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Everything posted by Pepineitor

  1. Use a get_time() to do better. when kill with npc.is_pc() begin local kill,last,interval,new,sounds = pc.getqf("kills"),pc.getqf("last_kill"),10,0,{'onkill','doublekill','tripekill','cuadrakill','pentakill'} if last+10<get_time() then new=kill+1 cmdchat("PlayMusicxd "..sounds[new]..".mp3") pc.setqf("kills",new) chat("You have "..interval.." to do another kill.") else pc.setqf("kills",1) end pc.setqf("last_kill",get_time()) end I don't have much time now, before I check it, regards.
  2. Open your db admin (as navicat), connect to your server, and press F6(or your console mode) or maybe you can do in freebsd with myslq -p and put this sentence: CREATE USER 'mt2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '#SETYOURCOREPASS#'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mt2'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; You must to change in the sentence #SETYOURCOREPASS# to your CONFIG pass.
  3. I think it works well quest test2 begin state start begin when 20351.chat."test2" begin say_title(mob_name(npc.get_race())..":") say("") say("you want the flag?") say("") if select("YES","NO") == 1 then local var = mysql_query("SELECT flag_value FROM player.flag WHERE available='YES' LIMIT 1") if var == nil or (var[1] or {})[1] == nil then chat("null var") return end game.set_event_flag(var[1][1], 1) return end end end end
  4. Open your serverinfo.py, go to MARKADDR_DICT and search a X.tga, the X must be the same as the /RUTE/TO/CORE/MARK/X.tga, if it isn't equal you don't see it.
  5. It is done in C++ [Hidden Content] Regards.
  6. That quest have some errors. If you use timer instead of server_timer, if the player who do the action go out, the timer will not complete. Furthermore, you have duplicated sentences as that when 1093.kill with pc.in_dungeon() and pc.get_map_index() >= 660000 and pc.get_map_index() < 670000 begin d.kill_all() timer("sensi_killed", 5) end when sensi_killed.timer begin cmdchat("CMD1") d.kill_all() d.kill_all() two times, you only need one At the end, when you kill 1095, I think is better put a server_timer with a d.exit_all() To avoid errors with duplicated .kill, I recommend you use when kill with npc.get_race() == mob_vnum begin Regards, good ideas ^^.
  7. You are setting it wrong, in the sysinstall, configure, networking, you need to set the IPv4 Getaway as your Hamachi IP, and in IPv4 Adress you need to put the same IP(Hamachi) with the last number group changed, and in the Filezilla, you connect to the IPv4 Adress(Hamachi IP Modified). My local BSD run like that. Regards.
  8. These host are very good, the ssd storage it's an advantge, the machine works very well can do a lot of process in much less time because it find the data instantly, and the price is very low. I don't know if they offer an ddos protect server, you can ask they. It have a small storage, but you don't need a lot of. The 10$ dedicated its a good option for a mid server. Regards.
  9. These hosts are the cheapest than I found 5€/month [Hidden Content] 9€/month [Hidden Content] Regards.
  10. Try this, and comment if you kill a metin in the chat appears "test1" quest drop_metine begin quest drop_metine begin state start begin when kill begin if npc.get_race() >= 8001 and npc.get_race() <= 8055 then local mob = npc.get_level() + 15 local nivel = pc.get_level() local sex = pc.get_sex() local sansa2 = math.random(1,3) local sansa3 = math.random(1,2) chat("Nivelul metinului "..mob.."") if nivel >= mob then notice("Nivelul tau este prea mare pentru a primii rasplata...") else chat("test1") if sansa2 == 2 then if sex == 0 then game.drop_item_with_ownership("71159",1) else game.drop_item_with_ownership("71160",1) end game.drop_item_with_ownership("50130",1) -- cufar pietre game.drop_item_with_ownership("50130",1) -- cufar pietre game.drop_item_with_ownership("50130",1) -- cufar pietre game.drop_item_with_ownership("50513", sansa3) -- Drop SS-uri local aux = pc.getqf("metine_sparte") + 1 pc.setqf("metine_sparte", aux) chat("Metine Sparte "..aux.."") notice("Ai fost rasplatit!") end end end end end end end
  11. It would be nice to paste complete your quest. When you install the quest, you do a reboot or reload q?
  12. I do not understand you well. : ( Made in such a character is level 1 and it can be even create a guild? I have seen a lot of hacks, in wich exist a button to create a guild without the requirement to pay or be a level. This is solved with that source.
  13. Hi, I have 34k files and to to start it, I do it normaly and it run: LIBS="/rute/to/lib/libname.so /rute/to/other/lib.so" cd /rute/to/core && env LD_PRELOAD="$LIBS" ./game & You only need to put the rute to libs in the LIBS="#here#" and it's all, describe your problem a little more, the servers starts or not? syserr? it hooks?
  14. You can't set '+1' to an item id, you need to get the inventory item id,remove the inventory item and after, create the new item with the same id, the same in other fields as pos.
  15. I don't test it, you need to finish it. quest uppen begin state start begin when 9004.take begin local datos_item = mysql_query("select socket0,socket1,attrtype0,attrtype1,#..# from player.item where id='"..item.get_id().."' LIMIT 1") local item= tonumber(item.get_id()) say("") say("Such dir eine Rüstung aus !") say("") if select("80er Rüsstung", "Abbrechen") == 1 then mysql_query("INSERT INTO player.item (id, owner_id, window, pos, count, vnum, socket0, socket1, socket2, attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6) VALUES ('+1', '"..pc.get_player_id().."', 'MALL', '+1', '1', '11971', '"..datos_item[1][1].."', '"..datos_item[1][2].."', '"..datos_item[1][3].."', '"..datos_item[1][4].."', '"..datos_item[1][5].."', '"..datos_item[1][6].."', '"..awert2.."', '"..aboni3.."', '"..awert3.."', '"..aboni4..", '"..awert4.."', '"..aboni5..", '"..awert5.."', '"..aboni6..", '"..awert6.."', '"..aboni7..", '"..awert7.."', NOW())") end end end end In the quest, you can find #..#, here you need to put all columns you wish to read, attrtype2,attrtype3, separates by a coma, moreover you can find '"..datos_item[1][5].."', '"..datos_item[1][6].."', '"..awert2.."', you need to change in the insert into awert2, awert3,aboni4 to datos_item[1][6],datos_item[1][7] (the [6],[7]... indicate the possition in the select query. sorry if I wrote something wrong, kind regards.
  16. Add to the when button or info begin setskin(NOWINDOW) I don't test it, but maybe it run.
  17. - | - | X --------- - | O |X --------- - | - | O
  18. The script prints the user root, and it have full permissions echo $USER >> /log_auto Yes I have free space in /tmp, if I do manually, the script works well, but not in cron. Kind regards and thanks for your time.
  19. Hi, crontab -l gives that (it's added) * * * * * sh /Backups/auto_back.sh all And yes, /Backups/auto_back.sh is the full path. The cron log gives that(in every min) Feb 18 00:40:00 ns335232 /usr/sbin/cron[6356]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/rtm/bin/rtm 35 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null) Feb 18 00:40:00 ns335232 /usr/sbin/cron[6357]: (root) CMD (/usr/libexec/atrun) Feb 18 00:40:00 ns335232 /usr/sbin/cron[6358]: (root) CMD (sh /Backups/auto_back.sh all)
  20. First, thanks for your time, but still does not work, maybe I am doing a bad step, now I have this in the crontab I have saved the file with :wq, but still not working. Sincerely thank you very much, kind regards.
  21. Hi, good afternoon. This is a very nice script but I have a little problem with the cron part and I would like to know if you also happens and if you could solve. I put in the crontab this to test it * * * * * root sh /Cron/auto_back.sh all It do the auto_back.sh every min, but not dump the tables and not upload the files, it generates a empty empyfiles.gz, to test if the cron works I put in the script header echo "test" >> /log_auto And It works, every mins. insert test in the /log_auto. If I do manually it works. Does anyone know how can be solved? Kind regards.
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