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Everything posted by Speachless

  1. Client will block 1-2 times / week. No syser, no lagg, nothing.
  2. You should fix also SYSERR: Feb 7 15:46:42.110298 :: DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Unknown column 'time' in 'order clause'query: SELECT * FROM log.meley_dungeon ORDER BY time ASC, partecipants ASC, date ASC LIMIT 5
  3. You have game.core Search on google: how to debug gdb metin2dev and follow that tutorial and show us the result
  4. For example an english player shows an item on chat. I am on german client, i must see it in german, not english. PM Me
  5. void __GetRaceResourcePathes(unsigned race, std::vector <std::string>& vec_stPathes) add something like else if (__IsNPCRace(race)) // you have already this { else if (race >= 20242 && race <= 20249 || race == 41466) // new { vec_stPathes.push_back("d:/ymir work/npc_mount/"); } }
  6. Found this on google [Hidden Content] Tested ago some months and works.
  7. That was all his ips.
  8. last time my pf script blocked over 1200 ips from that guy. So if the ips were blocked, disabling the mitigation should have fixed the problem ? or could make it worse
  9. Hi, is anything more to write or just rules that blocks that flood packets ?
  10. When i move and new mobs/players appear my client have fps drops. I pay for this fix. PM Me
  11. I pay for who can help me to write a code that forces the game to open on dedicated GPU. PM Me
  12. I search a czech translator. You must know english. discord: Klaus#9330 skype: sebastiandobrescu
  13. Txt on an online server it's not safe, sql is for databases.
  14. It means you have to write import chat at the beggining of the file.
  15. Disable sequence and try again, see on google tutorial.
  16. Hi, so when i move mouse on some items in special those who have bonuses my fps drops from 61 to 20. I have this bug also on my backups from 2017 so i have no ideea why this bug exist actualy. I pay whatever it takes to fix it.
  17. Serach in char_state.cpp: m_pkParty->SendMessage(this, PM_ATTACKED_BY, 0, 0); Add after: if (m_pkMobData->m_table.dwVnum == 1111) // mob that attack vnum { LPCHARACTER the_object = FindVictim(5555, m_pkMobData->m_table.wAggressiveSight); // 5555 = object vnum SetVictim(the_object); return; } It's not tested, i just writed it.
  18. At config put 0 to check hack or something like that.
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