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Everything posted by Shogun

  1. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `string`; CREATE TABLE `string` ( `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `text` text, PRIMARY KEY (`name`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  2. You are missing symlinks to share/package in some cores and you are missing csh files as well. About the korean errors: save them to a text file and open it with Chrome then select Tools > Encoding > Korean and translate the output with Google Translate
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Today I release two small quests made by me a long time ago. Goddess Doll The first is an anti-experience ring that prevents you from gaining exp from mobs when used. Using it again disables the effect. Be aware that the quest substracts the gained exp after it has been received so if the exp from a mob is enough to reach the next level, you will level up! quest exp_curse begin state start begin when 70210.use begin pc.setqf("lastexp",pc.get_exp()) syschat("You are under the curse of the goddess. You will gain no experience.") set_state(use) end end state use begin when 70210.use begin syschat("You lifted the curse of the goddess. You gain experience again.") set_state(start) end when login begin syschat("You are currently under the curse of the goddess and gain no experience.") end when kill or party_kill begin local current = pc.get_exp() local doll = pc.count_item(70210) if doll == 0 then syschat("The curse of the Goddess has lifted. You will gain Experience again.") set_state(start) end if current < pc.getqf("lastexp") then pc.setqf("lastexp",current) end if not npc.is_pc() then local dif = pc.get_exp()-pc.getqf("lastexp") pc.give_exp2(-dif) end end end end Voodoo Armband The Voodoo Armband is a fun item which lets you convert players into an ugly creature for a few minutes. quest polyplayer begin state start begin when 70111.use begin local start_count = pc.count_item(item.get_vnum()) -- to prevent usage of bugs only say_title("Voodoo Armband:") say("") say("Enter the name of the player you want to curse:") say("") local name = input() local vid = find_pc_by_name(name) if name == "" then return elseif name == pc.get_name() then say_title("Ring of Curse:") say("") say("You can not curse yourself.") say("") return elseif vid == 0 then say_title("Ring of Curse:") say("") say("This player is not online or does not exist.") say("") return elseif not pc.is_near_vid(vid, 50) then say_title("Ring of Curse:") say("") say("The player is too far away.") say("") return end if pc.count_item(item.get_vnum()) != start_count then return end local myvid = pc.select(vid) vnums = {2101, 20016, 20002, 11000, 5001, 992, 1301, 1303, 2191, 5161, 5162, 5163} i = number(1,12) pc.polymorph(vnums[i], 5*60) syschat("You have been cursed.") local victim = pc.get_name() pc.select(myvid) say_title("Voodoo Armband:") say("") say("The player "..victim.." is now cursed for 5 minutes.") say("") item.remove() end end end These items should be normally present in your client yet unused. If anybody needs I can post the item_proto entries etc.
  4. Thank you. Actually the "manwoo" event flag comes from a quest not the game, that's why I didn't add it.
  5. Do I need a specific client version to connect? (as in client binary revision, I'm not talking about the versioncheck feature)
  6. We will release next week an event based on your models ^^
  7. Here is Pano2VR torrent link [Hidden Content] If someone has time to convert them I will update the download
  8. Your post is a bit messed up I'm not sure what you mean D:
  9. You can suggest useful resources too and I will add them to the first post
  10. with not npc.is_pc() is this not a redundant condition since you are also checking the vnum?
  11. Thanks for releasing but I suggest you report any problems with the FileArchiver on its thread Chuck also wrote a UI for it: [Hidden Content]
  12. That question is too generic, I think nobody has ever written a guide covering all of that to be honest. Being more specific would help.
  13. Hahaha it's awesome! Maybe we will use this.
  14. You still have to explain to me why your trees are dark green xD
  15. All the clients / servers from 2010 or newer support it.
  16. To extract a Panama encrypted file you need the key. <ScriptFile> <ExtractEterPack ArchivePath="mypatch" OutputPath="mypatch/" IvPath="mypatch.iv" CreateXml="No" /> </ScriptFile>
  17. You probably uploaded a Windows formatted text file. The easiest way to avoid formatting problems is to just copy and paste the script on ee, or save it as Unix format if your text editor supports this.
  18. Looks nice if a bit terror themed. I would definately use this for a Halloween.
  19. I have to admit I was sceptic at OVH as it's "too cheap to be true". I had a dedicated once with them and had strange problems with their FreeBSD install. The control panel was also pretty bad. But if you can't afford dedicated protection I guess it's perfect.
  20. Shogun

    Granny 2.8

    It's not necessary but it's a good idea to do so if you can.
  21. That's right, you need the key to decompress them. To generate an iv file the easiest way is to go here: [Hidden Content] Enter 32 in the byte field and Download as file, you got an iv file now.
  22. A very complete tutorial, by the way you didn't delete the eix files in the last pic
  23. Hi guys, Lately I have been analyzing the different DOS protection options trying to find something affordable for small servers which can't pay something like BlackLotus. I already have some ideas in mind but I would appreciate if you help complement my study answering to these questions: 1) Has your server (if you own one) ever been attacked? How often? 2) Do you use any kind of DOS protection method? 3) If yes, which one? Would you recommend it? 4) Would you be interested in a low-cost DOS protection service? Regards
  24. I like this one better than the first. Nicer colors Thanks for sharing!
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