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Everything posted by ReFresh

  1. GameLib/ActorInstanceBattle.cpp: 1. #include "../UserInterface/PythonNonPlayer.h" at the top under the other includes. 2. Look for: Below add: This will fix the problem with bosses, which are using skills. If you're talking about player sync delay this is the only solution:
  2. @avertusss File: root/uiattachmetin.py File: uiscript/attachstonedialog.py I believe this will fix your problem with font.
  3. I would be really glad, if someone can help me little bit, because I'm really stucked here and got no idea how to get the invite senderName on the invited player question dialog. I think problem is on server side, where it's not getting the senderName value. File: src/game/guild.cpp File: UserInterface/PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp File: root/game.py File: locale/locale_game.txt
  4. Because there's a limit 15 levels between monster and player, if I remember that right. So, if the player will be the same level as the monster, it will drop items, but when the player level is >= 15 then it won't drop items.
  5. This visual bug happens when you use above solution: So, if someone got some time to investigate that bug and can share with us the solution, it would be really nice!
  6. @OwsapThanks, for the release. Good job! Would be nice, if you can do something like that for question dialogs too, because when you want to drop for example 1000x pcs of some item, the text will overflow the question dialog (sometimes it happens with lower counts of item, for example books, they have a long names). Do something like when the text can overflow the question dialog width, then add 20px to question dialog width.
  7. @martysama0134 So, if I understand to that right, it's a global fix for all default sources? Did I do it right?
  8. @martysama0134 Yea, now the distance between characters is reduced, but on the attacked traget screen it still looks like the attacker is not attacking me and is fighting something invisible -> hitting a free space where is no-one.
  9. @VegaS™It must be a game problem, because it's not happening in Windows at all. It's happening only when game is in windowed mode. So problem must be somewhere in the source idk. I had chance to test it on one server and there wasn't this issue. So I believe it's a game problem.
  10. Hey guys, I'm trying to center whole quest window with content inside by extending the say_size function, but the text is overflowing quest window (quest window is not resized after changes mentioned below). Client/PythonEventManager.cpp: Server/questlib.lua Quest function use: I will be really glad if someone can tell me where should be the mistake and why it's happening. Thanks for possible answers! Sincerely, ReFresh
  11. @ msnas This is the RecvMainCharacter() function (read comments in code to know what I mean): Default code: So should I change it like this? Or like this? Should I change it and which change should I apply and what kind of bug it can cause, if I'll use it as it is? Check all the spoilers and compare them too see what should be probably changed. I hope it's more clear now. Thanks for your answer!
  12. @supraCheck your loginwindow.py, it looks like you did some syntax mistake.
  13. Hey guys, I'm wondering, if this packet function can cause some bug, because there're missing some values: Shouldn't it be like: I will be glad, if someone with programming experience can check it and tell me, if I'm right. Thanks for possible answers! Sincerely, ReFresh
  14. Hey guys, I'm trying to extend def AppendPrice(self, price): function by getItemCount, so I can use in this function something like: if getItemCount >1:. Is here anyone who can help me with that? I was trying to make it work but I was getting errors. Thanks for possible answers! Sincerely, ReFresh
  15. @SDlongju2Set item flag in database to 4 instead of 132.
  16. @ Syreldar Yes, there is no better solution by Lua, but I was talking about the leaving the group or destroying group trough channels automatically, but it will be a little bit complicated to make something like that in C++. So I'll stay with what you wrote.
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