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Everything posted by flexio

  1. This happen all time or only after server restart? Try restart client to sync (after server restart).
  2. sysser,syslog after crash? which version offline shops you have?
  3. Whisper fix int CInputMain::Whisper(LPCHARACTER ch, const char * data, size_t uiBytes) { const TPacketCGWhisper* pinfo = reinterpret_cast<const TPacketCGWhisper*>(data); if (uiBytes < pinfo->wSize) return -1; int iExtraLen = pinfo->wSize - sizeof(TPacketCGWhisper); if (iExtraLen < 0) { sys_err("invalid packet length (len %d size %u buffer %u)", iExtraLen, pinfo->wSize, uiBytes); ch->GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return -1; } if (ch->GetLastPMPulse() < thecore_pulse()) ch->ClearPMCounter(); if (ch->GetPMCounter() > 3 && ch->GetLastPMPulse() > thecore_pulse()) { ch->GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return -1; } if (ch->FindAffect(AFFECT_BLOCK_CHAT)) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("채팅 금지 상태입니다.")); return (iExtraLen); } LPCHARACTER pkChr = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindPC(pinfo->szNameTo); if (pkChr == ch) return (iExtraLen); ch->IncreasePMCounter(); ch->SetLastPMPulse(); LPDESC pkDesc = NULL; std::string targetname; BYTE bOpponentEmpire = 0; if (test_server) { if (!pkChr) sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s(%s) from %s", "Null", pinfo->szNameTo, ch->GetName()); else sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s(%s) from %s", pkChr->GetName(), pinfo->szNameTo, ch->GetName()); } if (ch->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_WHISPER)) { if (ch->GetDesc()) { TPacketGCWhisper pack; pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER; pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_SENDER_BLOCKED; pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper); strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom)); ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack)); } return iExtraLen; } CCI * pkCCI; if (!pkChr) { pkCCI = P2P_MANAGER::instance().Find(pinfo->szNameTo); if (pkCCI) { pkDesc = pkCCI->pkDesc; pkDesc->SetRelay(pinfo->szNameTo); bOpponentEmpire = pkCCI->bEmpire; targetname = pkCCI->szName; if (test_server) sys_log(0, "Whisper to %s from %s (Channel %d Mapindex %d)", "Null", ch->GetName(), pkCCI->bChannel, pkCCI->lMapIndex); } } else { pkDesc = pkChr->GetDesc(); bOpponentEmpire = pkChr->GetEmpire(); targetname = pkChr->GetName(); } if (!pkDesc) { if (ch->GetDesc()) { TPacketGCWhisper pack; pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER; pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_NOT_EXIST; pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper); strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom)); ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper)); sys_log(0, "WHISPER: no player"); } } else { if (ch->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_WHISPER)) { if (ch->GetDesc()) { TPacketGCWhisper pack; pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER; pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_SENDER_BLOCKED; pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper); strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom)); ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack)); } } else if (pkChr && pkChr->IsBlockMode(BLOCK_WHISPER)) { if (ch->GetDesc()) { TPacketGCWhisper pack; pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER; pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_TARGET_BLOCKED; pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper); strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom)); ch->GetDesc()->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack)); } } #ifdef ENABLE_MESSENGER_BLOCK else if ((pkCCI != NULL || pkChr != NULL) && MessengerManager::instance().CheckMessengerList(ch->GetName(), targetname.c_str(), SYST_BLOCK)) { if (ch->GetDesc()) { TPacketGCWhisper pack; char msg_2[CHAT_MAX_LEN + 1]; snprintf(msg_2, sizeof(msg_2), LC_TEXT("%s'yi blokladim"), targetname.c_str()); int len = MIN(CHAT_MAX_LEN, strlen(msg_2) + 1); pack.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WHISPER; pack.wSize = sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper) + len; pack.bType = WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM; strlcpy(pack.szNameFrom, pinfo->szNameTo, sizeof(pack.szNameFrom)); TEMP_BUFFER buf; buf.write(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCWhisper)); buf.write(msg_2, len); ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); } } #endif else
  4. May be socket index problem. Did you increased sockets? example 3 to 6
  5. Hi, many people says polymorph P is weaker than G10 because P have longer duration. I think it is stupid af and after look into source i have noticed something bad inside return aiPolymorphPowerByLevel[MINMAX(0, GetSkillLevel(SKILL_POLYMORPH), 40)]; Is it just ymir fail? : D
  6. `apply` enum('MAX_HP','CON','INT','STR','DEX','ATT_SPEED','CAST_SPEED','HP_REGEN','POISON_PCT','CRITICAL_PCT','PENETRATE_PCT','ATTBONUS_HUMAN','STEAL_HP','BLOCK','DODGE','RESIST_WARRIOR','RESIST_ASSASSIN','RESIST_SURA','RESIST_SHAMAN','RESIST_MAGIC','REFLECT_MELEE','MAGIC_ATT_GRADE','ATT_GRADE_BONUS','IMMUNE_STUN','IMMUNE_SLOW','IMMUNE_FALL') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'MAX_HP', apply value may be different from index in core. find enum EApplyTypes in common/length.h and compare index with item_attr apply EDIT: (slovakia lang) Z apply nic nemazej, názvy představují čísla a ty musí být přesně podle jádra. Například "ATTBONUS_ANIMAL" je číslo 18 v jádru, takže musí být i číslo 18 v item_attr.
  7. look twice for (char_item.cpp) ITEM_MANAGER::instance().RemoveItem(item, "REMOVE (REFINE SUCCESS)"); There are inside DoRefineWithScroll and DoRefine
  8. add "timer" on sash equip effect. "can someone Provide a fix and maybe explain why this problem is existing?" :
  9. Yea, self.Jeaktivni so complicated
  10. about: Random video with bug : [Hidden Content] look at the highlight effect of WP sura skills (taskbar) Problem: RefreshQuickSlot spam "ActivateSlot" find: self.selectSkillButtonList = [] under add: self.Jeaktivni = [] find: self.curSkillButton = 0 under add: self.Jeaktivni = 0 find: if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemIndex): # metinSocket - [0] : 활성화 여부, [1] : 사용한 양, [2] : 최대 용량 metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(window, Position, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if 0 != int(metinSocket[0]): slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) else: slot.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) edit to: if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemIndex): # metinSocket - [0] : 활성화 여부, [1] : 사용한 양, [2] : 최대 용량 metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(window, Position, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if 0 != int(metinSocket[0]): if not slotNumber in self.Jeaktivni: slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) self.Jeaktivni.append(slotNumber) else: slot.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) if slotNumber in self.Jeaktivni: self.Jeaktivni.remove(slotNumber) else: if slotNumber in self.Jeaktivni: self.Jeaktivni.remove(slotNumber) find: if player.IsSkillActive(Position): slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) edit to: if player.IsSkillActive(Position): if not slotNumber in self.Jeaktivni: slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) self.Jeaktivni.append(slotNumber) else: if slotNumber in self.Jeaktivni: slot.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) self.Jeaktivni.remove(slotNumber) EDIT: its been long time since Ive written this feature. And its really bad, fix is more easier This changes fix problems with skills slots, inventory slots,.. pythonslotwindow.cpp void CSlotWindow::__CreateSlotEnableEffect() { //__DestroySlotEnableEffect(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { CAniImageBox* pEff = new CAniImageBox(NULL); //fix if (m_apSlotActiveEffect[i]) continue; //fix for (int j = 0; j <= 12; ++j) { char buf[64+1]; sprintf_s(buf, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slotactiveeffect/slot%d/%02d.sub", (i+1), j); pEff->AppendImage(buf); } pEff->SetRenderingMode(CGraphicExpandedImageInstance::RENDERING_MODE_SCREEN); pEff->Show(); m_apSlotActiveEffect[i] = pEff; } } void CSlotWindow::ActivateEffect(DWORD dwSlotIndex, float r, float g, float b, float a) { TSlot * pSlot; if (!GetSlotPointer(dwSlotIndex, &pSlot)) return; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { //fix if (pSlot->pActiveSlotEffect[i]) continue; //fix CAniImageBox * pEff = new CAniImageBox(NULL); for (int j = 0; j <= 12; ++j) { char cBuf[72]; sprintf_s(cBuf, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slotactiveeffect/slot%d/%02d.sub", (i + 1), j); pEff->AppendImage(cBuf, r, g, b, a); } pEff->SetRenderingMode(CGraphicExpandedImageInstance::RENDERING_MODE_SCREEN); pSlot->pActiveSlotEffect[i] = pEff; } }
  11. But yes, maybe i dont understand your thing. I will make topic when i arrive home. I do not want to argue about small things. Sorry
  12. Yes inside onmove, but for idle monster you can fix it inside calculate of move for all monsters. Like " if there is safe zone, dont go there" :D
  13. What the hell, my solution for "Block mob safezone" is like your but delete victims in safe zone and cant be targete new in safe zone. Your solution use only returns,... + fixed "After you go out of safezone the mob will go for you. I haven't got a solution for that yet."
  14. Better solution. trigger.cpp Find (inside class FuncFindMobVictim) under add char_state.cpp find under add find replace with find replace with
  15. If you dont know where is error, just try add under each and can do same under
  16. Please dont use words from google and look into source
  17. Disable sequence isnt all, you have to make a little change in buffer, like adjust size.
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