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Everything posted by Syreldar

  1. @TatsumaruYo Tatsumaru! I'm rly interested in buying this set. Can I talk to you in private?
  2. When you do nothing but still get mentioned in the "Thanks to" by @VegaS™
  3. Do you really expect to get support when you clearly got the leaked version of the system online? We don't do that, here.
  4. You're not giving random coordinate spaces to them, you cannot use 0 and 0 as randx and randy, min. 1 for both.
  5. you're using the arg "m" instead of "g" in the regen, so it tries to spawn the mob instead of a group.
  6. Sorry I couldn't satisfy your needs. Thanks for the feedback. Have a nice day.
  7. It's quest related, I would need to see the quest to help you, though.
  8. local _, player_search_check = mysql.direct_query(string.format("SELECT name FROM player.player WHERE name = '%s';", player_search)); if (player_search_check[1] ~= nil) then chat(string.format("Hello %s.", player_search_check[1].name)) -- or.. chat(string.format("Hello %s.", player_search)) -- Since the name exist and it will be the same. else -- Player doesn't exist in the database. end -- if/else
  9. local _, player_search_check = mysql.direct_query(string.format("SELECT name FROM player.player WHERE name = '%s';", player_search)); if (player_search_check[1] ~= nil) then -- Player exists in the database. else -- Player doesn't exist in the database. end -- if/else
  10. I'll give you an hint. 20 -> -20 --> 40 -> -40 --> 60 -> -60
  11. Don't be scared using loops by any means, they work fine and fast.
  12. Good job, glad to see someone post in this section every now and then. Let me help you with something: -- Customizable function count(level) local ranges = { {["min"] = 110, ["count"] = 20}, {["min"] = 100, ["count"] = 18}, {["min"] = 90, ["count"] = 16}, {["min"] = 80, ["count"] = 14}, {["min"] = 70, ["count"] = 12}, {["min"] = 60, ["count"] = 10}, {["min"] = 50, ["count"] = 8}, {["min"] = 40, ["count"] = 6}, {["min"] = 30, ["count"] = 4}, }; for _, range in ipairs(ranges) do if (level >= range["min"]) then return range["count"]; end -- if end -- for return 0; end -- function -- Dynamic function count(level) local ranges = {30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, INSERT_MAX_LEVEL_HERE}; local multiplier = pc.ispremium() and 1.5 or 1; for index = 1, table.getn(ranges) do if (level >= range[index] and level < range[index+1]) then return (2 + 2 * index) * multiplier; end -- if end -- for return 0; end -- function One more thing I can tell you is that if the argument you're going to pass to the function is always the player's level, there is no point in making it an argument in the first place, you can just call pc.get_level() instead, save it in a var if you prefer.
  13. Indentation and code are indeed both romanian level. Also missing quite a few "end" here and there, no wonder it doesn't compile it. Use of global vars is not recommended, either.
  14. According to the error, you're trying to spawn a monster with vnum 3200, instead of the group vnum 3200.
  15. ? enter triggers upon entering that state. The only thing it currently does is setting the count to 0 upon entering the state.
  16. It's not visual. This is a known bug, it fails to do damage on high attackspeed, but if you keep it low it deals damage normally.
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