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Everything posted by Speachless

  1. Common guys, it's such an old game. Without privates the officials will die.
  2. And will remain open source 4 ever and some people worked for years on that sources.
  3. Write on google dmca friendly hosting There are some who won't care if gameforge write a takedown request. I already spoke with some.
  4. I'm already moving to Russia
  5. It's time to act like criminals buy russian servers, hide under vpns, give falsa data. Live in a cave
  6. quest timer_notice begin state start begin when login begin loop_timer("tips_notice",180) end -- Tips notice when tips_notice.timer begin dofile("locale/germany/notice/tips_text.lua") table.insert(phrases,"Info: Search shop (F11) / Switchboot (F10)") -- alternative syntax notice("Info: ", phrases[math.random(table.getn(phrases))]) end end end For germany/notice/tips_text.lua phrases = { "You can reset your skills from the general store.", "The event calendar can be read from the patcher.", } Lua script. The text from tips_text.lua can be changed with server online. Just write or remove something. Better than a mysql query.
  7. When I have time i will try to improve. I have a very busy schedule
  8. You are wrong, wasn't about you. What you said was good. I will improve and understand completely how everything works this week.
  9. No.. you have to do the tutorial as i posted it. RegisterMotionData is used in another parts of the source.
  10. @Exygo Else part can be removed, it's not used at all. I left that line just because i wanted to see if there is happening an else. And first test it, it is a difference using RegisterCacheMotionData and RegisterMotionData.
  11. Long live the king Long live Twitch
  12. I don't have something like that on my server or something similar, but i know effects are power hungry. You can add them to an exception list. With all my changes this is how a first loading looks [Hidden Content] . At this point i succeeded in removing my screen freeze which was big.
  13. Must be done only with my tutorial. because RegisterMotionData it's edited.
  14. Tutorial updated. Check last line about playersettingmodule
  15. yes, but will create problems. After a week of using it your players will lose items when evolving them. And a vrunner is trying to open channels every second, while my script tryed each 10 minutes and still on longtime use will cause problems. If your server has players will have problems. Only solution it's a laptop with password, something cheap,slime without weight and a phone for hotspot if you fear you are not at home. freebsb sh file #!/bin/sh cd /home/game/channels/db/ && ./db & sleep 600 cd /home/game/ && sh start_cron.sh & sleep 2 echo "Done"
  16. When you try to start database and channels with server online after hours of online you will increase the risk of game having crashes with strange errors pointing to things that have nothing wrong. Don't use vrunner and if you have crash cores it's better to fix them.
  17. I'm glad is working for you too. @Syriza i think we can't do much there, windows cuts the resources when a window it's minimized.
  18. It's tested on a live server since yesterday. Something was missing from tutorial. Check again.
  19. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello, thanks to @masodikbela ideea about motions i could find a way of how to improve the loading of players. You must follow the tutorial exactly as it is. 1. Open root/playersettingmodule.py and replace all RegisterCacheMotionData with RegisterMotionData 2. Open \UserInterface\PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp Search for PyObject * chrmgrRegisterMotionData(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) Replace this line pRaceData->RegisterMotionData(iMode, iMotion, c_szFullFileName, iWeight); With const char * c_szFullFileName = CRaceManager::Instance().GetFullPathFileName(szFileName); CGraphicThing* pkMotionThing=pRaceData->RegisterMotionData(iMode, iMotion, c_szFullFileName, iWeight); if (pkMotionThing) CResourceManager::Instance().LoadStaticCache(pkMotionThing->GetFileName()); 3. Open \EterLib\ResourceManager.cpp and replace int g_iLoadingDelayTime = 1; const long c_Deleting_Wait_Time = 3600000*4; const long c_DeletingCountPerFrame = 1; const long c_Reference_Decrease_Wait_Time = 3600000*4; Search for and comment it (not really necessary, it's your will ) //m_pCacheMap.clear(); Search for GameLib\RaceData.cpp void CRaceData::RegisterMotionMode(WORD wMotionModeIndex) comment //pMotionModeData->MotionVectorMap.clear(); This is what will load for cache at your first login [Hidden Content] What will fix this: When your walk and see new players screen freeze whould be way shorter or not happening at all. Recommended after this tutorial to update the granny in the source and the gr2 models (except the buildings).
  20. Works pretty normal on english, but try on other langs.
  21. Shogun fixed it. But i think it's hard to fix and nobody want's to say how.
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