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Everything posted by Sonitex

  1. For the first issue take a look at, make it update each sec and not each 60 secs. void CNewPetActor::UpdateTime() And for the 2nd, item should have real time flag, someone already did it so take a look at his changes
  2. AddAffect(AFFECT_IMMUNE_FALL, POINT_IMMUNE_FALL, 100, 0, INFINITE_AFFECT_DURATION, 0, true); APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL It is already in the game..
  3. Did anyone else experience a problem with expansions dissapearing after like 10 minutes of players inactivity? It gets saved in database succesfully, but then if a player logs off, expansions will dissapear and you will have to unlock them once again. Records in database do not get deleted, but they do reset once the player unlocks 1st expansion for the 2nd time. Edit: Issue was laying in ClientManagerPlayer.cpp
  4. char.cpp -> "case POINT_LEVEL_STEP:" constants.cpp -> "TJobInitialPoints JobInitialPoints[JOB_MAX_NUM] ="
  5. Woopsy, that function is from the offline-shop system that I am using. Thanks for the notice!
  6. Heya everyone, when you try to edit your private shop and add items that have ANTI_SELL flag, their price will not be shown. This feature was meant for NPC shops only, but they forgot to add a check. In uitooltip.py search for "def AppendSellingPrice" and edit it like the following: def AppendSellingPrice(self, price, isPrivateShopBuilder = False): if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL) and not isPrivateShopBuilder: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL, self.DISABLE_COLOR) self.AppendSpace(5) else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE % (localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) self.AppendSpace(5) Then in "def SetPrivateShopBuilderItem" search for "self.AppendSellingPrice(shop.GetPrivateShopItemPrice(invenType, invenPos))" and replace it with: self.AppendSellingPrice(shop.GetPrivateShopItemPrice(invenType, invenPos), True) Not a game-breaking bug, but I still wanted to share it with you. It was already fixed by YMIR in their lastest patches(not sure when) so I chose their way of fixing it.
  7. Why don't you check the tutorial for adding the Magic Reduction bonus? I think you forgot to edit enum EApplyTypes. And I do not recommend to add a new bonus somewhere in the middle of others.
  8. game.py def AnswerPartyInvite(self, answer): if not self.partyInviteQuestionDialog: return partyLeaderVID = self.partyInviteQuestionDialog.partyLeaderVID #distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(partyLeaderVID) #if distance < 0.0 or distance > 5000: #answer = FALSE net.SendPartyInviteAnswerPacket(partyLeaderVID, answer) self.partyInviteQuestionDialog.Close() self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = None
  9. UserInterface/UserInterface.cpp Set this variable to true. bool bPackFirst = FALSE;
  10. def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(self, index, metinSlotData, custumAffectString="", custumAffectString2="", leftTime=0): slotType = self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData) itemIndex = self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData) if 0 == slotType: return self.AppendSpace(5) slotImage = ui.ImageBox() slotImage.SetParent(self) slotImage.Show() ## Name nameTextLine = ui.TextLine() nameTextLine.SetParent(self) nameTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR) nameTextLine.SetOutline() nameTextLine.SetFeather() nameTextLine.Show() self.childrenList.append(nameTextLine) if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == slotType: slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_silver.sub") elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slotType: slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_gold.sub") self.childrenList.append(slotImage) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): slotImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - slotImage.GetWidth() - 9, self.toolTipHeight-1) nameTextLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 2) else: slotImage.SetPosition(9, self.toolTipHeight-1) nameTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 2) metinImage = ui.ImageBox() metinImage.SetParent(self) metinImage.Show() self.childrenList.append(metinImage) if itemIndex: item.SelectItem(itemIndex) ## Image try: metinImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) except: dbg.TraceError("ItemToolTip.__AppendMetinSocketData() - Failed to find image file %d:%s" % (itemIndex, item.GetIconImageFileName()) ) nameTextLine.SetText(item.GetItemName()) ## Affect affectTextLine = ui.TextLine() affectTextLine.SetParent(self) affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) affectTextLine.SetOutline() affectTextLine.SetFeather() affectTextLine.Show() affectTextLine1 = ui.TextLine() affectTextLine1.SetParent(self) affectTextLine1.SetFontName(self.defFontName) affectTextLine1.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) affectTextLine1.SetOutline() affectTextLine1.SetFeather() affectTextLine1.Show() if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): metinImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - metinImage.GetWidth() - 10, self.toolTipHeight) affectTextLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2) else: metinImage.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): metinImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - metinImage.GetWidth() - 10, self.toolTipHeight) affectTextLine1.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 31 + 2) else: metinImage.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) affectTextLine1.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 31 + 2) if custumAffectString: affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString) elif itemIndex!=constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0) affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) if affectString: affectTextLine.SetText(affectString) else: affectTextLine.SetText(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT) if itemIndex!=constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: affectType1, affectValue1 = item.GetAffect(1) affectString1 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType1, affectValue1) if affectString1: affectTextLine1.SetText(affectString1) self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine) self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine1) if custumAffectString2: affectTextLine = ui.TextLine() affectTextLine.SetParent(self) affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2) affectTextLine.SetOutline() affectTextLine.SetFeather() affectTextLine.Show() affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString2) self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine) self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2 if 0 != leftTime: timeText = (localeInfo.LEFT_TIME + " : " + localeInfo.SecondToDHM(leftTime)) timeTextLine = ui.TextLine() timeTextLine.SetParent(self) timeTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) timeTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) timeTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2) timeTextLine.SetOutline() timeTextLine.SetFeather() timeTextLine.Show() timeTextLine.SetText(timeText) self.childrenList.append(timeTextLine) self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2 else: nameTextLine.SetText(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY) self.toolTipHeight += 40 self.ResizeToolTip() You'll need this too It is for the refine & attach stone windows.
  11. #Updated the download link. Once I have some more free time, I will release a better version. Kind Regards, Sonitex
  12. This is not a fix, just a way to get rid of those annoying logs.
  13. This could help you: "녀석들은 이곳 성지에 있을 자격을 잃었다. 모두 성지에서 물러나거라~~[ENTER][ENTER] 10초 후에 모두 마을로 이동하게 됩니다."; "You do not have any rights to be here.[ENTER]This is a Holy Place: Away with you! [ENTER][ENTER] You will be back in your village in 10 seconds.";
  14. I don't think you will reach succes with this kind of method. Client doesn't remember the settings after next use, unless it reads them from somewhere and then sets them. You have to connect the settings with another client file, for example metin2.cfg and make the system read them from there, then you will always have them saved. Try to use source, there is a tutorial for fog setting ~ on/off type and adapt it to your needs. Good luck!
  15. You can not activate Aura of the Sword or Enchanted Blade without having a weapon equiped.
  16. You can look into other releases, for example <Magic Resistance Penetration> and see how it was done
  17. Portal is just an effect placed on map, thing that teleports you to the other map is NPC which can be removed from map regen, usually in npc.txt - serverside(Vnum is 10001+).
  18. ATT_BONUS_TO_WOLFMAN Try this one Shiet. Didn't read posts from Den... My bad
  19. Just connect strings with locale_game.txt and locale_interface.txt
  20. First of all, shouldn't it be '#bump'? And secondly, Abel already gave you a link to thread which contains the things you asked for...
  21. 1st Question: You can either set it in source at char create function or by quest on first login 2nd Question: Constants.cpp TJobInitialPoints JobInitialPoints[JOB_MAX_NUM] = /* { int st, ht, dx, iq; int max_hp, max_sp; int hp_per_ht, sp_per_iq; int hp_per_lv_begin, hp_per_lv_end; int sp_per_lv_begin, sp_per_lv_end; int max_stamina; int stamina_per_con; int stamina_per_lv_begin, stamina_per_lv_end; } */ { {6, 4, 3, 3, 600, 200, 40, 20, 36, 44, 18, 22, 800, 5, 1, 3}, // WARRIOR {4, 3, 6, 3, 650, 200, 40, 20, 36, 44, 18, 22, 800, 5, 1, 3}, // ASSASSIN {5, 3, 3, 5, 650, 200, 40, 20, 36, 44, 18, 22, 800, 5, 1, 3}, // SURA {3, 4, 3, 6, 700, 200, 40, 20, 36, 44, 18, 22, 800, 5, 1, 3}, // SHAMAN {6, 6, 2, 2, 600, 200, 40, 20, 36, 44, 18, 22, 800, 5, 1, 3}, // WOLF };
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