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HellBoy last won the day on February 28 2016

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About HellBoy

  • Birthday 01/21/1990


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  1. Awesome work just found one of my floors for devils catacombs remake xDD
  2. HellBoy

    Map Snow Fortress

    M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal )
  3. Your Mysql gets fucked due low space try keep the logs clean. How to fix: Reinstall Mysql = 25% chance to solve it and that pointing highter. Reinstall OS To avoid this kind of issues create a config file using: # ee /usr/local/etc/my.cnf then add this: # The MySQL server configuration [mysqld] socket = /tmp/mysql.sock #Expire binary logs after 5 days: expire_logs_days = 5 #Max size logs delete max_binlog_size = 100M
  4. Unless you piss off the monkeys from SG most of the attacks came from spoiled kids that wont have bigg effect on a fine ass dedicated server even so you can always chose a nice hosting company that offer a decent DDoS protection. Then learn some basics of C++ , PY , PHP most of the things you wanna do can be made in different ways and you must be able to use the easy one for example dont go always for c++ and fuck up your game core dayly when you can make the things with a simple quest. Read most of the official quests there are some leaked ones from 2014 or wtf so you can understand how it works same with the files from Source in order to find a way to modify it as you wish Ask for help when you stuck, google, check the tutorials on the forums dedicated to metin2 or clips its faster to learn like that. About source pick 1 and work with it until you make it as you like you wont find any free or buy that will serve you as good as the one you manage to build yourself. The players will not apreciate the things you do at the level of the effort you put into and think if the ideea you have in mind will fit in the gameplay you wanna build and how the players react to it before you start it not to work for nothing
  5. About the rest welll most of the sv owners got less clues than a cow about c++ py php etc and use tutorials for, start like that and learn on the way what you need
  6. well if that event flag dont work without the source aint much u can do :-s try with this diff but make sure u do make a backup of the game before u aply it game_r40250 0 Sec 0005E4E1: 0A 00
  7. /e change_itemattr_cycle 1 U do use 40k game right?
  8. a quest to remove item when he logs like metin2team posted above or turn of sv go player table and make a query to change that item vnum in item table into a potion one for example for sql : UPDATE `item` SET `vnum`='xxxx' WHERE (`vnum`='yyyyy') login quest: when login begin pc.removeitem("xxxxxx", 200) end
  9. Extract terrain.epk and if you have it as shisui said patch1.epk and check arround for those textures folders that if you want to replace the texture, but more simple without this head ache make a new texture set txt with new route for the textures you want and replace the one in textureset.epk set for the map or easyer in the map pack at setting.txt modify the texture line with the one for your new texture and pack it back dont forget to make a pack with the new textures you wish to add.
  10. Happened to me 1 time and that didnt solved it was impossible for mysql to start even manualy so i had to reinstal mysql55
  11. data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_6.txt you sure you have the regen there with the right mobs vrum and right perm to the txt file?
  12. lol ... I don't understand people who put them name everywhere That will solve the problem what more do you want
  13. AttachingBoneName "horse_bip01" replace with AttachingBoneName "hellboy_bip1"
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