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Everything posted by Shogun

  1. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Since many people may need it, here's my complete official db structure for game 34k, including: - All Indexes and Options included - All auto increment values are set to 1 (except player that is set to 100 to avoid some issues) - Some non-fatal errors caused by original YMIR table structure are fixed 34k_official_db_structure.zip 69 KB [Hidden Content] Tables refine_proto (official, valid for all game revisions) object_proto (modified from official with smaller limits for buildings so they actually fit in your land) skill_proto (SG, has a couple of small differences in regards to GF) shop_item (SG)
  2. What do you mean exactly with 2013 files? There are some packages released like Invoice or Lauling files, I guess you could use that.
  3. Moved to 3D objects. Some screenshots would be cool
  4. Yeah I received a letter from Worldstream about it and changed some settings in ntpd.conf to disable the NTP server capabilities If you don't use ntp you aren't affected
  5. I have no idea of C++ but this looks wrong to me: FolderName "__pack" PackName "../../ready_pc/__pack/item" shouldn't this be FolderName "../../ready_pc/__pack" and PackName "item"?
  6. I copied parts of this file from a site that I long forgot, my apologies for not giving credits. They have been used in our server for years and at the very least I can confirm that they are not harmful. These system settings are intended to help defending your dedicated server against small DOS attacks. Be aware that they are NOT a substitute for proper (hardware) protection. Instructions: 1) ee /etc/sysctl.conf 2) Move to the end of the file and paste the following lines: net.inet.tcp.syncookies=1 net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 net.inet.ip.fastforwarding=1 net.inet.tcp.nolocaltimewait=1 net.inet.tcp.syncache.rexmtlimit=1 net.inet.ip.check_interface=1 net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized=1 net.inet.ip.process_options=0 net.inet.ip.random_id=1 net.inet.ip.redirect=0 net.inet.ip.accept_sourceroute=0 net.inet.ip.sourceroute=0 net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho=0 net.inet.icmp.maskfake=0 net.inet.icmp.maskrepl=0 net.inet.icmp.log_redirect=0 net.inet.icmp.drop_redirect=1 net.inet.tcp.drop_synfin=1 net.inet.tcp.ecn.enable=1 net.inet.tcp.fast_finwait2_recycle=1 net.inet.tcp.icmp_may_rst=0 net.inet.tcp.maxtcptw=15000 net.inet.tcp.msl=5000 net.inet.tcp.path_mtu_discovery=0 net.inet.tcp.rfc3042=0 net.inet.udp.blackhole=1 net.inet.tcp.blackhole=2 net.inet.ip.rtexpire=60 net.inet.ip.rtminexpire=2 net.inet.ip.rtmaxcache=1024 kern.ipc.shmmax=134217728 tcp.path_mtu_discovery=0 3) Save and run "service sysctl restart" for the settings to take effect. I suggest to combine these settings with rate limiting through pf for best effect.
  7. As long as it's the government of a foreign country I'm not worried
  8. Try this one New Patches.7z 12.6 MB [Hidden Content]
  9. Try running it from command line instead of dragging the xml file over FileArchiver_Proto
  10. There you go Source_metin2_patch_etc_costume1.7z 7.1 MB [Hidden Content] Source_metin2_patch_pet1.7z 4.3 MB [Hidden Content]
  11. Hey! I didn't have time to release the event, but I thought you would like to know about it. We made the weapons have 90% pierce chance while the Bear metins have 6000 AC. So you need those weapons to break them, which expire in 2 days. The bears drop a chocolate or rose with various prizes If you want to see your models in action log in to WoM today or tomorrow Thanks again.
  12. At the moment we use SuperRewards and Paymentwall. Paymentwall is the only solution I found to accept euro PSC, and it has a lot of nice options as well. Maybe the biggest drawback here are the fees that are a bit higher than others but it's very convenient to use. SuperRewards also has a lot of payment methods but Paysafecard can only be purchased in Euros. Both offer an "Offerwall" where players can get coins for surveys, watching videos and such.
  13. The installer is funny, it says it's installing in Program Files but it only creates a directory, and the files are unpacked somewhere else (in my case D:METIN2) Would be nice if someone extracted the usable parts such as old skills or maps and posted them here.
  14. I told you that OVH is too cheap to be true. I only had a VPS with them for 3 months but the fact that the purchase page is in french (despite the advertising being in my local language) and the horrible control panel were enough to presume that this company doesn't care about their massified (and quickly replaceable) customer base. Interesting fact, SG moved to OVH last week.
  15. I don't understand your question...
  16. Thanks, I add it to the first post.
  17. Does your xml have a specular attribute?
  18. Dear Community, Just a week after opening this board to the public, we have made our first sponsorship deal with DOS protection provider Hyperfilter. Based in Brazil, this company provides remote protection for TCP applications such as Metin2 and website hosting from locations such as Netherlands and the USA, at competitive prices starting at 29 $/month for website hosting and 299 $/month for remote protection. If you are interested on their services you can take a look at their website http://www.hyperfilter.com We are very excited about this sponsorship as this will allow us to keep the metin2dev website and associated services running indefinitely at no extra cost for our pockets and thus benefits you as well.
  19. Here its the db with dif already applied [Hidden Content]
  20. Thank you for this compilation, as soon as I have some time I will have a look at the models.
  21. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Today I release a high-level map made by YMIR and used only in the now closed Korean server. It includes some unique mobs. Everything is in the package, except the regen which is buggy (the groups in regen.txt don't seem to have an entry in groups.txt), if someone wants to create a regen (With BlackYuko's Map Converter for example) I will add it to the package Map (client & server) , textureset and terrainmaps Mobs (client & server) and mob_proto Minimap [Hidden Content]
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