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[ Dead Download Link ] Vanilla Core 2.4.1 [ We Need You ]


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this is a idia of mine

why dont you add a CMD system

this one http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/metin2-pserver-guides-strategies/1677445-how-complete-cmd-system-grade-player-fix.html

for example


shutdown DISABLE

it is a good thing dont you think

and fix the reload order

in game :


will make a disaster


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Where can i find freebsd?


what does this even mean?



he means somrthing ready



Where can i find freebsd?


what does this even mean?


You tell me.


Edit:i meant this



this should help you : http://metin2dev.org/board/topic/389-not-really-a-rlsvm-with-freebsd-92-src-compileable/

you will get a problem im sure about this

find my post on that topic and you should be fine

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As I mentioned earlier the changelog is only tentative to an upcoming version. 2.4.1 isn't released yet. It's still in progress, so the changelog will most likely be edited later. It's a time frame for you to make last suggestions for this version or disagree with some changes.

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Well I would just include that change. Noone of you can tell me that he cares about that Skill so detailed and even though if it isnt really "bugged" it's still wrong. And that change would fix the issue. I would definitely implement it.


By the definition of bug:


"A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways"


It is one. The description says it does A, it actually does B and C.

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Edited changelog!

See page 45 for a full list of the current changes cooking.

This is just a list what got changed on the changelog!


-> General <-

* Fixed a bug where killing could trigger a quest twice

* standard "mall url" is now a link to this topic!

+ Now allows the use of a new quest trigger! It's called execute! (You can disable it though)

You can now send /execute "questname" to trigger the execute-event. In quests you can just use when execute begin to handle the triggers!


-> CONFIG options <-

* Fixed the CONFIG-options for max attack speed and movement


Default is 0. Lets you define if you won't need a mask to use emotions.


Default is 0. Lets you define if people will be able to use emotions on the same gender. Notice: This'd possibly look awkward because the animations doesn't match


Default is 1. Lets you define if you want to use the speedhack/synchack check. Warning! Make sure you only use this for debugging purpose! You can fine-tune the variables for the speedhack in your CONFIG, so this should normally not be touched!


Default is 1. Lets you define if you want to use the new execute-trigger.


vanilla 2.4.1

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ff.PNGHello Guys,

I have tryed to install the Vanilla Core but it does not work.. can anyone help me?

install the lib that vanilla uploaded on

the path:


upload only the the lib deractory than change its name to metin2

PS : if lib32 does not exist (like some case i found just creat it and do what i said earlyer)


Edited changelog!

See page 45 for a full list of the current changes cooking.

This is just a list what got changed on the changelog!


-> General <-

* Fixed a bug where killing could trigger a quest twice

* standard "mall url" is now a link to this topic!

+ Now allows the use of a new quest trigger! It's called execute! (You can disable it though)

You can now send /execute "questname" to trigger the execute-event. In quests you can just use when execute begin to handle the triggers!


-> CONFIG options <-

* Fixed the CONFIG-options for max attack speed and movement


Default is 0. Lets you define if you won't need a mask to use emotions.


Default is 0. Lets you define if people will be able to use emotions on the same gender. Notice: This'd possibly look awkward because the animations doesn't match


Default is 1. Lets you define if you want to use the speedhack/synchack check. Warning! Make sure you only use this for debugging purpose! You can fine-tune the variables for the speedhack in your CONFIG, so this should normally not be touched!


Default is 1. Lets you define if you want to use the new execute-trigger.


vanilla 2.4.1

:wub: 10/10 keep the hard work



Hello i became by starting my server More Connection Refused how can i fix them ?


pls help..


you have a problem on your auth

i had the same please repost it with the auth and db syserr her


im sure some peaple will be happy to help

i will pass later


vanilla? ATTR_ALWAYS_ADD: 1/0 and ATTR_ALWAYS_5_ADD: 1/0 dont work to me, why?

i didnt test sense i want to run a pve server how ever

some user seem to have the same bug as you well we will see if this a bug or it is just wait for vanilla

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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I acknowledge this bug and will do further testing.


Sadly I cannot answer to every post made here. It's just impossible especially when you have probelms and post them without any further information. With posts like "I get connection refused" I can't do much. It's most likely that the db-cache or your mysql refuses the connections. But this is not a vanilla-problem so it shouldn't be mentioned here. That's why I'm not answering to it normally. Please refrain from posting non-vanilla-related stuff here, it's just confusing and people will think that this core is damn bugged and not stable at all.

Please also read the install instructions, I didn't put them for fun in there ^^


I'm currently migrating every change to the first post and just link changelogs to the changelog-Post I've made. This will enhance new people to actually see what they get and advanced people to see how much got changed and how big the progress of the core is.

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I acknowledge this bug and will do further testing.


Sadly I cannot answer to every post made here. It's just impossible especially when you have probelms and post them without any further information. With posts like "I get connection refused" I can't do much. It's most likely that the db-cache or your mysql refuses the connections. But this is not a vanilla-problem so it shouldn't be mentioned here. That's why I'm not answering to it normally. Please refrain from posting non-vanilla-related stuff here, it's just confusing and people will think that this core is damn bugged and not stable at all.

Please also read the install instructions, I didn't put them for fun in there ^^


I'm currently migrating every change to the first post and just link changelogs to the changelog-Post I've made. This will enhance new people to actually see what they get and advanced people to see how much got changed and how big the progress of the core is.


the red line no almost everyone hate reading the file readme lol

and thanks for your hard work i do respect it ^^


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I know they hate reading it. But not reading it leads to the same issues over and over. Like the lib problem^^

I promise you the install instructions aren't big ._.


Oh, and brace yourselves for the upcoming 2.4.1 because I'm currently working on an implementation to set the inventory limit by CONFIG-option. At first this will lead to let users without 4 inventory pages have the same bugs than with 4 inventory pages. But now that I'm getting the same errors (because I don't use 4 inventory pages, that's why debugging that was hard for me) I can fix these bugs and make a clean implementation of this new system.

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~ vanilla core will become open source soon!~


Dear dev's,


I'm gonna make a big change in the vanilla core project. As I find myself with less time to work on such big things, I decided to change it a little bit. There's always the problem with "backdoors" etc.. And I know you don't want to risk your server. And that's why I decided to make it open source. The source code will be released.


Does this mean that I'll drop the development of vanilla core?

-> Nope!

Though the source will be published, I'll continue developing. But now you can contribute, fix bugs etc. and send your solutions there too! So the development will make a bigger boost in the matter of progress. There'll be a "standard" vanilla core that'll receive further updates. Everyone can download the pre-compiled standard version OR the source of the standard version and adapt it to his/her needs.

I still respect the authors for doing their work. But hindering myself and hindering progress isn't helping anyone.


Will there be other projects?

-> Yes!

Of course I'm planning on doing more projects than before. Your donations just won't be only for the vanilla core, but also for the other projects I'll make in the future. In the past you've helped me a lot and I appreciate your donations which gave me motivation to continue my work. It's always good to see people thanking me for the hard work I've done in the past.

Anyways, there'll be a few more projects in the future. Expect leftover to be a new server and also I'm planning on creating clean vanilla-compatible serverfiles and a clean 40k vanilla-compatible client. They'll both be shared here of course!

Also I'm planning on creating other stuff and tools, which will be written mostly in c#. So brace yourselves! It's by far not the end of my projects!

With the update to 2.4.1 you make your projekt open source or later?

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Good idea, I'm gonna take a look. I don't think they'd do damage right now.


I've now cleaned up old posts and remade the first two posts. They'd now be easier to read and understand. Especially for beginners I've written a short introduction what vanilla core exactly is and pointed out where to find the download link ;)

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