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Hey guys,


I want to release my old DBManager.

I wrote it for my current CMS.


I recoded it and now I dont need the old one anymore.


You can use multiple instances with setting the instance id to 2 or 3.

	 * Author: Sphinx²
	 * Descr: Database manager class
	 class dbmanager {
		private $dbconnection = false;
		private $connected;
		private $logging;
		static private $instance = array();
		private $instancen_id;
		private $host;
		private $username;
		private $password;
		private static $querys = 0;
		private static $escapes = 0;
		 * Set instance id for manage log files
		public function setInstanceID($instance_id) {
			$this->instancen_id = $instance_id;
		 * dbmanager singleton (with multi instance support for multiple connections over the db manager)
		public static function instance($instance_id=1)  {
			if ( !isset(self::$instance[$instance_id]) ) {
				self::$instance[$instance_id] = new self;
			return self::$instance[$instance_id];
		 * dbmanager check instance
		public static function instanceExists($instance_id=1)  {
			if ( !isset(self::$instance[$instance_id]) ) {
				return false;
			} else {
				return self::$instance[$instance_id]->connected();
			return true;
		 * Check if instance is connected
		public function connected() {
			return $this->connected;	
		 * Initialize the log file and other init shit
		public function init() {

		 * Set connect details
		public function setConnection($host,$username,$password="") {
			$this->host = $host;
			$this->username = $username;
			$this->password = $password;
		 * mysql_connect
		public function connect() {
			if(!$this->connected()) {
				$this->dbconnection = @mysql_connect($this->host,$this->username,$this->password);
				if($this->dbconnection) {
					$this->connected = true;
					return true;
				} else {
					$this->connected = false;
					return false;
			} else {
				return $this->connected();	
		 * mysql_query
		public function query($strquery) {
			if(!$this->dbconnection) {
				if(!$this->connect()) {
					// Error reporting
			if($this->dbconnection) {
				$query = mysql_query($strquery,$this->dbconnection);
				if($query) {
					return $query;
				} else {
					return false;
			} else {
				return false;	
		 * mysql_real_escape_string
		public function escape($strescape) {
			if(!$this->dbconnection) {
				if(!$this->connect()) {
					// Error reporting
			if($this->dbconnection) {
				return mysql_real_escape_string($strescape,$this->dbconnection);
			} else {
				die("DBManager: Failed to escape string (Connection lost)");	
		 * mysql_fetch_object first row
		public function fetcho($strquery) {
			if(!$this->dbconnection) {
				if(!$this->connect()) {
					// Error reporting
			if($this->dbconnection) {
				$query = mysql_query($strquery,$this->dbconnection);
				if($query) {
					$object = mysql_fetch_object($query);
				} else {
					$object = NULL;
				return $object;
			return NULL;
		 * mysql_fetch_object
		public static function fetchobj($resource) {
			return mysql_fetch_object($resource);	
		 * mysql_fetch_array
		public static function fetcharr($resource) {
			return mysql_fetch_array($resource);	
		 * mysql_num_row
		public static function num_rows($resource) {
			return mysql_num_rows($resource);	
		public function insertID() {
			return mysql_insert_id($this->dbconnection);	
		 * mysql_fetch_assoc
		public function fetcha($strquery) {
			if(!$this->dbconnection) {
				if(!$this->connect()) {
					// Error reporting
			if($this->dbconnection) {
				$query = mysql_query($strquery,$this->dbconnection);
				if($query) {
					$array = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
				} else {
					$array = NULL;
				return $array;
			return NULL;
		 * return query count
		public static function getQueryCount() {
			return self::$querys;	
		 * return escape count
		public static function getEscapeCount() {
			return self::$escapes;	
		 * shutdown
		public function shutdown() {
			if($this->dbconnection && $this->connected) {
				$this->connected = false;


Method 1:


if(dbmanager::instance(1)->connect()) {
      $ret = dbmanager::instance()->query("SELECT * FROM account 
                                           WHERE id = '".dbmanager::instance(1)->escape("some string or something else")."'");
      if($ret) {
       // Maybe fetch array or something else
       $arr = dbmanager::fetcharr($ret);
       echo $arr["login"]; 
       } else {
        // Some code here

dbmanager::instance(1)->shutdown(); // Kill connection

Method 2 (Its not important to use the connect function if you dont use the escape function in your query:


$ret = dbmanager::instance()->query("SELECT * FROM account");
if($ret) {
 // Maybe fetch array or something else
 $arr = dbmanager::fetcharr($ret);
 echo $arr["login"]; 
} else {
  // Some code here

dbmanager::instance(1)->shutdown(); // Kill connection

The error reporting is not included.

You can write your own reporting with logfiles or something else.


This is based on the mysql php extension.

To port it to mysqli is easy I think.


Kind regards





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