			= (1 << 15),
	AIFLAG_FALL				= (1 << 16),
	AIFLAG_VIT				= (1 << 17),
	AIFLAG_RATTSPEED		= (1 << 18),
	AIFLAG_RCASTSPEED		= (1 << 19),
	AIFLAG_RHP_REGEN		= (1 << 20),
	AIFLAG_TIMEVIT			= (1 << 21),

Here you can see many of new AIFlag values. I am not 100% sure about them, but here is what I think about these new values:
AIFLAG_HEALER : This one is the healer, who will heal all members in its group.
AIFLAG_COUNT : Who has this flag, you can make just 1 damage on it.
AIFLAG_NORECOVERY : This will blocks the monster to recover its health.
AIFLAG_REFLECT : <vice> With this flag the monster will be able to transform you into a monster, npc, or statue.
AIFLAG_FALL : Ability to force you to fall off your mount.
AIFLAG_VIT : <versa> Make your attack damage half, for 10 minutes, until the zodiac floor expires.
AIFLAG_RATTSPEED : Reduces the speed of your attack.
AIFLAG_RCASTSPEED : Reduces the speed of your skills, it means the cooldown of your skills will be increased.
AIFLAG_RHP_REGEN : Reduces the regeneration of your health.
AIFLAG_TIMEVIT : <versa> Make your attack damage half, for x seconds.


About the vice-versa, those values are imaginable in switched description too.
If the reflect is removing your attack damage with the half of it for x seconds then the VIT flags are the transformations.
Forexample: the timevit is for tranforming you into monster, or mount for couple of seconds.
the vit is for transforming you into a statue until the zodiac floor runs, or until one of your mate hits you.

typedef struct SMobSkillLevel
	DWORD		dwVnum;
	BYTE		bLevel;
} TMobSkillLevel;

typedef struct SMobTable
	DWORD		dwVnum;
	char		szName[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
	char		szLocaleName[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
	BYTE		bType;
	BYTE		bRank;
	BYTE		bBattleType;
	BYTE		bLevel;
	BYTE		bScale;
	BYTE		bSize;
	DWORD		dwGoldMin;
	DWORD		dwGoldMax;
	DWORD		dwExp;
	DWORD		dwMaxHP;
	BYTE		bRegenCycle;
	BYTE		bRegenPercent;
	WORD		wDef;
	DWORD		dwAIFlag;
	DWORD		dwRaceFlag;
	DWORD		dwImmuneFlag;
	BYTE		bStr, bDex, bCon, bInt;
	DWORD		dwDamageRange[2];
	short		sAttackSpeed;
	short		sMovingSpeed;
	BYTE		bAggresiveHPPct;
	WORD		wAggressiveSight;
	WORD		wAttackRange;
	char		cEnchants[MOB_ENCHANTS_MAX_NUM];
	char		cResists[MOB_RESISTS_MAX_NUM];
	char		cElementalFlags[MOB_ELEMENTAL_MAX_NUM];
	char		cResistDark, cResistIce, cResistEarth;
	DWORD		dwResurrectionVnum;
	DWORD		dwDropItemVnum;
	BYTE		bMountCapacity;
	BYTE		bOnClickType;
	BYTE		bEmpire;
	char		szFolder[CHARACTER_FOLDER_MAX_LEN + 1];
	float		fDamMultiply;
	DWORD		dwSummonVnum;
	DWORD		dwDrainSP;
	DWORD		dwMonsterColor;
	DWORD		dwPolymorphItemVnum;
	TMobSkillLevel	Skills[MOB_SKILL_MAX_NUM];
	BYTE		bBerserkPoint;
	BYTE		bStoneSkinPoint;
	BYTE		bGodSpeedPoint;
	BYTE		bDeathBlowPoint;
	BYTE		bRevivePoint;
	BYTE		bHealPoint;
	BYTE		bRAttSpeedPoint;
	BYTE		bRCastSpeedPoint;
	BYTE		bRHPRegenPoint;
	FLOAT		fHitRange;
} TMobTable;

bScale: : Scale value between 50 and 200. It will resize the monster.
cElementalFlags : So I've told you some info about this, I don't know more.
cResistDark : This is a missing elemental resist, they have added it, I just don't really know why even there, not into the resists array, stupid.
cResistIce : This is a missing elemental resist, they have added it, I just don't really know why even there, not into the resists array, stupid.
cResistEarth : This is a missing elemental resist, they have added it, I just don't really know why even there, not into the resists array, stupid.
bHealPoint : Healing percent for the healers.
bRAttSpeedPoint : These can be used for what I've named them or the REFLECT or the VIT and TIMEVIT flags too, to give them special value, so it is still a questionmark.
bRCastSpeedPoint : These can be used for what I've named them or the REFLECT or the VIT and TIMEVIT flags too, to give them special value, so it is still a questionmark.
bRHPRegenPoint : These can be used for what I've named them or the REFLECT or the VIT and TIMEVIT flags too, to give them special value, so it is still a questionmark.
fHitRange : Because the client is using its default value to make the checks, this one for sure is on serverside,
to check the distance between the character and the monster to validate the attack, skill or the movement of the monsters. But still not 100%


I hope it is understandable, my english isn't the best sorry for that.

If I missed something let me know in PM.


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Includes some models re-exported via 2.12.02 granny.

And no, before you will ask the new shrimp pet which is defined in the npclist.txt is not available yet, neither the summer armors, they gonna release later maybe.

I've forgot to pack the property,

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  1. Summer costumes(pirates) with hairstyle + crab pet (w/ 2 textures) - m00161
  2. locales w/ unpacked protos
  3. root(msm+txt files) + dumped metadata w/ builtins
  4. Lots of files has been modified I didn't check them. But finally they have removed the old metin2_patch_*, outdoor*, blabla files. Now they have only m0*, no more douple or triple files in the client packfiles. From the offficial announcement they have fixed some model issues as well as this too: img.

PS. The mob_proto.txt files are corrupted, because of my tool, it had a small syntax error, which caused skipping a '\t' character between the rhpregenand the hitrange. I just noticed after the file has been uploaded. The fix is for it is replace this: "00.0" with "0\t0.0".


~ . ~

v20.2.6 Full Client:

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  1. All multiplied files have been removed.
  2. All m00xx split folders moved together.


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  • 5 weeks later...
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  1. Some re-exported, new mob models.
  2. Simple GUI for WorldBoss event, Flower event.
  3. Removed FindM event perhaps by mistake.
  4. New skill icon for wolfman(?) J4i5bqb.png Probably soon the new skills are coming too.
  5. root+dump, locales+protos
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  1. root+dump, locales+protos, useless dumped binary for debug/RE only
  2. Reworked FindM event implemented
  3. Other unknown modifications
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  1. root+meta, locale+protos, useless dumped binary for RE/debug
  2. Battle Royale assets.
  3. Challenge Minigame assets - Stone, Paper, Scissors game


ps.: I just wanted to put the patches only, but the patcher rewrote the attributes of the new files(dates and so on) so I didn't know which files have been updated.



Owaran Today at 6:31 PM
My last backup was 7/28/2020.
Checking the changes with the client on the date: 8/2/2020.


Special thanks for the list of the changes to @owaran


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Metin2 new update beta pack : 

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Due the loss of backup or whatever is happened, here are the last patches:

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Dunno what is inside ?


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GF v20.6.2 Patch (

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  1. New pet, mount, costume + hairstyle
  2. root metas
  3. Who knows ?‍♂️
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  • Locales with decrypted protos
  • root+meta, uiscript, dumped binary

About the protos: I'm not sure if the structs are 100% right because I did not find any reference in the binary about the new values but here are the changes I found:

  1. Item proto: Sockets increased to 6 from 3 | Added elemental refine element values
  2. Mob proto: Definetely unsure, sungmahee stats and exp, reorganised raceflags
string arMRFVRaceFlag[] = {


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) (
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  • root-meta, dumped binary, locales with protos
  • new monsters, maps, dungeon, armors, 2021 easter costumes and mount
  • the package contains the separated folders(m00xxx) and the unpacked files together in one folder.



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