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Everything posted by Shogun

  1. Sorry for the delay guys, been really busy at Wom. I will add the 40k item_attr and object proto (all versions) today.
  2. It looks like you are using a pre-34k Pet System, of which you are missing parts.
  3. Passpod is in authentication system used in China, and by the chinese Yitian2 (Metin2) server as well I guess.
  4. As there's already a thread here about this topic, I'm merging both now. Personally I had good experience with Super Rewards and adding Paymentwall now, will wait until I get my first payment to confirm that but so far it's working good.
  5. Topic title edited to avoid confusion. Is this dif made by you?
  6. Moved to 2D Graphics. Please notice the description in each section.
  7. Saddler, watch your language. kforce, it would be more helpful if you explained how, rather than just stating that it can be bypassed.
  8. According to this "Both of these options automatically invoke the source-track rule option and are incompatible with source-track global."
  9. Port 15000 should never be publicly open! Only the game cores need to connect to it, not your users. In fact it's a security risk as anybody can create an auth server which connects to your db core and login any account they want on your server.
  10. Since a new Ymir pack came out and there is no appropiate forum for this I open this thread so we can post the newest releases from our dear Ymir.
  11. Just checked my logs and they were full of thousands of these requests D:
  12. A tip, if you hate vi like me, is to change the default editor for your shell to ee. In bash export EDITOR=/usr/bin/ee In sh/csh setenv EDITOR /usr/bin/ee
  13. I don't work with 3dsmax maybe a modeller can help you with this question.
  14. Nice, thanks for sharing.
  15. Has anybody tested the windows serverfiles in a production environment?
  16. I suggest you take a look at deviltower_zone.quest and what it does with the metins in 4th floor particularly the functions d.spawn_mob d.set_unique and d.purge_unique
  17. Add this to questlib.lua function string:split(delimiter) local result = {} local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find(self, delimiter, from) while delim_from do table.insert(result, string.sub(self, from , delim_from-1)) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find(self, delimiter, from) end table.insert(result, string.sub(self, from)) return result end Original post amended. Thanks for the report
  18. The first step is enough to secure against ntp attacks, if you disable ntpd you can't sync your server's clock automatically and this is a very good idea when you are running a metin2 server where the clock going off can cause big problems.
  19. Stop opening threads and try to find out stuff by yourself. Being a beginner is ok, expecting everything done for you is not.
  20. When asking for help make sure to post any relevant logs if you expect an answer.
  21. Please refrain from asking questions that aren't specific of this core.
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